Arousal build up do...
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Arousal build up do to fantasy

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Okay, I decide rewrite this to make myself a bit more clear. So what I have done is what others have suggested me to do which is play a fantasy in my mind to help my arousal level. My arousal builds up slowly to point I feel a slight erection do to the excitement caused by my fantasy.

My arousal is so strong I reach a point where my body is so tense and relax I go completely nuts. My legs start to shake and whole body kinda of jerks around. I reach point where its now or never and I have to lets loose. I usually realise a small amount pre-cum and which I think is pre-cum because my arousal level is so high.

I also start to hyperventilat a bit and this were deep breathing comes in handy to slow my heart rate down. My body is so tense I can feel the heat it generates off.

At the end I let loose a few drops and eventually my helix pops out on its own. I know this is not a Super-O because it was all controlled by my arousal.

The best way I can describe the way I feel is by saying if you ever masturbated to a point where you feel you have one more left in you and you feel like you have to realise it with all your might or die trying. That's the best way I can describe my experience.

Do you think I am on the right track?

Any Ideas?

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