Annual Urologist ex...
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Annual Urologist exam, Good news

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My prostate is normal sized, and my PSA is normal for a "20 year old" (i'm 57) It has not moved in the past 10 years. I take lo dose Cialis for BPH, cuz everything else had terrible side effects. Works as expected. Occasional Heartburn from Cialis treated with OTC meds. If I go off the Cialis, a few days later the urine stream is slower. 

Urologist said "see you in two years You can now get Lo-dose Cialis from your General Practitioner doctor. " GoodRx is cheaper than insurance.

I had P-waves when I first started P-massage, but nothing in a few years.

I also do Redlight/Infrared light therapy on my Scrotum and shaft to increase T. I assume some of the light gets through to the prostate even if it is deep inside. 

I'm also on Wellbutrin for ADHD and Anxiety, works great. No issues with libido.

Comments welcomed. Just had to share some good news.

Pablito1963, Zentai, Pablito1963 and 3 people reacted
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I read in an article (don’t remember the specific piece but pretty sure was from Lost Empire Herbs) referencing a European study that looked at the effects of Nettle Root for BPH. They gave older men with BPH 1,200mg of Nettle Root per day for 4 months and found that in 80% of the participants their prostates became normal in size. 

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Posted by: @zaqpol

I read in an article (don’t remember the specific piece but pretty sure was from Lost Empire Herbs) referencing a European study that looked at the effects of Nettle Root for BPH. They gave older men with BPH 1,200mg of Nettle Root per day for 4 months and found that in 80% of the participants their prostates became normal in size. 

I have been taking stinging nettle for the last year or so. I'm 59 and it makes a real difference in urinary flow.

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nice to see how people take care of themselves
