So i recently came across this subject on youtube. And have not been able to find much information on it. Has anyone elts tried it? Does it work for you? For me it feels like it will. I tried it in bed and i was deffently in a trance and it was almost as if the humming was telling me to move my muscles in sertain ways. I think i was close to orgasm but trance was broken by the wife touching me.
I tried this one: https://www. youtube .com/watch?v=l_h4mi0GEAcIt really makes me crazy *.*
Especially the inaudible whispering is setting something off in me - maybe it reminds me on the sound of kissing something in a very loving manner, because the sound of lips and her breath is so remarkable.
I would definetly give it a try, for all the ones who just read this, I didn´t think this would work but it arouses me a lot - and it´s definetly a more healthy way to get turned on compared to porn 😉
Here is the link again:
I found it very effective!
I had the best A-less session last night listing to Brain Sync Meditation: Ecstasy-Meditatation Music to Open Sexual Chakra, Theta Waves
This sent me over the was my best a-less session ever and maybe my best aneros session ever.
This one works for me https :// com/watch?v=7CNhlUEndkc
@brucemarkland Thanks for the link! I tried it last night and had an A-less mini-super O or something in between--something that I had set for myself as a long way away goal. Can't wait to try it again.
@iobkh I'm plugged in at both ends: My PGjr below and my earphones to your Youtube. True, I'm not lying in bed and relaxing, but I can feel that this is very heavy stuff and it has had an immediate effect that is pointing towards something very good. But the sound takes getting used to. I'll try this a bit later, when I can block out the rest of the world. Thanks
Ok, LOLing at myself. I got the links mixed up.
The track i found so efficient was "Brain Sync - Deep Meditation (Theta Waves)" :
FYI, you can purchase the brainsync tracks here:
i think brucemarkland and canacan are referring to different tracks. here they are, respectively
the one i linked to for purchase is the first one
i could be wrong but I'm pretty sure what you're all talking about is called "I-dosing" (spelling may be incorrect) supposedly it makes you feel as though your tripping out because the different frequencies mixed together cause some sort of reaction in the brain