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Beginner in despera...
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Beginner in desperate need of help.....

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I try and try and dont even come close ...... Its in for like half an hour and nothing happens, what am I doing wrong....

Im relaxed.....and lubed why isnt it working?

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Beginner in desperate need of help..... I try and try and dont even come close ...... Its in for like half an hour and nothing happens, what am I doing wrong....Im relaxed.....and lubed why isnt it working?

WHOA young grasshopper, Why are you feeling 'desperate' ? Why do you think you are doing anything 'wrong' ? Why do you expect your Aneros to do anything for YOU ? Why do you expect something to happen in only a half hour ? Is 'nothing' really happening or are you expecting something other than what IS happening ? It is obvious you have pretty high expectations from this little piece of plastic you are sticking up your butt. The issue is not the device working, the issue is your set of expectations. You apparently have little concept of the paradigm shift in thinking necessary for the Aneros massagers to 'work' for you.

I've sent you an introductory Private Message with links, hints and tips to get you started on the amazing Aneros journey but you need to do your due diligence reading to gain the knowledge which will lead to positive results. Click on your 'Messages' button in the Forums to retrieve it. Once you've done the reading come back and ask specific questions that the membership can address. You are a unique individual and we need more information about your situation to begin to discuss a helpful path. Help us to help you, there are hundreds of experienced Aneros users here who will gladly provide advice to you if you are sincerely willing to put the requisite effort into your learning process.
Good Vibes to You !

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I can't claim to be an expert and I can't reply on the same level as Rumel, but I hate to see the same guys keep picking these types of questions up. So I will offer you a different angle.

Let us examine this, your first post, which looks a bit rushed and lacks attention to detail; that gives quite a lot away in itself. It almost 'demands' answers.

Aneros is not an experience to be rushed. It is one to be taken step by step, each step, each pleasure and experience unfolding in its own time. Let these things come to you, instead of going looking for them. Allow yourself to be receptive.

Now, I would have thought that someone with a name like Yogi56 would be very good at paying attention to the finer points of breathing and relaxation which everyone else takes for granted in their daily lives. As I see it the whole Aneros experience rests on a trinity of breathing, relaxation and gentle concentration on a certain area of the body. I am sure these things should be well within your grasp, Yogi56!

I have a few questions for you!

  • What nice things have you been doing for yourself to get your mind and body into a relaxed state?
  • How good are you at connecting with inner yourself, understanding yourself and your needs and growth?
  • What has brought you to purchasing an Aneros device? What are your motivations?

(You don't have to answer on the forum, just reflect on them yourself.)

When you describe yourself as 'desperate', you unwittingly give away your desire to reach the perceived answers and destinations quickly. But Aneros is not about answers, it's about experiences. (We are all different, all of our responses as individuals differ.) Aneros is not about destinations. It is about journeys - of pleasure, of self-discovery, of manhood. And it's not about things coming quickly, especially when there are guys ahead of us that have been travelling this journey for years and years.

Put yourself on square one without knowing or trying to guess where all the snakes and ladders are on the path ahead. Let go of the anxiety of expectation. Whatever expectations you have, you may find it all turns out to be completely different from what you originally imagined.

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In the first few months of using Aneros I wasn't desperate - just disappointed. Like you I felt nothing. Was I doing something wrong? Wasn't I following the directions? I put it away for a few weeks and tried again. More frustration. I almost threw it away. Then I read more of the Forum and paid attention to the great advice regarding relaxation and having no expectations. In the next few sessions I began to feel a pleasant tingle. Then it happened. The pleasant tingle got stronger. My heart began to beat faster. I literally put a pillow over my mouth to muffle my screams of extacy! I couldn't believe what was happening! I was having the strongest orgasm of my life!!! I think few men get great results right away. Most of us have to wait patiently. Even when we do everything correctly we have to wait. Every body is unique and will get there in its own time. Be patient with yourself. Enjoy any tiny feeling that may occur. Enjoy the time when nothing occurs because you and your body are still learning. Try this as an experiment: Prepare for a session and listen to your favorite music. Don't think of anything else but the music. Give yourself at least an hour. Have no expectations except the goal of listening to music and relaxing. If you drift off to sleep, great! You will have gotten some rest. Let your body do what it knows how to do. You will be surprised what happens when you get out of your own way. After almost two years I still consider myself a "newbie" even with countless orgasms (with and without Aneros). I am still learning. I don't think I will ever run out of new things to discover. Such is this adventure.

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As a newbie, the first point I'd start to feel anything interesting would be between 45 and 90 minutes into a session. If nothing happened after 90 mins, the session wouldn't be going anywhere anyway, so I'd stop it and try another day.

Have patience. This is all about the little sensations and teaching your body to notice them.

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