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Black waves

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At one session I noticed by body was moving as if I were in the fits of pleasure. Tensing up, releasing and so forth but the oddest thing was that I felt no pleassure. Session went on and and pleassure came later but after the session I started thinking.

It was a bit like black matter or black energy that you know should be there but can't see or meassure.

Since I then I have noticed this state on occasion and been trying to search for the pleassure on other "frequencies". I have felt very different pleassure, slow, warm, low-key, gentle, filling the whole body, still very illusive for me though. Note that I have had waves of pleassure from my prostate to the point ongoing dry orgasms. That pleassure felt very different from these waves. I call them black becuase that how I visualize them in contrast to the regular waves.

Am I dreaming this like some kind of placebo pleassure or is this something someone recognices?

I think it might be "female" energy pleassure wheras the other more familiar pleassure that I have been calling p-waves, are "male energy" pleassure. Ying/yang thing again 🙂

A bit theoretical maybe but I still find it very interesting. It is like while new plane in my body opens up.

Sorry if I am stating obvious things for experienced folks.

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@groot, is "black waves" related to black holes? Sounds like you're developing a metaphor for your experience in your imagination for some very hard to describe. Explore your metaphor, it's yours, imperfect as all metaphors are. I've had several metaphors come and go. They're helpful to me because they give a word picture to my ineffable experiences. I think that's the best that we humans can do with subjective experiences.

Your descriptions of the black waves reminds me of terms I recognize from energy movement and amplification. The pure body energy in qigong is qi, whereas sexual energy is considered a coarser form of qi. I don't know about yin and yang qualities with these energies.

The pure qi energy can heal, enlighten and defend us according to Chinese thinking. I don't know what the sexual qi does except maybe create orgasms. This is very new to me too. I think there is a difference but it has to do with our gender. The qi pathways or meridians may be yin and yang. I'm really a newbie with all this. I think the Chinese system is just another metaphor but an ancient, well-described one.

I don't know what's obvious or not but you asked a good question. You're not dreaming this. It's your experience. I'm still trying to figure out my own experience. I may have shed some light on yours if mine resonates with yours. I don't know. Someone else may have other light to shed on your question.

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One time I experienced the most powerful rolling "auto-fuck" involuntaries, but there was no pleasure. These spasms had somehow kicked in, but there was some other component missing. It's like they were knocking on the door, but there was nobody home.

I've been thinking lately about the distinction between mental and physical arousal, and whether one naturally exists independently of the other. And whether this pleasure-less auto-fuck was the peak of some solely physical arousal, which lacked the mental readiness to be received as pleasure.
Certainly orgasms can exist without these contractions, and I've had ejaculations with little or no perceptible orgasm (aside from the feeling of the ejaculation itself and the empty relief).

I suspect the ultimate experience is for both of these sides of arousal to be working in harmony.

I discovered pretty early on, that if I focus on my body doing big jerky actions, that I can sit my mind on that ledge and my body will oblige. But I abandoned that whole avenue because there was no pleasure in it.

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@Clenchy, I think you have a point with the mental side. The mental lust could be what kicked in later.

@euphemistic, thanks for your encouragement I know the metaphore is a bit out there. Since then I have had my first super-O and at that time I could also feel the two types of pleassure waves. The interesting thing was that in the super-O state the two pleassure types merged to one.

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Are you dreaming this? Well wouldn't that be a nice dream anyway?

"Placebo pleasure" makes no sense... Pleasure is pleasure, be it from physical activity or dream.

You can remove that question. In that specific area it is entirely useless. Simply trust yourself and enjoy.

The wildest dreams are allowed. Feel free to dream things. The more vivid the dream, the more real the pleasure.

... And as a wise friend would say: "I am Groot..."

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The waves are gone ore rather has merged with pleasure waves. A stage in development I suppose.

I think they actually were waves of pleasure I struggled to tune into.

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