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Beginners questions on super O

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I saw this video of a super o and I found it disturbing.

is this what we super o is?

​​​could a super o trigger a heart attack or panic attack? What can you do if you want to stop a super o if it's lasting such a long time ?

if the super o shown in that video is real, why is there no scientific information to explain how it works?

I don't see how massaging the prostate can cause such intense prolonged shaking of the legs as in the video.

I am a complete beginner both with prostate massage and also sexually.

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While I’m no expert, I’m able to experience exactly what is shown in the video and can attest that it is indeed real! Most people don’t know that the human body is capable of this, which is probably why there’s no scientific research yet. It makes me wonder, what else is my body capable of that I don’t know about?

Im not sure how it works, but it seems like the aneros causes the muscles in the pelvis to react to it, which then causes the aneros to move and the cycle continues. As it moves, it’s also hitting the prostate. A lot of muscles are connected physically to each other, but also connected through the nervous system. So my guess is that’s why the surrounding muscles start to twitch too as the waves grow in intensity. It also seems like the pelvic muscles can stimulate the prostate even without the aneros if they’re in good shape.

You don’t mention your age, but I can’t speak to whether or not it puts dangerous stress on the heart. It is more intense than regular sex, but not more intense (on the heart) than a really good workout. So someone with an unhealthy heart might be more at risk than others. Generally speaking though, it’s not as scary as it looks. And it’s a progression. When I first used it, I got minor twitching in my feet and toes. Then my legs after a few times. By the time I had a super-o, I was used to the shaking and could just enjoy it. For me, stopping isn’t a problem. Sure, I’d like to keep going, but I have other things to do too.

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Can a super o be achieved using any long probe?

why does it take so long to achieve a super o?

what about that story about the guy who began suffering uncontrollable orgasms all the time as a result of prostate massage ?

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I saw this video of a super o and I found it disturbing.

What about it exactly disturbed you? While this man's spasmodic reactions may be in the upper range of potentialities, they are really not that extreme. I don't experience that degree of involuntary muscular contractions but I know it is possible if you retain bodily tension when you enter the Super-O state. Learning to enter a deeply relaxed muscular state prior to entering the Super-O can lead to what has been termed the 'Calm Seas of Orgasm', wherein the orgasmic pleasure is fully expressed but large muscle tremors are minimized.

is this what we super o is?

IMHO, this annotated video by 'myvidfun' is an example of what a more common Anerosession might look like to the casual observer.

could a super o trigger a heart attack or panic attack?

Any vigorous physical activity has the possibility to trigger a cardiac event but the likelihood a Super-O would is probably no greater than an ordinary orgasm might cause. IMHO, if you're healthy, you've got nothing to worry about. As to the question of a panic attack, that is a psychologically triggered condition but even then I think it is highly unlikely an Anerosession would trigger it unless the user was suffering from a severe case of cognitive dissonance.

What can you do if you want to stop a super o if it's lasting such a long time ?

Simply pull the Aneros out, change your position and engage in some other activity. Super-O's are pretty fragile body/mind states, it doesn't take much distraction to quickly terminate a session. Most often men complain about them ending too soon, in other words, they don't wish for them to end at all, the pleasure is usually too grand.

if the super o shown in that video is real, why is there no scientific information to explain how it works?

I believe the Super-O depicted in that video was real. In our western world, detailed scientific study of male sexuality involving anal/prostate stimulation is still suffering from social taboos and the stigma of implied homosexuality limiting funding for such needed studies. We men on the Aneros forum are the defacto study group for this phenomenon. I'm sure many of us would be very happy to be included in any legitimate study of the Super-O.

I don't see how massaging the prostate can cause such intense prolonged shaking of the legs as in the video. I am a complete beginner both with prostate massage and also sexually.

The sensual pathway to Super-O's is difficult to describe as it does not follow rational, logical linear learning based upon consciously expressed steps. The only way to learn this is to begin the journey with your own body and experiment. You need to learn the language of your body which utilizes sensations which are not readily translated into verbalizations. This mainly happens at subconscious levels of understanding.

Can a super o be achieved using any long probe?

Perhaps, but my intuition tells me it is unlikely. Modern prostate massagers are specifically designed to stimulate the prostate which is really very close to the anus, long probes would most likely pass right over the prostate and only tangentially stimulate it, probably not sufficiently to trigger a Super-O.

why does it take so long to achieve a super o?

The learning curve varies widely from individual to individual. IMHO, the main stumbling block to rapid progress is erected by our own male ego consciousness and stereotypical belief systems about what should constitute male sexual behavior patterns. Once one can get beyond the old male mythologies and make the necessary paradigm shift in thinking, progress can be rapid.

what about that story about the guy who began suffering uncontrollable orgasms all the time as a result of prostate massage ?

IMHO, that was a very rare occurrence, just the type of occurrence which piques the curiosity of those looking for the unusual and out of ordinary experience. There are women who have been known to experience random uncontrolled orgasms as well. I've been a participant on this forum for nearly 11 years, when there were just over 5,000 members (over 55,000 now) and have read nearly 90,000 posts and I do not recall anyone claiming to suffer from ongoing, uncontrolled orgasms as a result of their Aneros practice. If this were a real problem, I think it would have been reported by now. I don't believe it is anything to worry about.
Good Vibes to You !

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@Superorgasm Realize that the Aneros journey is primarily an internal one. Learn to appreciate the Aneros for what feelings it can trigger in you and take it from there. It is not dangerous IMHO; no need to worry about it. I am a heart attack survivor (~9 years ago) and have been practicing Aneros almost 3 years now. I have never felt better in my life, thanks to Aneros!

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@rumel thank you for your insight. I figured you or someone who’s been here longer would respond more thoroughly than I. If I recall, the man with 100 orgasms a day suffered a slipped disc in his back from simply getting out of a chair awkwardly. The injury is apparently what brought on the endless O’s. It makes me think, what really positive experiences do we miss because of our fears and misinformation, when something simple like a twist or a slip and fall are far more dangerous due to their likelihood?

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A slipped disc? That's not what I recall reading. I read it was due to prostate massage. Anyway the point is he had to seek medical treatment for these orgasms.
This implies that there is such a thing as too much pleasure. Which in turn makes you ask if the so called super o, is healthy for an individual. Drugs can produce all kinds of wonderful feelings for people. But there are all kinds of side effects despite and even because of the main effect of the drug.

if people are willing to spend more than a year seeking a super o why not just get surgery to provide direct electrical or mechanical prostate stimulation. Could this be more efficient and perhaps provide an even more intense orgasm?

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Anyway the point is he had to seek medical treatment for these orgasms.

This is a bit misleading, if you read the original report, he originally sought treatment for an episode of prostatitis, he was also put on a drug regime of 2.5mg of tadalafil (Cialis) daily. This drug regime may have also been a major contributor to his subsequent condition. Also mentioned in the review article "... he found that the intense orgasms produced by the device were highly addictive and many were subjectively in the ‘Super-O’ category...".

This implies that there is such a thing as too much pleasure.

NO ! it doesn't, there is no logical progression implying there is any such thing as "...too much pleasure." That particular man simply exhibited a psychological susceptibility to adopting an addictive behavior of his own choosing. Even then, his orgasms were, to a great extent, under his own control -> "Our subject found that he could achieve intense orgasms by lying prone wearing a condom without the Aneros present, the condom and the pillows being sufficient stimuli to trigger a reflex orgasm without any direct mechanical stimulation to the penis. The ability to orgasm without the device has persisted for at least 12 months since the last insertion of the Aneros.". This merely indicates his self conditioning has persisted over time, only needing a few triggers to re-induce his orgasmic state. This man seemingly has mastered the art of Anerosless orgasms.

if people are willing to spend more than a year seeking a super o why not just get surgery to provide direct electrical or mechanical prostate stimulation. Could this be more efficient and perhaps provide an even more intense orgasm?

Now you're just being silly, nonsensical and truly trollish. The example subject didn't have any surgery and as far as I know there is no such surgery available to make prostate orgasms possible through electrical or mechanical means. If there is, please direct me to your verifiable information source and the name of any doctor who has or would perform this type of surgery. Please get your facts straight for future postings.
Good Vibes to You !

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