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Penis, NOT!

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I'm not sure if this post will end up as a "sticky" on the board, or be trashed with the not-so-important, but I have to write it anyway. This is directed at all of us, but specifically to answer what I have come to realize is an oft-repeated and disquieting trend I see in many posts.

In many posts, and I am taking an intuitive leap here, especially from new members of the community, I have seen too many comments such as: "I didn't get any erection" or "I don't feel a thing" or "I've tried and tried" or words to that effect. Yes?

Too many new users seem to think you should be able to insert your Aneros and BAM! Orgasm city. Massive erection! No-hands orgasm. Nah...not gonna happen, at least not most of the time.

Well pardon me if I go metaphysical on you, but I am compelled to write and to remind you, especially you newer guys, the Aneros experience is NOT about your penis!

As men, we have been inundated, ruined if you will, by a focus on our "package". Pornography, video, porn sites, discussions of "does size matter", masturbation, intercourse, traditional orgasm, etc., all focused on one thing: Your Dick! It's no wonder that when one comes to discover yet another means to orgasm, men naturally think of it in relation to their penis! It's natural, but, in my humble opinion, it's at least. So, for what it's worth, you need a new paradigm. You need a paradigm shift. A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach or assumptions.

Let me start by relating the oft-told story of Vince Lombardi. Every year, with a new batch of rookies to the NFL, Vince would hold up a ball. He would say, "gentlemen, this is a football." It was his way of reminding them that his was an approach that stressed the basics. In baseball terms, it isn't about home runs, it's about strikeouts, singles and doubles.

The reason I'm saying this is simple. The Aneros experience is just experience, a journey, a marathon. And you can't expect to enjoy all the fruits of experience without some of the disappointment of failures along the way. Just because you pick up a golf club doesn't mean you're Tiger Woods...just because you're driving a car doesn't make you Dale Earnhardt, Jr.

The Aneros experience seeks to get men where women have been able to go for centuries. Women have always know that orgasm is not an event. It's a state of being! And for us, the Aneros experience offers us the same thing...but you have to remember that it's NOT about your Penis. In fact, leave the damn thing alone when you're working on your Aneros experience. It'll still be there the next time you want to use it for other stuff!

As you know, we even have music to go with these things. Why? To help you to free yourself from your fixation on your penis, and the mental garbage mentioned earlier, and to help move you closer to a new state of being...a new self-realization...a different level of consciousness. Believe me, it's worth the work and the wait.

So guys, remember, your Aneros session CAN result a nice full erection, but it's a BONUS not the end in itself. In fact, as many can attest, many wonderful sessions with an Aneros will be had with the limpest of dicks. No erection, no seminal discharge. But dry orgasm...coming over and over and over and over....with no erection. It's not about your penis. It'll come along for the ride at times, and it's very pleasant when it does, but don't make it about that.

Nope, boys. In my humble opinion, the Aneros experience, i.e. state of mind, is about a new self-reality. I have found that almost no two Aneros sessions where I achieve Super O's is the same. There is always a different build up, more or less time, greater or lesser intensity....oh, no, your first Super O is only the beginning of the trip, not the end. It is the beginning of a new state of being for yourself, and perhaps for your partner...but don't rush it. Oh, and remember, some days your prostate just won't cooperate. Learn early to recognize when it ain't working, and pull the "plug". Tomorrow is another day.

Lucky, or cursed, is the man who has early success. I have seen many instances of people who succeed quickly, without paying their dues, learning the process, getting in tune with their bodies, who fail later on for lack of experience. With your Aneros, experience with your own body, with how you use it, how it works for you, changing models if necessary, all work to broaden your horizons and help you realize the new state of self-realization that comes with your new toy.

Embrace the challenge. Many are the guys in this community, including me, who initially thought they might never reach the awakening of their prostate...especially after many, many years of inactivity. It took me months. But little by little, P-waves, moments of pleasure, sometime after several frustrating hours of working at it...but eventually, I learned, I grew, and I experienced the altered state that the Aneros experience can deliver. Anything worth having is worth working for.'s not about your penis, boys. The sooner you learn that and relax, relax, relax, the sooner you'll be on your way.

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If this post is not pinned at the top. I will be bumping it every so often. This is like GOLD to any beginners guide to using the aneros. Great job and way of writing it so we can all understand.


As much as we say it though cockadoodle, some people still have to be constantly reminded.

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Go read my newest thread. I had the other day the most success that I have had in my year of Aneros use WITH penis stimulation. Yes, I ended the session with ejaculation, but only because I wanted to. As Rumel stated, its not the stimulation that kills the session, but the ejaculation.

And as many more known experts have said, everyones body is different.

Please, give new members a bit more credit. We all arent hacks just plugging away and wondering what went wrong. Some of us have dedicated a lot of time to just learning.

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Please quit being so defensive, Nat. The majority of users are in this mindset and I am thankful doodle really understands the whole concept of explaining it so that new and future users can understand.

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Excellent post Cockadoodle.
Really explains how we get locked into the masturbation mentality.

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Whether this makes “Sticky” status or not, I agree with ‘ArcticWolves’ that you have stated elegantly some essential points about the Aneros experience.

“…the Aneros experience is NOT about your penis!” Yes!

“…you need a new paradigm. You need a paradigm shift. A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach or assumptions.” Yes!

“…the Aneros experience, i.e. state of mind, is about a new self-reality.” Yes!

“With your Aneros, experience with your own body, with how you use it, how it works for you, changing models if necessary, all work to broaden your horizons and help you realize the new state of self-realization that comes with your new toy.” Nicely stated.

“'s not about your penis, boys. The sooner you learn that and relax, relax, relax, the sooner you'll be on your way.” Wise words for the newbie practitioner to heed. Thanks for the great post ‘Cockadoodle’

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If this narrative doesn't make it to sticky status, it should be in the WIKI somewhere. Every guy starting out should read it!

Good job Cockadoodle. You found all the right words.

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Yes, well said.

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Very well done cockadoodle, very well done.


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Go read my newest thread. I had the other day the most success that I have had in my year of Aneros use WITH penis stimulation. Yes, I ended the session with ejaculation, but only because I wanted to. As Rumel stated, its not the stimulation that kills the session, but the ejaculation.

And as many more known experts have said, everyones body is different.

Please, give new members a bit more credit. We all arent hacks just plugging away and wondering what went wrong. Some of us have dedicated a lot of time to just learning.

Thanks for the "flowers" guys. I'm humbled.

Nat, I am certainly in agreement with you here, we're not at odds, at all. All I'm saying is that too many guys, especially new users, expect instant gratification with their Aneros.

I have used my Aneros in conjunction with masturbation frequently, YEOW!, and certainly don't preclude that one may not find satisfaction in both.

It's just that some many guys are predisposed to think only of ejaculation that I wrote this to help relieve them of the frustration they may be suffering as a result of "nothing is happening".

Peace, brother...enjoy your Aneros any way you can.

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If this narrative doesn't make it to sticky status, it should be in the WIKI somewhere. Every guy starting out should read it!

Good job Cockadoodle. You found all the right words.

It was a decent post, but why put it in the wiki, when the wiki already states something similar? The wiki is long and dragged out enough, that we dont want new users to feel overwhelmed or turned off by having to read an entire book, or useless over the top repetition.

But hey, apparently Im wrong, seeing as though Im beginning to notice that only about 15 peoples opinions really matter around here .. Thats no offense to anyone personally, but this community is getting a bit clicheish.

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The wiki is long and dragged out enough, that we dont want new users to feel overwhelmed or turned off by having to read an entire book, or useless over the top repetition.

Woh, nice attitude there Nat. Sorry that you're getting frustrated. Frustration leads to things we sometimes regret later. I'm also saddened and somewhat offended by your comments about the wiki. I have noticed a pattern when someone doesn't agree with you, you get quite defensive and shut people out. 😯 🙄 💡 As shocked as I am hearing this from you, it doesn't surprise me given your previous doubts and frustrations you've had in the past and present. (Maybe you should heed the advice you were given and take a 'long break'?)

Anyways, thanks for clarifying what you think about the wiki and telling how useless other well respected members are with their repetition. When you insult the WIKI you are insulting the very members that spent their time helping you and you repay them with this type of comment? Is that what you think we are all about? Useless?? WOW 👿

I believe you were given some great advice the very first day you posted to here:

The choice is yours with the attitude you take.

Yep, I must say now interesting attitude you have chosen to take.

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Thank you Cockadoodle. I would like to see your wonderful work included as a sticky. If I may be so bold as to suggest a title. "Penis, NOT! new user quick start guide"

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FANTASTIC POST!!! You really touched on some points that are very important. From the time guys learn about becomes natural to think that all things revolve around their penis. If women are lucky enough to reach orgasm during sex...fantastic, but most of the time when the penis is finished....we are too. A lot of women never reach orgasm. For years, I didn't. Like you mentioned, a lot of womens pleasure is mental, not just physical. If we're hurt, pissed, frustrated, tired and so's really hard to get to that point. I'm certain its the same for men during their journey with Aneros. I never understood the hurry to reach the pot O' gold. Most of the time its the entire trip that is the most pleasurable...not just reaching the end.
Again, great worded it wonderfully!!!


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thank you thank you thank you yet again Cockadoodle 😀 😀

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The wiki is long and dragged out enough, that we dont want new users to feel overwhelmed or turned off by having to read an entire book, or useless over the top repetition.

Woh, nice attitude there Nat. Sorry that you're getting frustrated. Frustration leads to things we sometimes regret later. I'm also saddened and somewhat offended by your comments about the wiki. I have noticed a pattern when someone doesn't agree with you, you get quite defensive and shut people out. 😯 🙄 💡 As shocked as I am hearing this from you, it doesn't surprise me given your previous doubts and frustrations you've had in the past and present. (Maybe you should heed the advice you were given and take a 'long break'?)

Anyways, thanks for clarifying what you think about the wiki and telling how useless other well respected members are with their repetition. When you insult the WIKI you are insulting the very members that spent their time helping you and you repay them with this type of comment? Is that what you think we are all about? Useless?? WOW 👿
I believe you were given some great advice the very first day you posted to here:

The choice is yours with the attitude you take.

Yep, I must say now interesting attitude you have chosen to take.

I never said that the wiki was not a great tool. What I said was, the wiki is so long and draw out, that I think constant repetition would do nothing but bore or turn off new users. It was a great post, but I think its easy to come to the same conclusions that the original poster has, if you just read through what already is in the wiki. The only thing that I think needs to be said in the wiki that clearly isnt, is that these guides arent specific to everyone, but a guide to help you get to a point where you can begin to see what works for you.

As for everything else, its a bit more personal than anything on this board. Im tired of being left out in the cold, when Im the one making en effort.

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The only thing that I think needs to be said in the wiki that clearly isnt, is that these guides arent specific to everyone, but a guide to help you get to a point where you can begin to see what works for you.

I’d just like to point out a few lines of text in the WIKI you may have overlooked :

This WIKI is intended to provide Aneros users with general guidelines and information to help them get the most satisfaction from the use of their massagers. However, It can not address all the nuances of practice combinations.

Some men can achieve the Super-O on the first use of the Aneros. For others, it will take patience, relaxation, and practice, months, sometimes even more than a year. This is what is called being "on the path" or "on the journey" to the Super-O. During this time the man will become more in tune with his body and the Aneros. There is no book or formula to achieving a Super-O. There are many moving variables in effect on the path to the Super-O. What is generally agreed upon is that much depends on the ability to relax while doing the anal contractions. This can be difficult because the path to the Super-O is so different from reaching a traditional penile orgasm.
... Some men, especially those with experience with prostate stimulation or anal play, are able to attain the Super Orgasm immediately with the Aneros. For others, the Super-O will take more time to reach and will require a learning or training period. During this time, through practice with his Aneros, a man and his body will discover that they are capable of producing and experiencing unique, pleasurable sensations in greater amounts than they ever had before.
... Each man's journey will be different from another's,...

Many new users of the Aneros massager believe they should have a Super-O the first time they use it, just by sticking it in their rectum. The truth is that few users have such immediate success. A man needs to understand that a Super-O is a qualitatively different type of orgasmic experience compared to the traditional penile ejaculatory orgasm. It most often takes time to learn the keys to un-locking a man's Super-O capability.

I think all of the above statements pretty clearly imply these guides are not specific to everyone or to any one man. I am sorry you feel the present WIKI is “…so long and drawn out,” but the experience with which we are dealing is multifaceted and does not lend itself to easy, simple explanations. Hopefully, the WIKI will continue to provide increasing amounts of information regarding the more nuanced aspects of Aneros practice well into the future. I believe with increased knowledge, increased understanding is facilitated, with increased understanding, increased successful use is facilitated.

Im tired of being left out in the cold, when Im the one making en effort.

I'm also sorry you feel you are "...being left out in the cold..." but judging by the fact you have received multiple responses to your previous posts it is obvious others are making an effort to help you as well. I am hoping you too experience increased success with your Aneros. Good Vibes to You !

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Wow thank you so much for this post Cockadoodle! It really helped me develop a more appropriate Aneros mindset.

I have four Aneros toys because I was sure that each model was ineffective for me. After reading your post and the Wiki, I came to realize that it had nothing to do with the was me! So I have now begun the journey, relieved to know that a lack of erections when using the Aneros is normal. I'm still happy I have my four toys though. 🙂

It's funny, when I first started using the Aneros some time ago, I thought I was abnormal because when I inserted it I felt my body and mind relax to the point where I would often fell asleep immediately after insertion. It's too bad I didn't listen to my body in those early days...I would probably be further down the path.

Anyway, I understand the process better now, and I am enjoying the last.



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That was a great post......i wish i would have read something like that a year might have made me realize what took me so long to learn in the first i'm giving you......


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Wow .............. Wow ............. wow-wow-wow

Thanks to for the *BUMP* on that one. Otherwise I would have missed it. Thank you!

Here's a newcomer's cut on the dialog in this thread.

I think of the Wiki as a peer reviewed *Body of Knowledge* (BOK), not a Bible. There is a need though for "Psalms" that reach out and resonate with the various segments of the group...individuals on their own journey. I think these are important, particularly when they parallel or restate the substance of the Wiki.

The post was a treasure for me. The words and style were a 'puzzle-piece' match to where I am in my life. I will screen-scrape that post and place it where I can review it on a regular basis. For me it was a real Psalm and it fervently sang to my heart as well as my brain.

On the other hand, writes in a poetic style that's way beyond my level of understanding... largely lost on me. However, no doubt 'sings' to many of the guys here. Such writings might be helpful to guys who get lost in the nuts, bolts, physiology and psychology of the "Journey." Check this out by the number and frequency of the views of his posts. In the vernacular, his Nielsen's are great !

So, I'd propose a place be set aside, possibly as an appendix to the Wiki. Or, perhaps in an edited Sticky. It should contain the uncommented "Psalms" of Cockadoodle, artform and others. They should be chosen to reflect the soul of the MMO and from whence it springs. These Psalms should help us 'center' ourselves from time to time.

I hope that this doesn't sound like, 'we must have prophets to accompany our Gods.' That's not where I am -- I'm not a very religious sort of person. So, hope this wasn't too confusing.



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My initial problems weren't even having to do with paying too much attention to my penis at all. Hell, they weren't even about trying to get to a regular orgasm right away.

My problem came from the fact that I was however expecting to get some form of sensation based on what I've seen in anatomical pictures showing the Aneros in place against the prostate.

I'm in total understanding that this is a different form of orgasm that exists outside the realm of penis activated orgasms. It was just the sheer surprise of not feeling anything that I was confused over.

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Now that I'm on the right track again towards eventually achieving super-O's. Cockadoodle's post resonates very strongly with me. It's so very true. Aneros usage is such a different experience and feeling than what we have taught ourselves via our penis. Like anything else in life, it can be difficult and take lot's of time and practice to try and learn something that is outside the realm of our experience. But I believe it can be done. Without having achieved super-O's yet, I've experienced some incredible changes in what I feel and experience in my body and mind that makes me know there is much more to this that I have not discovered yet.


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Bump! I have been referencing this great thread (Thanks again cockadoodle and All! 😀 ) and thought we should get it up front again.

This and esfenoides thread that goes the next step...

best journeying all


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Thanks Cockadoodle, great post.

I have found that an open mind is a huge playground. I spent way too many years with a closed mind about everything in life and it just wasn't working anymore. When I became willing to believe that someone else might have a better idea than me I was finally set free to enjoy life as it should be enjoyed.

Let us all be kind and patient with someone who may seem closed minded to us. The very fact that Nat is reading this forum shows that he is becoming more open minded. I would rather someone be completely honest about their feelings even if we don't see their viewpoint. It helps keep us all honest about our own feelings.

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I'm posting this to give it another Bump!
This has to be the best Forum subject on the entire site.
I would like to offer my special thanks to Cockadoodle for it, and I propose to read it regularly until I reach the Holy Grail!

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I second the motion!

Absolutely this has to be key to "Welcome to the Forum" in whatever shape it ultimately takes!

thanking you cockadoodle and all for this great thread


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Hey. Thanks for the bump! I think the statement made is very worthy of keeping first page. I feel the information is useful even for those of us who have had their Aneros for a while. Sometimes life and stress gets the better of us. Sometimes we forget what it's all about. I find this thread very refreshing and straightforward. It's a great guide for any new members. It's also a nice reminder for any member at any stage of their journey. 🙂

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I'll agree to this thread. Some of my best sesssions my penis has practially retracted into my body. I think I've only gotten an erection in 2 sessions. . . maybe 3.

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Hi, guys,

Wow. Someone recommended this thread in another post, and I was amazed by it. I've been a user for a while, but never posted until lately.

Cockadoodle really hits it on the head, here, and helped me to move to another level in my Aneros journey.

Thanks, man. This is a great help in my search for prostate enjoyment.

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Okay after about a year the pennies dropped. Thankyou for the advice. !!!!

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