I have been using the Helix and the Progasm for a number of months on and off. I have had many pleasurable experiences with both of these models. I have definately had mini-Os and some some big "wipe every thought from my mind and enjoy the bliss" Os. The problem I have encountered is that my results seem to be highly variable and though I have had some good experiences, I am at times less than satisfied. I want to have more control over how often I get over.
Ironically, I am just now getting back to the Helix after totally preferring the Progasm. I also have the Peristal, which I really like. I find that the Peristal is a choice for this that can stay there pretty much unattended. I can really engage my anal muscles or I can let it stay in there. It definately won't pop out as the Progasm might. That's kind of a random thought...
Now I have the KSMO CD collection and have been learning the MMO Protocol. My question is whether or not I should really be combining the Aneros with the KSMO method while I am still learning it. There are lots of folks here who have combined both, so I wanted to see what folks are doing.
Any help on this thread would be much appreciated.
Hi Lone Rider,
I am in kind of the same boat as you from the standpoint of trying them both at the same time.
I am just starting KSMO, and have listened to Jack a few time now.
I am thinking about trying to keep them separate for a while until I become proficient with the key sound, and then put them together and see what happens. should be interesting...
Maybe we will get one of the many experts with KSMO to let us both know.. 🙂
As it happens, I was just out at the KSMO forum researching this.
It seems that a way to do this that appears successful for some folks is to alternate the days when you use each. That way, you can focus on each without interference.
I guess that makes sense, so maybe I will give that a try. Best of luck buddy! 😀
Hey guys,
I can speak from experinence here and for me it was important to get aquainted with KSMO before trying to mix them together. I was Super Orgasmic when I started KSMO which I think was important to how quickly I could feel results. Hang with it, it is quite amazing and a bit different from what I experienced with Aneros alone. I have had some real good sessions mixing it together since then. I am glad that you took the plunge and are giving it a chance. What I suggest as well is that after you get a few KSMO sessions under your belt, that you re-listen to the into CD. It is amazing what you forget about.
Good luck to you.
Thanks Buster,
I have already started to feel a bit when doing the key sound, but I will take your advice and leave my sessions apart for now.
I just need to start the KSMO sessions full time as Jack suggests.
I also seem to have orgasms quite easily, so this should be a very interesting journey! 😀
Thanks Lone Rider,
Somehow I missed your post back to me...
Good info, and it makes sense.
Thanks again to you, and Buster for some great info!