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Body pulls Aneros in when things get intense, should I focus on pushing out?

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I’ve been reading a lot about guys having great success when gently bearing down and pushing the Aneros out. Some guys even have trouble keeping the Aneros in when orgasming because their body is pushing out so hard. But I have the exact opposite experience. Once pleasure starts building up my anal muscles clench and start to pull the Aneros in. That and my hips start to thrust forwards. My muscles clench so hard it’s almost impossible to stop them. And if I really do get them to relax then the pleasure stops. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m having a great time with my Aneros and feel like I’m definitely having orgasms of one kind or another. But i know there is more to be had, and im wondering if the key is to try to push out the Aneros and fight my urges to pull in. But it’s so hard to continue pushing out because once things reach a certain level of intensity the clenching get too powerful to control. Should I just keep fighting to push out as much as I can?

Does anyone have any experience with pushing vs pulling?

One other thing to note is that when I’m orgasming from the Aneros my lower muscles (close to the anus) are contracting hard, but my PC muscle is relatively relaxed. It’s actually somewhat difficult to contract it in these moments and doesn’t seem to add any pleasure when doing so. I’m not sure what that’s about but I figured I’d note it in case it was an sign that something should change there. 


Oh, and I guess one more thing is that when I orgasm from the Aneros I get intense pleasure but I don’t get the throbbing in my penis or the satisfaction that occurs with a normal orgasm. I always still feel like I need to cum to be satisfied at the end of an Aneros session. Only once did I have the throbbing and satisfaction and it’s definitely something I’m striving for. Maybe this is a sign that my current method isn’t quite the right way to go about things. Or maybe I’m just overthinking everything. 

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Posted by: @itsthepantsparty

Once pleasure starts building up my anal muscles clench and start to pull the Aneros in. That and my hips start to thrust forwards. My muscles clench so hard it’s almost impossible to stop them. And if I really do get them to relax then the pleasure stops. 

You’ve answered your own question here while making the noobiest of noob mistakes. Things are roaring and you’re thinking you need to change things up. No! Things are lining up just right.

Posted by: @itsthepantsparty

But i know there is more to be had, and im wondering if the key is to try to push out the Aneros and fight my urges to pull in.

It will come when you’re ready to fully let go,let go of questions and wondering. Let go of everything and submit to it,surrender all control. You’re right there you know.

Posted by: @itsthepantsparty

Should I just keep fighting to push out as much as I can?

Crazy man. No fight,this is the time to relax and give in.

Posted by: @itsthepantsparty

Does anyone have any experience with pushing vs pulling?

You do what works,not what works for someone else,you can try it,but it may not work.

Posted by: @itsthepantsparty

One other thing to note is that when I’m orgasming from the Aneros my lower muscles (close to the anus) are contracting hard, but my PC muscle is relatively relaxed. It’s actually somewhat difficult to contract it in these moments and doesn’t seem to add any pleasure when doing so. I’m not sure what that’s about but I figured I’d note it in case it was an sign that something should change there. 

You’re Cumming,your pelvic muscles are all in the right places and states. Stop thinking,just let it happen,you’re body will guide you,roll with it. 

Posted by: @itsthepantsparty

Oh, and I guess one more thing is that when I orgasm from the Aneros I get intense pleasure but I don’t get the throbbing in my penis or the satisfaction that occurs with a normal orgasm. I always still feel like I need to cum to be satisfied at the end of an Aneros session. Only once did I have the throbbing and satisfaction and it’s definitely something I’m striving for. Maybe this is a sign that my current method isn’t quite the right way to go about things. Or maybe I’m just overthinking everything. 

No ejaculation,no refractory period,no hormone cycle crash so no huge drop in sex drive. You can repeat what you did over and over. Satisfaction will come,you’ll learn it with time.

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While I would have explained things less... directly (wink), @Helghast is right on point. Don't mess with what seems to be working just right, none of that "the grass is greener on the other side" will be productive. While you should be trying to improve all the time, when you get to the point things go on auto-pilot, this is the clear signal that you need to stop actively doing anything and just let your body take over. Or basically, keep doing exactly what your are doing (or not doing), no more, no less, and enjoy the ride. Everything will build-up from there. 

It's not impossible that you could train yourself to succeed by doing the opposite of what is already working, but you'll mostly just discover that the new path sends you at the exact same place, just with extra work... At the end, you'll need to give in and let it happen anyway. 

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@helghast thank you for the reply. I had a feeling that I was overthinking things. I’m going to practice letting go and just going with whatever my body is naturally doing. 

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Posted by: @itsthepantsparty

Oh, and I guess one more thing is that when I orgasm from the Aneros I get intense pleasure but I don’t get the throbbing in my penis or the satisfaction that occurs with a normal orgasm. I always still feel like I need to cum to be satisfied at the end of an Aneros session. Only once did I have the throbbing and satisfaction and it’s definitely something I’m striving for. Maybe this is a sign that my current method isn’t quite the right way to go about things. Or maybe I’m just overthinking everything. 

@Zentai & @Helghast have given you good advice and I agree with them, I think you are overthinking the process. As to the sense of release following a prostate orgasm, there may not be one if there was no ejaculation. An ejaculation triggers a hormonal cascade where prolactin and oxytocin are released which counteract the dopamine release which was induced during the arousal process. With no prolactin or oxytocin being released the dopamine level remains high thus arousal can also remain high and a subsequent orgasm is possible. However, if you feel that the arousal level is just too high to function after your session you can always masturbate to ejaculation and trigger the hormonal cascade which induces the satiation factor and the refractory period.

Good Vibes to You!


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Posted by: @itsthepantsparty

Does anyone have any experience with pushing vs pulling?

Well, there is a hidden third option, which is releasing. I find I can direct my efforts towards returning to a relaxed state. And in a strange way, having that voluntary relaxation be the thing I'm actively doing. I let the contractions do what they want, but constantly remind myself to let go of the grip, instead of trying to hold on to it.

I think in my case, I habitually hold contractions in an effort to chase/intensify the same feeling that created them. Which might not make sense, since the initial contraction didn't occur from a tensed state, it occurred from a relaxed one.

A trap I can fall into is trying to recreate and mimic the muscular action that came with the pleasure, because this is how I've construed the cause and effect relationship. Where in reality, both the pleasure and muscular action were created by something else entirely. Something outside of what I can wrap my hands around and exert control over.

Of course just going along with whatever happens might be exactly what you need, I can't say... I'd just like to present "actively neither" as an option to consider.

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