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I have been diagnosed with BPH, as my prostate is enlarged considerably, making it difficult to urinate without medication. My question: would purchasing a Aneros be of help, or would it make my problem worse. I am really anxious to try this, but do not want to purchase it if it will make it more difficult to urinate.

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I have been diagnosed with BPH,... My question: would purchasing a Aneros be of help, or would it make my problem worse. I am really anxious to try this, but do not want to purchase it if it will make it more difficult to urinate.

IMHO, YES, it will help. FYI, High Island Health LLC is the parent company & manufacturer of the Aneros ® brand of prostate massagers. This patented device was originally and is currently offered for sale as the Pro-State ® line of massagers on the High Island Health website. The HIH website is primarily oriented toward the health aspects and benefits of prostate massage in accord with Oriental medicine for prostate related issues. A forum for users to discuss practice with these devices also exists on that website, I encourage you to check out that site to learn more about the health benefits.

In particular, you may also be interested in reading the ongoing Columbia Medical School study using the Pro-State massagers. That study is set up to verify the effectiveness of prostate massage for symptomatic relief of BPH related issues. The High Island Health website also contains testimonials from users regarding their experiences using these wonderful little massagers. That website also provides links to additional information on prostate health, the Aneros® website, by contrast, is oriented toward the sensual, pleasure aspects of prostate massage. So if you get an Aneros you'll get both the health benefits and the pleasure benefits. Good Vibes to You !

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I bought Aneros initially for BPH symptoms. I don't think mine were as severe as yours, I didn't need meds yet. But the regular Aneros use for several months definitely improved my night-time trips to the bathroom from 3-4 to usually 1 or maybe 2. I even bought an HIH PS-New which was very effective as well. Of course the side-benefits were all the prostate and sexual pleasures that I experienced! They were better than I ever imagined! I would recommend an Aneros or HIH prostate stimulator; give it a try and see if there is an effect on your BPH. Good luck!

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Very interested to see this topic! I don't have any prostate problems, but am getting older, 53.. That was something I remember seeing initially when looking into the aneros..

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