Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

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Are these the right signs i am doing it right?

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Hey all, so i am a relatively new user to Aneros and i have bought the aneros helix syn after hearing the wonders it can produce. I've only used it twice so far and i feel like i followed the right path by relaxing and just letting my body do its thing. I experienced a wave-like pattern where my anus and everything inside would tighten up (without me doing it) and i believe i was experiencing a p-wave. This would last roughly 10 seconds and everything would then go back to a relaxed state. This would happen in intervals and each wave would get slightly stronger. The bit i get a bit lost in is that i don't seem to reach the super-o, do i need to just keep sticking at it and keep going with the p-waves? Should i be doing something else?

If you have any information or can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated as i feel like i have only scratched the surface 🙂

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The bit i get a bit lost in is that i don't seem to reach the super-o, do i need to just keep sticking at it and keep going with the p-waves? Should i be doing something else?

If you have any information or can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated as i feel like i have only scratched the surface

Patience, young squire, very few new users reach Super-O's after only a couple of sessions. There is a learning curve involved and it is through practice and attentiveness that progress will be made. Please take the time and make the effort to read through the introductory Private Message (Newbie's Notebook) I sent you. It contains a number of hints, tips and additional informational links to get you started here. Click on your 'Messages' button in the Forums to retrieve it.

Good Vibes to You !

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Patience, young squire, very few new users reach Super-O's after only a couple of sessions. There is a learning curve involved and it is through practice and attentiveness that progress will be made. Please take the time and make the effort to read through the introductory Private Message (Newbie's Notebook) I sent you. It contains a number of hints, tips and additional informational links to get you started here. Click on your 'Messages' button in the Forums to retrieve it.

Good Vibes to You !

Thank you for your reply, i have done a lot of research regarding the super-O and the prostate before i bought my aneros helix and i am familiar with a lot of the information on this website. I am just concerned on whether or not i am on the right path after experiencing the p-waves that occur roughly every 30 seconds and what i should expect next? However, Thank you for your message and i will give it a read.

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