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At the Cusp of the Super O (I need advice)

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So, last night I was having a pretty boring session. Nothing that great with my MGX. It felt good, but not spectacular. I realized I was stressed out and decided to relax my body and started doing deep breathing exercises. I then added in nipple stim. Pretty soon after I began to notice that the aneros was involuntarily jumping around inside me and banging against the prostate. I had waves going up my back and through my entire anal region. Then I experienced a painful pleasure that was more intensely pleasurable than anything Ive ever experienced, a massive aching longing. And my penis began to swell immensly. More so than Id ever seen, I thought it was gonna burst. My heart began racing, the pleasure was incredible and I wanted more.

Then the thought came into my head that ruined it: "I'm about to have a super O!" and no sooner had that thought crossed my mind when the pleasure dropped, the auto contractions dissappeared and I couldnt get it back.

I felt SO close! I had a pleasure ache in my prostate all night that I had never felt before but I couldn't get back to the point and became frustrated.....This isn't the first time this has happened but last night was easily the closest Ive come. I tried again to get to where I was this morning and had no luck. I think I became so obsessed about getting to the point I was at last night that nothing happened.

Im incredibly frustrated and discouraged.....Any advice?

Thanks immensly, Cheers.


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you know the answer. there is nothing you can do to make it happen but: relax, drop expectations, go with the flow, enjoy what you *are* experiencing. it is like falling asleep: the harder you try the less you will succeed.

and... be happy not frustrated with what has happened!. YES! it is a definitely a step in the right direction which will lead to more steps, etc.


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I appreciate the prompt response. And yes, I do know the answer. However, what I don't know is how to avoid going into that mindset. I have a very noisy mind. It's always been that way. Having ADHD and OCD has made my journey difficult, and quite long. Ive been at it for 3 years with no super O, hence some of my frustration.

I just wish there was a better way to quiet my mind, especially when the thoughts and anticipation (and feelings) reach a boiling point. Ive tried several techniques including rumels hypnosis sessions. It just seems my terror (and anticipation) at the gates is a deal breaker each time.

Ive heard its also a good idea to wait a few days between breaks regardless of sucess. Is this helpful on the path?

Thanks again.


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STAR WARS - The Empire Strikes Back - Jedi training, swamp scene, Luke in one arm handstand with Yoda atop his feet while he's mentally lifting and stacking stones.
chrono273 said "So, last night I was having a pretty boring session. Nothing that great with my MGX. It felt good, but not spectacular. I realized I was stressed out and decided to relax my body and started doing deep breathing exercises. I then added in nipple stim. Pretty soon after I began to notice that the aneros was involuntarily jumping around inside me and banging against the prostate. I had waves going up my back and through my entire anal region. Then I experienced a painful pleasure that was more intensely pleasurable than anything Ive ever experienced, a massive aching longing. And my penis began to swell immensly. More so than Id ever seen, I thought it was gonna burst. My heart began racing, the pleasure was incredible and I wanted more.
Then the thought came into my head that ruined it: "I'm about to have a super O!" and no sooner had that thought crossed my mind when the pleasure dropped, the auto contractions dissappeared and I couldnt get it back."

R2D2: "Bleeps, buzzes & boinks" (distracting Luke, causing him, Yoda and stones to tumble.)
chrono273 said "I felt SO close! I had a pleasure ache in my prostate all night that I had never felt before but I couldn't get back to the point and became frustrated.....This isn't the first time this has happened but last night was easily the closest Ive come. I tried again to get to where I was this morning and had no luck. I think I became so obsessed about getting to the point I was at last night that nothing happened. Im incredibly frustrated and discouraged..."
Yoda: "You must unlearn what you have learned."
Luke: "Alright, I'll give it a try."
Yoda: "NO! Try not! Do or Do not, there is no try!"
Luke: (sighs) "hhhuh" "I can't, it's too big."
after witnessing Yoda's psycho-kinetic feat...
Luke: "I, I don't believe it."
Yoda: "That is why you fail."

Chrono, you are facing one of the primary paradoxes of this practice, the need to relinquish ego control over your body to allow your body control over your ego. From a very young age, we are taught to employ our minds to control our bodies, develop our hand-eye coordination and enslave our emotional/feelings response system toward some goal oriented activity. This training does serve us well, for the most part, in our daily activities of work, exercise and social interactions but suddenly is ineffective when manifesting higher pleasure states. Obsessively trying to duplicate a prior experience is chasing an expectation and will lead to frustration and disappointment. Each Anerosession is an adventure into vaguely familiar territory but with an unknown destination. Just "Let Go" of your normal patterned thinking and act as the awestruck viewer as your body leads you through the pleasure jungle. This is where we need to unlearn what we have learned and take a leap of faith in believing our body knows the best path to follow. Remember "The Force will be with you, Always!"

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Interesting and inspiring choice of words, rumel! I can relate to relinquishing ego. After my first breakthrough, during one of my first long stretched sailing-Os, while gently popping fireworks of bliss were going off in my head... I felt something I can only describe as my ego melting, becoming irrelevant. When that session ended I sat up in my bed, buzzing but clear minded, saying over and over "This is bigger than me, greater than me!"

Being reminded this notion has been reinforced... thank you for that


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Hello, chrono.

You have the answers you need on mental attitude, above.

About frequency of sessions... For me, it was the more the better, and closely spaced. I practiced every day for at least 30 minutes. Of course, not much happened most of the time for the first month. Once things started to "work" I began sleeping with the device every night. That spared me from having to make time for sessions during the day when I'm busy.

A lot of this is a matter of letting your brain/body learn about itself with respect to the tool. That takes time and repetition.

You're obviously making progress, so keep at it.



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i am on record as discouraging sleeping with the device. i think it can mess up rectal tissue and the prostate and other nearby little organs. i don't think it is necessary for progress and underestimates the fragility of the tissues involved. i think it can also desensitize the nerves.


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You could certainly be right about the potential dangers of sleeping with an Aneros device inserted. I'm monitoring health aspects of this for myself and will report any and all problems, no matter how minor any symptom might seem. Stay tuned.

Another, safer approach would be to insert the Aneros at bedtime, have a session and remove the device. Go to sleep. When wife wants sex at 3 AM, re-insert device, continue with wife, afterwards, remove device. At 6 AM, wake up, insert device and have a session. Remove device, shower and go to work. That procedure would give me the same effective usage time as just sleeping with it does. Don't know if I have the patience for that.

Best Regards,


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Like Dave, I find sleeping with the Aneros inserted an important way to build in time with it. I have also found (as noted elsewhere in the forum) that, for my busy mind, the relaxed state achieved while going in and out of various states of sleep has helped me experience more from the Aneros (the highest experience, after a year's practice, being some nicely sustained P-Waves).

That said, I'll admit that after two or three nights sleeping with the MGX in, I'm ready for at least a night's break. And, for my particular body, the Progasm is too big and I've had morning soreness (particularly in the the various little organs besides the prostate) that has discouraged me from keeping it in for "too long."


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I experienced a painful pleasure that was more intensely pleasurable than anything Ive ever experienced, a massive aching longing. And my penis began to swell immensly. More so than Id ever seen, I thought it was gonna burst. My heart began racing, the pleasure was incredible and I wanted more.

Along the way to what I consider to be my first super O, I experienced some intense physical sensations, where there was this pleasure building, building, building, stop, body straining, quivering...and then it dissipated. I was thinking to myself how nice that was, but that I'm really hopeful that next time I'll actually go over the edge and reach orgasm. I thought that I had gotten to some point along in the process but had failed to reach the end. What I came to realize is that there wasn't actually more. I had basically been going through all of the parts to a super O. The problem was that I wasn't yet immersed enough to fully experience the sensations for what they were.

With your traditional old penile orgasm, you get the sensation of building up sexual tension higher and higher. Eventually, there's this point where you know you are about to go over into orgasm. Muscles are all tensed up and there is this pause of anticipation. Orgasm and ejaculation happen concurrently as very brief, pleasant waves that zip from the region of the prostate out to the tip of the penis, releasing all of the built up tension in under ten seconds.

A super O is a different beast, at least in my experience. For one thing, the distinct phases that I get with a penile orgasm aren't as obvious with a super O. They are still there, but blended together and flowing slowly from one to the next. The buildup of tension in a traditional O, which for me is concentrated in the anal region, is more diffuse with a super O, often straying down my legs or up my spine in delicious tingles. Rather than an abrupt point of no return of a penile orgasm, where there is a brief pause before ejaculation, a super O seems to ease itself in, spreading out over my body over the course of several seconds. Where a tradtional O pulses, a super O ripples and oozes pleasure.

I discovered all of this when I learned to relax more fully and be totally receptive to what was coming. What I had been thinking of as a prelude to greater pleasure, and something to get past, was actually the real deal, but it was so muted by my expectations that I didn't notice the sensations that were analogous (but far more intense) than a tradtional orgasm. From your description, I'm wondering if you made the same mistake I did, disregarding the pleasant but unfamiliar sensations and missing the depth and intensity of what was happening. Just a thought.

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Thanks so much Pareidolia and rumel!!! 😀 😀

Interesting and inspiring choice of words, rumel! I can relate to relinquishing ego. After my first breakthrough, during one of my first long stretched sailing-Os, while gently popping fireworks of bliss were going off in my head... I felt something I can only describe as my ego melting, becoming irrelevant. When that session ended I sat up in my bed, buzzing but clear minded, saying over and over "This is bigger than me, greater than me!"

Being reminded this notion has been reinforced... thank you for that


Aneros can indeed bring a man to the whole spectrum of Life-Force energies, from the orgasmic to the spiritual to the powerfully healing rumel. This is The Tao of Aneros.

Your elegant post Pareidolia captures so well the Second Great Liberation that is key to finding The Tao of Aneros: "...something I can only describe as my ego melting, becoming irrelevant." Bravo! Hallelujah!

The First Great Liberation was recently similarly eleganting captured by kharrisma in Bobby B's thread:

All the best chronos273!! 😀 😀

all the best finding the great liberations one can experience on your unique aneros journey all


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