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breakthrough after 11 years...

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Hello, I've been a long time reader of the forums anonymously, but never contributed. But here I am after last night. 

  1. I've played with my butt since I was fairly young as I'm highly sexual and it felt a little forbidden at that time. Just household things - no toys. Not sure what I was trying to achieve at the time but it felt 'naughty'. I'd describe myself as largely heterosexual but with a keen interest in Bi. Probably will be more of a fantasy than a reality, but it suits me. 

I bought my first toys in 2009 (a Rocks off Bad Boy) plus a butt plug. But didn't really get anywhere with them apart from feeling Naughty. Fast forward to 2012 and I got my first aneros (Helix Classic) after reading the forums. Tried on and off for some time but clearly too eager to cum. Bought other devices such as prograsm and other massagers (not Aneros).


Things started to get interesting in 2018 where I purchased a helix trident after the reviews (have since bought the Eupho T, Maximus T and MGX T).  One particular night stood out where I got some really nice sensations (p waves I think) and which started my Aneros journey proper. I started experiencing p waves aless after kegel workouts (learnt on here), developing into really nice A Less (sort of orgasms) which I practiced on my journey to and from work in the car (possibly a bit dangerous!)

Between then and now, I have developed my pleasure but mainly aless. Introduced nipple play (they became sensitised after my first trident night - what a Discovery!). Started to tick off the milestones (from the wiki), clamping, leaking and so on. Occasionally I would feel like I was on the edge of something big but my eagerness to cum would spoil it - but I would experience what I would describe as 'liquid pleasure' on occasion, heart racing, sweating etc.



Anyhow last night things changed in a big way. Firstly, Two nights ago I had a good session starting with the Eupho for about 3 hours (another purchase!). I removed all expectations and just went with it. Lots of involuntary contractions and loads of pre cum. Got an overall tingling in my body and felt very clammy. But I couldn't build on it, so finished with a traditional O.

Last night I built on the previous night exploits. Got to the point of the tingling but persevered and then had what I would describe as an orgasm where p wave after p wave hit me and I was stifling the groaning (people in the house). I was struggling to breathe and relax! I recreated this in a number of different forms, which included (what I think was a) Prostate orgasm and also an anal orgasm (definitely felt like it was centred in my bum). Plus I felt like I was kind of floating on an orgasm if that makes sense all spreading out from my groin. The device just knew where it was going. Wow. Ended with a big traditional o, with a significant volume of cum (for my age!). To say I'm delighted is an understatement.



My prostate feels like it's ready to go at any time at the moment. I feel like I have a way to go but soooo happy.



Here's what I think I did differently:



1. No expectations. It's been written on here time and time again - but it's so true.

2. Feel horny. I looked at some porn in advance. T girl stuff. And flashes of this porn formed part of my session and orgasms.

3. Super relaxed. Had a sleep soundtrack on. Nothing special just binaural stuff.

4. Gentle contractions work better than stronger ones for me.

5. Oh and I used the helix trident exclusively.

Sorry if I've dragged this out. But very much pleased with myself.







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Posted by: @stickywhisky

1. No expectations. It's been written on here time and time again - but it's so true.

2. Feel horny. I looked at some porn in advance. T girl stuff. And flashes of this porn formed part of my session and orgasms.

3. Super relaxed. Had a sleep soundtrack on. Nothing special just binaural stuff.

4. Gentle contractions work better than stronger ones for me.

@Sticywhiskey , Congratulations on crossing over into the Super-O zone . Your patience and perseverance have finally rewarded you and your four bullet points confirm concepts successfully employed by thousands of men in their Aneros journey. I'm confident you are going to discover many more enjoyable aspects of this journey in your future practice.

Good Vibes to You!

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Thanks @rumel. All credit to you and the other experienced members for your support!

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@stickywhisky congratulations is an order. It took me about 13 years, so I get it. I don't know what finally clicked, but it sure did. Must have blown my mind because I lost it entirely again for a number of months...maybe expectations, maybe stress, I don't know, but there are highs and lows. This forum is full of awesome helpful people and good advice for the practice.  

I did it by practicing breathing and kegals and meditation. After the super O, trying all that has felt like trying to ride a unicycle with a broken wheel. Maybe I felt too cocky, who knows, I was very proud of the achievement after all that time.

The no expectations thing is huge. And I have experienced more orgasms since by just relaxing and doing little more than nothing and learning to recognize the pleasure and sensations.

A round of high fives to you, friend!


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Well done my friend!

This ver much mirrors my journey, I like you took a very long time to achieve a Super-O.

One thing that really helped me on my journey was total and utter peace and tranquillity, no distractions and safe in the knowledge I wasn't going to be disturbed, being able to vocalise and scream the house down without the neighbours alerting the emergency services is not a bad thing!!! ;0)))

I've rented cabins/houses in the middle of nowhere to achieve this.

So pleased you've had a breakthrough after such a long wait.



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@nice-sounding-guy thank you!


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@regal13 thank you!


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