I'm just lying here in a 'less session and feeling all the pwaves rollin in and I am realizing that my bellybutton is like a sweet spot. Its not distinctly pleasurable, but holy crap, just by applying a tiny bit of pressure, its making me generate pwaves like nobodies business. Maybe I am wired differently, because for the first year of my relationship with my girlfriend I couldn't even let her touch my bellybutton.
Has anyone else noticed this?
MIne is one of my favorite sweet spots too. I'm still grinding along and perceive you are rewired MMO.
Thanks for posting this. Lets me know that when I do get rewired, that spot will turn for a warm glow to an ember or coal on fire. (I hope.)
The naval is an often overlooked erogenous zone, one that is capable of tapping into second chaka P-wave action directly. The key to it is gentle stimulation. Higher intensity stimulation is simply not as effective. For me, the ultimate naval pleasure involves a partner gently tonguing the area. There is nothing like it. Within seconds I am perceiving deep sensations throughout my lower abdomen that also involves my rectum and prostate. Continued stimulation of the area (of a probing, digging variety) can lead to some immensely powerful and unique Super-O's. Btw. I have an "innie" but I have no reason to believe that this kind of pleasure excludes "outties" .
Explore and enjoy!
BF Mayfield
Wow! I had no idea that I might have another potential erogenous zone to explore. Thanks for the idea guys! 🙂