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Best way to get in the mood for a session?

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lately I haven't been in the mood to have a session at all and it's bumming me out. It could be related to things going on in my life but i'm not sure. I hardly ever have any alone time these days and I don't live alone but when I do finally get a night to myself (at least in my own room) I want to have a nice session so I turn on some porn and try and get in the mood but it just doesn't seem to work or takes a super long time to the point where I just give up and go to sleep or masturbate regularly. My mind wanders too much and I just don't feel aroused like I used to get to fairly easily. Any tips?


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@drinkitinman, looking back I remember similar experiences and I can tell that I finally learned that wanting a session never worked for me. And although I really like watching porn there were times when it all felt boring. Although porn can feed arousal it always is a distraction too. My focus is outward and not inward when watching porn. When I instead focus on any of my sensitive hot spots I can much better concentrate on myself and most subtle feelings like that awesome little buzz when my prostate starts to get involved. Nipple awareness gave me a kind of switch to start my arousal. Even not being in the mood for any kind of session I can grab my nipples with thumbs and forefingers and do nothing but hold them, waiting some seconds up to a few minutes until the magic begins. 

Good vibes, Mart

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General anxiety, having a session out of boredom or having to wait for an opportunity to sneak a quick one without being interrupted, all those things are really hard on results. My main advice for this would be to see what you can improve outside of sessions to make things easier on yourself. If it's not possible right now to make those changes, switching your focus to Aless for a while might do the trick. So if you're not sure if you're in the right mood, start without the Aneros, it's always time to slip a toy in if things are ramping up after 10-15 minutes.

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Posted by: @drinkitinman

My mind wanders too much and I just don't feel aroused like I used to get to fairly easily. Any tips?

A wandering mind is one of numerous conundrums Aneros users have to learn to contend with. What you are experiencing is a fairly common phenomenon and I invite you to read the thread -> Identifying Obstacles to Progress for some of the other obstructions. You've also identified the issue of arousal and successful Aneros use is fueled by your arousal.

I encourage you to read the thread -> Are you "aroused"? for a bit of discussion on this issue. After reading that thread you may find the thread Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence/Semen Retention helpful in pointing you in a positive direction.

Finally, I recommend you read the thread Identifying Facilitators to Progress for more tips on enhancing your session environment. combining all of these elements is very likely to improve your outlook and your Anerosession outcomes.

Good Vibes to You!

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Stop ejaculating!  Save it all up until you're really primed, have a session, and then still don't ejaculate! 

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Do things that make you more relaxed and less anxious in general. Don't procrastinate. Make sure important matters are taken care of. Practice meditation. Try to eliminate sources of stress.

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