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Anyone have anything that let's them know a session will be a good one?

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For me, if I get a warm tingle right dead center in my stomach, I feel like that's when I know I'm in for a treat. Also, while it happens when things get good, the amount of pre-cum for me says it. If it's dripping, I know I've made it.

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Prostate horniness is something you develop a spidey-sense for. I find there are positive indicators and negative indicators. Sometimes I can feel a deep throbbing and a feeling that prostate sensations are within reach. Other times I know I'm too tired, impatient, or irritable to enjoy a session.

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I have a wife.

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If a thought or memory triggers an anero-erection, which is the way my arousal has changed since rewiring into this practice.  It's not just a boner anymore, it is the erect penis and the pelvic floor all together, and now the muscles may start rolling together as they do with the devices inside. Crazy thing is, it doesn't even always come with an erect penis! That may come and go, but with? How is this possible? It can get more intense than that, like spontaneous a-less mode, but either way, I get a strong desire to grab one of my devices and let it work some magic. 

Basically if there is strong arousal and desire, the session will be happy time. And I can pretty much also say the first post is perfectly stated. 

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