Anerosian Aphorisms
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Anerosian Aphorisms

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[COLOR="red"]Anerosian Aphorisms

Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall not be disappointed.

To be upset over what you DON'T have, is to waste what you DO have.

Here are just two of the kinds of defining pithy statements that are key statements of experienced truth in the Aneros practice and community. This thread could become a nomination/collection point, in developing a handy reference collection of such condensed wisdom, to be housed wherever appropriate.

Beatitude forms, zen koans, ironic humour twists, logical equations, whatever lingua-tasties you fancy, bring other's and invent your own. Please post them here. What simple poetic expressions define the essentials of the Aneros experience and keys to progress and appreciation?

have at it all with great gusto


apologies to Voyager and ArcticWolves for appropriating theirs to launch a thousand...

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Back in September of 2008, I posted the thread Is ANEROS an acronym? which invited the membership to creatively play with the ANEROS name. Earlier I had also proposed some new terms in the thread Do you Anerosise?. Your thread “Anerosian Aphorisms” fits nicely into that theme

Today, you have posted an invitation for members to contribute aphorisms associated with Aneros use, a wonderful idea. I just had the thought rather than have these contributions buried in the mass of General Discussion threads, perhaps you may wish to create a user group for consolidating some of these related thoughts, group name “Anerosisms” ? In addition to Aphorisms, users could also contribute Aneros associated Acknowledgments, Acronyms, Affirmations, Anecdotes, Annotations and Appreciations.

Now in response to your “ANEROS HAIKU CHAIN” since you named me, turnabout is fair play...
a good haiku chain
can tickle your prostate too
if you feel the vibes

if you feel the vibes
rumel must be active here
sending them to you

sending them to you
birthday greetings cockadoo
noodle as you do

noodle as you do loving energies shared
something we must do

something we must do
be patient for our reward
'artform' leads us through

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Thanks very much for all these ideas and haiku R! 😀

Yes, let's pursue these possibilities. I will transfer your haiku to that thread for you. 😉

Here is another aphorism, this one nominated by Sky_Walker and authored by chuckjo2000

Relax and allow your mind to wander to far away places, soon you will be rewarded.

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Artform said:

>None of this is, in the end, a commodity that one can purchase or force into being.<

Wise words that should be framed and hung on the bedroom wall of anyone who aspires to become accomplished in the MMO skill!


None of this is, in the end, a commodity that one can purchase or force into being.

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My own MMO history started with the Aneros practice, then the KSMO, and has progressed, much to my amazement, to giving me the experience of what I call hyper-O extended sessions with no aids whatsoever - no manipulation, no insertions, no Key Sound - just by relaxed submissive desire to have these fantastic orgasms visit me. I know for some that might be simply incredible, but it's true.

Just by relaxed submissive desire, I have these fantastic orgasms visit me.

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The current blog authentication paradigm isn't clear, particularly to an old, decrepit machine language guy who finds higher-level stuff, like Octal, difficult to comprehend. (if God had meant for us to use hexadecimal, he would have granted us sixteen fingers.) Steffbaum's Rule: "Sophisticated systems are like sophisticated people, neither have to work." ---- rook 8)

Say rook, could that Steffbaum saying apply to one's aneros practice and be added to the Aneros Aphorisms, maybe with a flip like this? If you make your practice feel complicated, it probably will be.


Originally Posted by artform
... snip... If you make your practice feel complicated, it probably will be. artform

GUILTY :blush:

If you make your practice feel complicated, it probably will be.

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The ability to get into the Super-O Zone is more mental than physical. If your mind is not ready for the experience, it simply will not happen!

You are aware of this and yet you undermine your own efforts when you make statements to yourself such as “This is just lovely now ...but it won't last." And it doesn't.” Of course it doesn't last because you've programmed yourself to assure that it doesn't.

We all have an internal dialogue running, some of this dialogue is scripted from things taught in our youth which have never been critically examined or challenged for accuracy, relevance or benefit. Then return to that statement and see if you might re-frame it into a more positve, proactive form such as “This is just lovely now and I know with patience it will get even lovelier.”

This is just lovely now, and I know with patience it will get even lovelier.
Rumel replying to Tomasheen

Our fellow member, 'The_Bishop', has, as his posting signature, a quote I completely agree with - "The mind is everything. What you think you become." - Buddha.

The mind is everything. What you think you become.
