Hey guys, not going to give up, just need a bit of encouragement. It seems that pre-cum is a common thing for even first-time aneros users. Also, I thought "milking the prostate" was one of the reasons people get the aneros, I figured that part would be the easy part, but I still haven't experienced anything... having pre-cum means you're actually milking the prostate, right?
Main questions: Will the aneros MGX "milk" my prostate and why haven't I experienced pre-cumming?
In answer to your question - “Will the aneros MGX "milk" my prostate...”, It depends on your definition of “prostate milking”. In some circles the terms “prostate milking” and “prostate massage” are used interchangeably. I prefer to see them as slightly different. I view the term “prostate massage” as the activity which may or may not lead into “prostate milking”. I view the term “prostate milking” as the active emission/expression of prostatic fluid from the prostate gland out of the body through the urethra. Your MGX will massage your prostate, but it may take some time to learn the techniques and conditions necessary for you to accomplish a “prostate milking”.
In answer to your last question - “...and why haven't I experienced pre-cumming?” It is the luck of the genetic lottery whether you are a heavy “precummer” or not. Aneros use has increased Cowpers's gland emissions (precum) for many members but it is by no means a universal phenomenon. You may wish to view the user Poll How much Precum do you produce? to see the range of 'precum' emissions. Please do not judge success or failure against the measurement of 'precum' production, 42% of the membership typically produce fewer than 4 drops of 'precum' in their Anerosessions.
Precum is not to be confused with prostate fluid, each is produced by separate glands in the body. While “...milking the prostate...” may be a motivating factor for many members to purchase an Aneros massager it is only one of numerous reasons men are attracted to this device.
Korkelz, I agree with Rumel that though some see prostate milking and prostate massage as interchangeable concepts, it is better in my opinion, which comes from a medical background, to think of them differently. Prostate milking is probably better thought of as the uncomfortable procedure your urologist would perform with his finger to firmly press on and squeeze the gland in an effort to produce a drop or so sample of milkly prostatic fluid for culturing, for example, to evaluate you for prostatitis. This would not be commonly performed as a frequent, repeated procedure and most men's experience with their urologist for yearly screening prostate examinations, though uncomfortable, involves even less squeezing of the gland than this. Prostate massage on the other hand would be better thought of as the gentle stimulation of the gland which could be performed with a finger, though more likely with an Aneros massager, and that is not unpleasant to feel--in fact for most guys it is highly pleasurable--and which does not milk the gland, but stimulates the nerves that lie on its surface. The droplets that come from the urethra with this type of stimulation are clear and come predominately from the Cowper's glands. There appears to be no relation between how many drops of precum are produced and the levels of sensation of prostate generated orgasms. The most intense prostate orgasms I've experienced with the Aneros produced either no precum to maybe a drop.
Nowadays the term prostate milking is used (and perhaps misused) to describe a variety of different practices that involve expressing prostatic fluid by means of massage. Prostate massage is a term generally used for therapeutic procedures and erotic stimulation of the prostate which may or may not include drainage of fluid. (Milking is sometimes used in the therapeutic setting as well).
In the sexual realm prostate milking has a more specific meaning that involves erotic sexual denial as is common in the BDSM circles. The practice typically includes a period of extended arousal (without orgasm) during which the prostate is massaged and fluid is drained. Most of the discussion in the forum concerns orgasmic release with the Aneros, which is not what prostate milking is about. Although some people have used the product in this way it is not recommended by the manufacturer. Prostate milking is something that should be undertaken with great care by a health care professional or someone trained in bodywork.
Will the Aneros produce Cowper's and prostatic fluid from your penis during a typical session? Sometimes, but this is not prostate milking per se.
BF Mayfield
Thanks for the replies. Funny thing is when I started, I thought a month would be a long time to try to get something like the Aneros to work. Now that a month has passed, I'm looking forward to a year of no success, it actually doesn't seem that bad anymore. Bring it on, I won't give up.
Question: Is single-minded focus important when using the Aneros? Is it important to not be distracted in any way? Will the Aneros ever work at all just by doing kegels without much thought? I read some of the techniques in the wiki as well; hold a low amount of tension, trying to bring on involuntary contractions, etc.
Korkelz, I never got simply doing kegels to help me much. I hold a very slight steady "pulling in" contraction and after several minutes your anus will want to lightly spasm against the massager. At this point, slightly varying the intensity of your contraction and tickling your nipples should make your anal sphincter muscle have a "fluttering" feeling. Nurturing and amplifying this feeling is what eventually (and sometimes this is months) brings on the orgasmic feeling.
I had a few drips of pre-cum for the first time! The head of my penis also became dark purple. I was doing the "tantric thrust" (if that's the semi-correct terminology) first standing up and rubbing my nipples. Then I was laying on the bed and my wife stimulated my nipples for me. I had a moment of a feeling I've never felt before, a moment of something hot in my core/abdomen/or something
Korkelz, producing and amplifying that feeling of something hot in your lower abdomen or pelvic region is exactly where you want to focus. It took me months and still can be very elusive. I get mine lying on my back, knees up and relaxed, ever so gently doing a "pulling in" anal contraction until I get that wormy, fluttering anal muscle spasm against the massager which I amplify with continued light contraction and gentle nipple stimulation. If it's a good session, that warm feeling you've described will then start to build in my pelvis, and in the case of the couple O's I've had it will go all the way down and fill my penis where it feels like semen streaming out with the greatest pressure and intensity you can imagine, though only about half drop of precum may appear. Keep trying and give yourself time. Sounds like you're on the right track. slimjm
Thanks Slimjm. I thought from this point on I'd see continuous progression with using the Aneros every time. Alas, just like my first hint (3rd session I think?) that the Aneros was doing something, the next session wasn't as promising. However, maybe the best thing is to find the positives. After doing leg and other stretches while having the Aneros inside, I was standing and began to feel some kind of enjoyable tickling sensation (possibly coming from the prostate?). I was trying to focus and amplify the feeling, but it didn't last too long. No precum; hmm, but definitely not a no-result session.
Yes, Korkelz, I thought I'd see gradual progress each time early on too, but for the first three months I felt absolutely nothing, just something foreign inside, even doubted it was touching my prostate. Only at the fourth month did I start to feel flutters, and then at six months on occasions started to experience the slight warm feeling in my pelvis with the fluttering. After two months now of that I've been able on a couple occasions to amplify that warm feeling into a full blown dry orgasm and partially so on other occasions. Those occasions have been so pleasant though that given the other benefits like improved erectile function with my wife and better urinary stream, I keep grinding away at it. slimjm.