I've had 3-4 Aeros for about a year - I never had had the patients to go through the complete super-0 / hands free thing... I've used them while with girls a few times and on my own and they always enhance everything and are amazing... today I tried with on one of the youtube handsfree binaural beats... maybe that helped with my attention span... I don't know... but wow... that combination changes life... MIND BLOWING
Did you have a super o while listening
Sound is a powerful tool and stimulant that probably helps a lot of folks focus and expand on their Aneros experiences. The binaural beats videos are amazing. I have had some wicked chairgasms just listening to my favorite Bach tunes.
This sounds interesting. can you guys provide youtube links to your favorites, or let me know where I can find these?
Always wondered how Binaural beats would work for something like this.
What was your listening duration aneros_user55535? Most of the time when I use them I aim for around an hour or longer myself.
So I did this last night. Holy crap, mind blown. I had my best aneros session EVER. At one point my orgasms were in sync with the "music", it was crazy.
Just tried this audio. I never heard of binaural beats. I listened and listened and before I know it:...
OMG! Felt like my prostate was being f****d from the inside out. Toward the end, I am shaking uncontrollably in the chair probably having a SUPER-O! This is an unbelievable powerful experience! Probably better than any hypnotic orgasm video.
BTW This was totally Aless. I can only imagine what an Aneros session would be like when combined with the binaural beats audio!
From what I have read, binaural beat audio should not be used by those with epilepsy or who have a pacemaker.
Another one for anal stim. Unbelievable how this works!
What an amazing recording. It had me squirming big time.
I notice the sound goes down low and then comes back up - just in time for amazing O's
Interesting. age is my challenge - but never too old!. I used headphones to get some sort of balance due to hearing differences.
I seemed to end up with a rock hard prostate! Do you just relax or do you encourage a response?
Isvara,I'm closer to your age, 68, try this one. Amazing stuff!
These binaural beats can get pretty intense. I wrote a piece on this on my blog recently. Check it out.
Tried it again last night. Even more interesting. My progress is different to most. For around 20 minutes of the audio I had almost non stop mini contraction (recital and rectal) and assorted feelings. From time to time my lower abdominal muscle went into rhythmic contractions. I am not sure where it is going but I am going with it.
Last night I had a Progasm-Ice. This is my default Aneros.
@Bobandy, I will try your reference. I will see if it can be downloaded.
Since that Very Slow and Super Intense Orgasm Induction... is on YouTube there are numerous applications (depending on your browser & operating system) which are capable of downloading the file. This file can then be converted to an audio file format such as '.mp3' for use in other devices/players with another application. I am using Firefox as my web browser and have 'Video DownloadHelper 5.5.0' as an extension for downloading and converting video files to '.mp3' playable files. I was able to easily convert that video into a strictly audio file for use with my MP3 player.
Good Vibes to You !
I guess I should have mentioned this site/tool http://www.listentoyoutube.com/ (open it first and then start another tab, go to youtube and copy the URL of the audio you want, and paste it into the box provided at www.listento youtube.com box, it will convert the file to a MP3 and you can download it! Very easy!
used a couple of the recommended ones in this thread and holy smokes. I had probably the best and longest lasting and for sure I broke through with having my super o last for about 11 seconds straight at climax level. Normally my super o's are like a wave of full body orgasm that lasts 2 seconds. But last night was much longer and it was awesome! Plus I was able to have around 5 to 8 maybe. I remember during the strongest orgasm if i was alone I would have been yelling at the top of my lungs "holy F." The audio really helped me stay focused and let loose. Everyone who hasn't tried it should give it a try. Unless of course you have a condition that does not align with its use.
here are the links @goldenboy tried to post
@darwin, links could not open. "Error in loading"
Apart from anything else the tracks seem to resolve a brain control problem that I have. Any new experience gets sort of gated. These tracts seem to relax the gate and allow new things to happen. I have downloaded a collection off you-tube which I shall work through. They will certainly improve my meditation! I even resurrected my old wireless Sennheiser earphone which are excellent " look mum, no wires!" (Or is that hands )
Darwin's links have   - a NonBreaking SPace.
Just remove those.
So the links should be:
Press the Youtube logo in the videos, this gets you the real youtube page for the videos, then you can use DownloadHelper as @rumel suggested.
i don't know what you guys are talking about, the links in my post work for me, in both chrome and firefox.
anyway, i did the second one, the "anal" one. (i did it a-less, ie, no aneros)
WOAH. it was amazing.
really really good. it just took over. crazy
Must be an aneros forum thing.
Yesterday, your links looked wrong. Today they look correct.
Now they are opening!
Those two links that lonewolf8 posted take me to the youtube videos but there is no audio in them. However, I did find several other videos with the exact same title that did work. Weird. I listened to one on youtube repeat three times during a session tonight. While I've never had a dry-o or super-o, there were several times I felt something really big building which is more than usual. So, yes, that video/audio did turn things up a notch. I just enjoyed what I got and didn't worry about how far it took me.
Tried some binaural beats before but not much happened but that 2nd file OH MY GOD! i've been re wired for over 7 months and recently my aneros sessions have been ok but nothing spectacular like the first few super o's after re-wiring, but as soon as i put the audio on my progasm jnr which had been in just a few mins immediately sunk itself in real deep like just before super o's normally hit and within minutes i was in rapture then it got so intense I was almost in shock the jnr was bashing from perenium to prostate in time with the audio it was wild and i couldn't stop it ,in the end i had to rest after a few super o's and switched to the eupho that was like a machine gun going off ,i tried the progasm that was heavy going and scream inducing but i switched back to the jnr which really seemed to be on fire with this audio file the k tab felt great and it was rocking like never before,thanks for posting this it really has got me to a new level i am still shocked how deep the thrusting is with this audio.
I was having some wonderful fun with the second video Friday after work. At one point I was on my knees laying over some pillows under my stomach in a traditional "fuck me" position. I mentally got into the zone where I was fucking myself and actually started calling out loud "fuck me!" and I started fucking the shit out of myself. It was so much fun.
But... then my head started spinning. I yanked the earbuds out of my ears, turned over, and tried to make things stop spinning. I've had the most awful case of vertigo ever since. I can't shake it and feel like I'm going to puke all the time.
I'm not new to binaural audio files, having pretty much always used Kelly Howell's (sp?) Ecstasy track in my aneros sessions. Has anyone else had a negative experience like this with them? Anyone know how to recover from vertigo?