Aneros vs Aless
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Aneros vs Aless

Bill Bately
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If using Aneros stimulates the prostate (by involuntary movements against the prostate) then what are Aless? Is that just your internal muscles coaxing the prostate? To me both are enjoyable. 

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Posted by: @bill-bately

If using Aneros stimulates the prostate (by involuntary movements against the prostate) then what are Aless? Is that just your internal muscles coaxing the prostate? To me both are enjoyable. 

Hi Bill, to me it seems to be even less. I guess, it could only be a special kind of focus that generates those feelings from our memory. Perhaps that's the reason why it looks like Aneros sessions and Aless seem to fuel each other. Reflecting about my nipple play I already can do by pure envision, I'd say we need no physical stimulation at all. Often I only envision to caress my prostate and, before any involuntaries ever happened, things are already starting over. I guess, those 1.9 lbs of mass between our ears is our most potential sexual organ and in alliance with our prostate it creates all that enjoyable fun for us, even without any physical activity.

If you never did, try to really do absolutely nothing and only envision to touch your gland. Try to imagine how your finger rubs across it, teases and presses it. After half a minute I already feel warmth in my whole addomen and then my gland begins to buzz, what makes it really difficult to stay still. But then I let my focus hover to my nipples or to my balls or to my frenulum or any other of my hot spots only then to come back to my gland and find it already fully engorged as the dumb feeling in its area tells me.

Good vibes and a lot of joyful multiple orgasms!


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It's either/both IMO.

My very first exploration into non-traditional orgasms consisted of me not touching or flexing anything, just willing sensations into existence. Which was a very slow process, but with enough patience the sensations built. But ultimately I found it hard to control those sensations - to turn them off when they arose unwanted, or persisted long after I was finished - which is one of the reasons I switched to something with more physical cues... there's a more clear beginning and ending point.

Equally, it's probably possible to massage the prostate using various contractions, without needing to delve too much into imaginary sensations or abstract energy work.

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I have had 2 good Aneros sessions, but while doing kegels I inadvertently trumped them with an a-less session. I started to get that special feeling after 5 min of repeat kegels and just tried my nipples. Not exactly a super o, but 20 minutes later my legs are still weak and my hands are a little shaky. The feeling down there still hasn't completely subsided. Completely unexpected.

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