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any larger product for me?

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Im a large man, about 6 foot 3 inches. I got the progasm ice, and I like it, but i would like something bigger and just generally larger all around. the little p-tab simply doesn't even reach my perineum, and everything just seems a little too small. Is there any product that is larger that i can use?

Also there are no dimensions listed on any of the product pages. I would hope there would be like measurement lines running vertically and horizontally on the product pages to give some sense of scale. Is this possible?

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Posted by: @stranger
Is there any product that is larger that i can use?

The Progasm and VICE 2 models are the largest in the Aneros lineup of models. I know there are other manufacturers that make larger prostate massagers but I can not vouch for their effectiveness as the Progasm is more than adequate for my usage.

Posted by: @stranger
...the little p-tab simply doesn't even reach my perineum, and everything just seems a little too small.

Some members have performed various modifications to their models. Please see Modifications to the Aneros in the Aneros WIKI for more information.

Posted by: @stranger
Also there are no dimensions listed on any of the product pages. I would hope there would be like measurement lines running vertically and horizontally on the product pages to give some sense of scale. Is this possible?

I know Aneros used to publish this information when they had a section on recommended models on their home pages. I don't know why they dropped this info. but I agree with you that it would be nice to have it available again.

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Progasm and vice 2 are the largest by Aneros. Outside Aneros I heard good things about Giddi Thor . I never tried it but I heard it is the largest vibrating prostate massager even bigger than the Vice 2. 

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