Most stories here talk about late night sessions. Is there any chance to get a very good session early morning, or is it a rare thing?
Greta question. I’m always early in the morning. I would guess it’s all about your frame of mind.
Early on in my aneros journey (2009), I found my evening sessions enjoyable; BUTT, they were so intense AND the afterglows so powerful that I started getting less and less sleep. Once I changed to early morning sessions, I started to sleep much better; and, my sessions became even more intense and enjoyable. There is nothing quite like being WELL rested when you slowly slide your aneros into your slippery hole! I like to be WIDE awake when my aneros slides up against my prostate --- then I can focus intently on EVERY sensation as the ride begins!!!
I've had sessions between 9am and noon several times, and they are quite strong and really get my day going! But, it makes for a "want sex all day" kind of day. My peak sessions are between noon and 3pm though, that's when I feel like I have the most Os and especially super Os. I don't know why. I have good sessions in the evening after 6pm too, but if I have too much dinner or the food is too heavy I just feel really bloated and it's not going to be very enjoyable. If I eat really light all day, and I plan for a night time session, it's going to be amazing. However, I rarely have night sessions. Most of my session the last 3 years or so have been in the noon to 3pm range and they are the BOMB.
Definitely favor early morning as my mind is clear and am totally relaxed. Am my first big O and Aless O in the wee hours between 3am and 6am. Of course you have to be careful not to wake anyone else in the house!
I can only indulge in night time activities, unfortunately I rarely have the house to myself during the day. I really look forward to the sessions but the only trouble is sometimes I feel really washed out the next morning. I lose a lot of sleep if the session is going well, it seems such a shame to end things early. Also trying not to make a noise seems counter productive, often feel the urge to vent my pleasure vocally.
The vast majority of my sessions are between 4am - 7am...I often wake up around 4am to take a pee accompanied by a nice, early morning erection. My sessions are at least 2hrs but can go to 3 hrs easily...sometimes I will fall asleep in the latter portion of the session only to wake again with a really strong orgasm!
last week I was about 30 to 45 min. into a session and decided it was not going to be to great so I stopped and started watching a movie.About an hour into it I became so distracted by desire for aneros I could not get it in fast enough.In a matter of seconds I was in pure bliss.My favorite time is anytime after noon,but I am retired so very flexible.