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Any Prostate Cradle...
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Any Prostate Cradle tips?

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I searched the boards here for opinions on the thing, and found a few mentions here and there, including one link to a thread that apparently got wiped some time ago. Thoughts on it found elsewhere convinced me that it was a good buy, but I can't find much in the way of instructions or helpful usage hints.

Apparently it's not supposed to be any more complicated than "Sit on it" (eyyy). But I manage to screw up most of the simple things, so what about positioning? Where to the pressure points need to be? Does it need a hard surface underneath, or can I use it on a bed or thick seat cushion? Things like that.

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Enlighten us a bit with a link or picture of a prostate cradle. Not familiar with the term so will have to do a search for it as well.

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@kaygo and @fred27, here is some very helpful information on the prostate cradle and how to use it along with photos. Hope this helps.

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yeah that's where I bought it from. i can't find the information i'm looking for on there. it's just a bunch of links to other prostate health sites. Not really informative at all about their own product, which is why I avoided it for so long. It's just a lot of "Hey! Lookit how great this thing is! It works miracles, but we're not going to go into great detail as to how!".

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I remember looking ok'ing at prostate cradles too... I was skeptical and went with a Tennis ball - lol!

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I'd like to see how this device works and possibly see it action.

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Like I said, apparently you just put it on your chair and sit on it. With your clothes on, even. Just a constant, passive massage.

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I have a couple prostate cradles. I love them. They are more subtle, but really nice for regular use if you don't have much privacy. Sitting on one in loose fitting pants or underwear works the best. I often sit on one in my PJs while on the computer, wiggling around.

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What effect does it have wetdream63. How does it feel?

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I went with a Tennis ball - lol!

I also use tennis balls; I have one in my vehicle, one in my work desk and one in my wood shop.

They are easy to conceal and they work great for me!

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@kaygo, I have had a prostate cradle for many years, and I really enjoy it. I most often use it with a padded office chair and soft trousers, but I have also used it successfully on sofas, car seats and other places. My best advice is to view the prostate cradle as a sort of amplifyer. In the same way as the p-tab of the aneros, it applies pressure on the perennium, thereby amplifying the effect of whatever stimulation you are up to at the moment. I use it in many different positions and sometimes even backwards. Try different positions to find ot what gives you the best effect. As you noted, you can use other objects to apply pressure on the perennium. Pesonally, I find tennis balls a bit too wide and hard. A rubber eraser of suitable length works better for me, since it is not so hard.

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@kaygo, Pesonally, I find tennis balls a bit too wide and hard. A rubber eraser of suitable length works better for me, since it is not so hard.

Yes tennis balls are harder and sometimes, that's what I crave. I also occasionally use a stress ball which is a tad smaller than a tennis ball (made of softer sponge material) and that also works great for me.

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"Amplifier" is right. I did the thing where you press down on your abdomen with your thumbs above the pubic bone with it last night, and almost immediately there was that sort of electric tingling, the kind you get from testing the terminals on a 9-volt with your tongue, going between the pressure point on my sphincter and the spot where i was pressing down. Felt good enough that I kinda wrecked my wrist because I'd ended up doing this for a couple hours.

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@kaygo My favourite stimuli to go with the prostate cradle are KSMO or gently stroking my nipples. Possibly combined with mental or visual stimuli. Keep experimenting to find out what works for you! 🙂

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i was never clear on what KSMO is, and my nipples haven't had that much sensitivity since i had them pierced. not from my own hands, anyway.

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i was never clear on what KSMO is,...

Many men have found the KSMO protocol highly complimentary to their Aneros practice. KSMO is another pathway toward MMO's and for some it may be a more effective path than the Aneros. You may find further information about Jack Johnston's "Key Sound Multiple Orgasm" protocol (KSMO) at his website! For a few threads which discuss this topic please see KSMO questions, KSMO The Male multiple Orgasms & Should I buy the KSMO CD?. There are numerous other threads mentioning the KSMO protocol as well, you could try a search to find some of them. Good Vibes to You !

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That still doesn't make it any clearer. And $200 for what no one is making clear is too much.

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That still doesn't make it any clearer. And $200 for what no one is making clear is too much.

@kaygo Describing KSMO in a short sentence is about as easy as describing Aneros in one short sentence. In KSMO, you use a specific sound (Key Sound) that resonates and amplifies stimuli throughout the body to build up orgasmic sensations. Unlike Aneros, it requires no tools of any kind, but if so desired, it can be used in combination with other techniques. Like Aneros, it is an aquired skill that takes practise to master.

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What, like binaural beats? Or a hypnotic anchor trigger?

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What, like binaural beats? Or a hypnotic anchor trigger?

@kaygo The Key Sound is similar to binaural beats in the sense that it's a sound that makes things happen in your body, but the Key Sound you produce yourself using your vocal cords and your vocal tract. No external tools whatsoever needed, just the inherent resources of your own body.

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That doesn't sound like something that would work for me.

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That doesn't sound like something that would work for me.

@kaygo I think it has the potential to work for anyone, but each journey is different. Go with what you believe in and what feels right for you.

I tried KSMO at an early stage of my journey, with limited success. A number of years later, after having developed the ability to have full body multiple orgasms, I revisited it with greater success.

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I don't mean "I don't think it'll work for me" as in "Bah humbug its all mumbo-jumbo". I mean it's something that sounds like it requires a lot of conscious effort, attention, and focus. I'm a lot more comfortable using a technique that's directed at the subconscious while I daydream about this or that.

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something that sounds like it requires a lot of conscious effort, attention, and focus...

@kaygo Almost sounds like the Aneros 😉

Since we are all different, everything is not for everyone. This is why I suggest you go with what you believe in and what feels right for you. 🙂

Enjoy your journey!

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Is it like the aneros? I hear one side saying to focus on it, and another side says to be completely passive and just not even think about it being there, and that eventually it'll "speak up".

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@kaygo Today I do little else after insertion than gently stroking my nipples. In the early days of my journey I tried just about everything I read about or could think of myself. Whatever it was of all that I tried that eventually led to success, I have no idea, but at least I'm sure it wasn't the do nothing approach. 🙂

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I don't "do nothing", but i don't devote all attention to it, either. It's like when I'm giving platelets. I lay in the couch for a couple of hours watching Netflix on my phone, making sure to remember to pump my arm once every few seconds. That's about how I do Aneros. I'll lay down and watch TV or play Playstation or whatever, and flex my muscle at a regular rate. If I start to feel something, I'll pause whatever's on screen and work more on riding. If I don't get anywhere, then at least i've gotten a little therapeutic exercise in, and I wasn't bored to tears for it all.

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