I saw the old posts on the forum from Zaneblue, that suggested i could increase my orgasmic potential, if I take enough fish oil as supplements and eat dark chocolate daily. The science behind it is, that if I could elevate my dopamine level, I can experience sexual pleasure more easily. THC does the same thing, can give a man a short burst of dopamine rush.
So I started it this diet at the beginning of this year, completely sober, without any drugs. 10 ml fish oil (1700mg of EPA and 1100 mg of DHA), and 10 g of 85% dark chocolate each day.
I noticed the first signs after one month, that my sessions with my Aneros massagers started to feel more pleasurable.
Fast forward to this day, and I can confidently say, that this diet has greatly helped me to become multi orgasmic. My prostate just won't shut up, and convulves all day, no matter what I do: chairgasms at the desk while working, Alesses when I lay down to sleep at the evening... And when I start a session with any one of the massagers, pleasure arrives immediatly, and orgasms start in like 10-15 minutes.
I don't claim that this diet can help everybody, nor that this diet alone would be suffice to become multi orgasmic. I trained a lot of the other aspects of the do nothing prostate play (mindfullness, deep breathing), and this training clicked very well with this diet for me.
Interesting. Thanks for putting it on my radar. I think I'll give fish oil supplements a try... supposed to be good for you anyway, this just gives me an extra incentive.
I just had it tested, my cholesterol level got better, too, so it is a double win for me.
There is a wealth of knowledge in this forum, and I'm happy that I found Zaneblue's posts while I was digging through it.
There were a some sidenotes to this diet, that I think everbody should read before starting, like recommended dosage according to the body weight, warnings about the blood thinning aspect of fish oil, EPA/DHA recommended ratios, and which brands are good.
Wow, I’m going to give that a try! Thank you for sharing!
I'm glad someone else found Zaneblue's orgasmic diet. I take:
Zone Omega Rx (fish) 1600mg EPA, 800mg DHA
Qwell Omega-3 (algae) 1050mg DHA
ZMA (sometimes)
Oh and dark chocolate--anything 72-86% depending on what's on sale
I can't say that it's had the explosive effects I was anticipating/hoping for, so I'm considering stopping to see if anything changes.
Omega 3 is a great add to any supplement list. It helps kill off most inflammation depending on dosage.
I used to take 2,000 MG a day. I saw no real difference in sessions. I guess I could have done 3,000. The problem is.... A good Omega 3 supplement is expensive.
Thanks for the post. I will try with this. Also instead of dark chocolate, why not use 100% cocoa powder. Chocolate is made from cocoa but it does have sugar and carbs. Cocoa powder is pure and organic and is much cheaper . Nestle brand is widely available . You can Google the benefits of it and it does stimulate and increase blood flow. Also one interesting fact is that raw Cocoa is used in leave forms to make cocaine. I think it is a win and win situation with Cocoa . Let me know your thoughts . I did not know about fish oil . Thanks for the post .
I like the idea of cocoa powder. How do you prepare it for eating?
I used to take 2,000 MG a day. I saw no real difference in sessions. I guess I could have done 3,000. The problem is.... A good Omega 3 supplement is expensive.
Yes, it sure is pricey in this dose daily... Especially if you take it from capsules, which usually contain a fraction of this dose, so you have to take multiple capsules a day. That is why I opted for a bottled fish oil brand. I just pour the required amount in a measuring cap.
I think taking this dose has a long term cumulative effect. I've read somewhere, that nowadays we take too much omega 6 compared to omega 3, and it takes time to recharge on omega 3. So it might take time, like for me, to feel the effect.
On the other hand, and this is only speculation what I'm experimenting with, the DHA part which affects the brain, maybe it can have an immediate effect after taken, which might fade away during the day. So I try to time it when I take the fish oil, to a few hours earlier, before I have a session.
That sounds dandy but I doubt that had a major role. I bet what really helped is that you put a toy in your butt many times over the last 6 months.
I could argue that the opposite is true based only on my anecdotal experience. I had a crap diet years ago when I started having orgasms from behind. No way to know if diet is a factor without a study or a huge wave of anecdotal evidence. I remain skeptical in any case.
It is of course good for thé body to eat (high quality) dark chocolate and have omega 6. I prefer omega 6 from seed sources, even though it is less complete, because it contains fiber and because I’m vegetarian.
@divine_o , I understand your doubts, and indeed the effects I'm talking about are quite subtle, compared to other substances which others use (THC, CBD, magic mushroom). But I believe it has helped me as a catalyst, to get more out of the sessions over the last 6 months, than I would have learned without it.
I have to time my sessions to bedtime, when I would usually get asleep other days. Before this year, I struggled to stay awake, and I had only mild success. Since I take the fish oil, it got easier and easier to stay awake, because I don't feel that much tired, and I'm able to focus more on the sensations. This way my sessions got better and better.
I've read that higher Omega-3 DHA levels are associated with better attention, learning, and being able to focus. I think I feel these effects, too. I experiment with the timing of fish oil, I'd like to see if a session is better when I take it 1 or 2 hours before, than when I take it in the morning.
@marvelousweasel101 oops I confused omega 3 and omega 6
great if it works for you, and great that you stay clear of drugs, but still doesn’t clear my doubts.
Thanks for the post. I will try with this. Also instead of dark chocolate, why not use 100% cocoa powder. Chocolate is made from cocoa but it does have sugar and carbs. Cocoa powder is pure and organic and is much cheaper . Nestle brand is widely available . You can Google the benefits of it and it does stimulate and increase blood flow. Also one interesting fact is that raw Cocoa is used in leave forms to make cocaine. I think it is a win and win situation with Cocoa . Let me know your thoughts . I did not know about fish oil . Thanks for the post .
Hey revisiting this, I think cocoa powder could be a wonderful way to get what I need without the calories! Let me just correct one thing: I don't think that cocoa and coca are the same plant or substance. But I do remember hearing somewhere that Coca-Cola is contractually obligated to use coca leaves in their recipe but it's such an infinitesimal amount, still coca leaves are a controlled substance in the US last time I checked.
Hey revisiting this, I think cocoa powder could be a wonderful way to get what I need without the calories! Let me just correct one thing: I don't think that cocoa and coca are the same plant or substance. But I do remember hearing somewhere that Coca-Cola is contractually obligated to use coca leaves in their recipe but it's such an infinitesimal amount, still coca leaves are a controlled substance in the US last time I checked.
Yes, coca tree and cacao tree (cocoa ) are two distinctly different plants, thank you for drawing the attention to it!
I didn't know Coca-Cola uses coca leaves, but it makes sense now why I'm so hooked on it!
@marvelousweasel101 not only that but it started out basically as one of those snake oil remedies nearly 200 years ago now. In fact I think I remember reading that Samuel Clemens's first job (Mark Twain) as a boy was to fake an injury that was miraculously cured by drinking some Coke in front of a live audience! Of course with the ingredient list it was more potent back then...