Aneros vs Other pro...
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Aneros vs Other product? There are some alternative?

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if a people do a search on amazon, he can discover a lot of product that offer prostatic massage, something very interesting.

But they are good or superior to Aneros?

What do you think about the other producers?

There are some alternative to Aneros that give more pleasure?

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I enjoy toys other than aneros as well, but aneros was my first. From my doctor's viewpoint - "... aneros is part sex toy, part medical device. The others are sex toys. Aneros has the potential to be therapeudic, so long as it is used right and not over-used." She has several patients, myself included, who have seen their BPH symptoms settle down after using an aneros combined with Flomax. With regular aneros use, the Flomax can be used as a temporary medication to relax the muscles, get the flow going, and get the aneros rythum going, then keep going with the aneros and wean off the Flomax.

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@TheNovice there are always alternatives to everything but IMHO, Aneros and HIH are the real thing. Of course, everyone has their preferences and opinions but rarely do we read about Aneros not being a good massager on the forum. They hold several key patents in this particular field; it means something to me but again, this is just my opinion.

I started with a Helix Syn and now have four other models and I never looked back.

To go from where you are to the next town, you can drive any car but not all of them will get you there comfortably. It's your choice.

Good vibes to you.

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None of the similar products are going to operate EXACTLY like the aneros. The aneros started as a medical product and has 20 years of development and refinement. The original and the best.

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I am using my HIH Model 950 as a theraputic device for control of BPH symptoms. It works well. The prostate pleasure is an added bonus!

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1st post.
2 year Aneros user. Both Helix's, classic eupho, progasm jr. HIH 950
No Super O ... yet.

This subject comes up pretty often, and prompted me to finally create an account and post here.

Tried the Helix syn first, and had some weak p-waves after a 10 or more sessions. .75 to 1.5 hours each.
Tried Eupho next, and the pleasure waves increased some, but, those tapered off after a few weeks use.
Found a 3rd party device on amazon called the Echo. The price was right for experimenting so tried it.
Right away I had more consistent and stronger p-waves with it. After hitting a plateau a few months later, went back to the Helix syn and found it now compared to the Echo for results.
My re-wiring continued ( with a lot of help from the forum users here, THANKS for all your posts)
Purchased a Helix Classic and the waves really took off (1.5 years into my journey)
Now nearly 2 years since I started, I really look forward to my sessions. If enough pre-arousal, each session seems to ramp up from the last ones, and surprise me with many different kinds of pleasure.
Eupho also good, Progasm jr. and HIH950 no joys ... so far. The 950 is actually uncomfortable for me.

Who can say if I would have gotten to this point of re-wiring without the other device, but this is my experience.
Still use the off brand when I am short on time, but the Classic Helix now gives me the best pleasures.

Hope this post is not inappropriate for a brand sponsored forum. (if it is, admin please delete)

I can not say how much everyone's posts here have helped guide and motivate me.
Thank-you seems so inadequate,....but, all i can offer.
Thank-you all !

Noble Member Customer
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1094

1st post.
2 year Aneros user. Both Helix's, classic eupho, progasm jr. HIH 950
No Super O ... yet.

This subject comes up pretty often, and prompted me to finally create an account and post here.

Tried the Helix syn first, and had some weak p-waves after a 10 or more sessions. .75 to 1.5 hours each.
Tried Eupho next, and the pleasure waves increased some, but, those tapered off after a few weeks use.
Found a 3rd party device on amazon called the Echo. The price was right for experimenting so tried it.
Right away I had more consistent and stronger p-waves with it. After hitting a plateau a few months later, went back to the Helix syn and found it now compared to the Echo for results.
My re-wiring continued ( with a lot of help from the forum users here, THANKS for all your posts)
Purchased a Helix Classic and the waves really took off (1.5 years into my journey)
Now nearly 2 years since I started, I really look forward to my sessions. If enough pre-arousal, each session seems to ramp up from the last ones, and surprise me with many different kinds of pleasure.
Eupho also good, Progasm jr. and HIH950 no joys ... so far. The 950 is actually uncomfortable for me.

Who can say if I would have gotten to this point of re-wiring without the other device, but this is my experience.
Still use the off brand when I am short on time, but the Classic Helix now gives me the best pleasures.

Hope this post is not inappropriate for a brand sponsored forum. (if it is, admin please delete)

I can not say how much everyone's posts here have helped guide and motivate me.
Thank-you seems so inadequate,....but, all i can offer.
Thank-you all !

I would start a new thread to ask any questions.

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