Aneros useful trick...
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Aneros useful trick or something that needs to be avoided?

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Dear Aneros Community,
I've just had an Aneros session. At the beginning I did everything "classical" way: water-based lube, lying on my side with one leg bent, 30 minutes of getting to the sensation. 40 minutes of my session did nothing spectacular. However, after 45 minutes I decided to do something unusual.
I started to gently tap the longer handle of my Helix Classic (the curved handle that goes to your butt). After a couple of minutes I started to feel a completely new sensation that was incredible! It was like vibrations that I could control. From gentle and little vibrations to stronger ones.
My question is: should something like this be done? I mean, it is believed that Aneros should not be touched. Are these manual vibrations healthy? Or the prostate may have "too much"?
Thank You for Your advices 😉

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admer dont be stuck with all rules experment with some different it did feel goood so enjoy

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There really is only one rule and that is leave your cock can't learn something new if you keep doing the same old thing.....once you get to the super O level this rule can be broken for the fun of it

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My question is: should something like this be done? I mean, it is believed that Aneros should not be touched.

As @happyhole alluded to, there really are no 'rules' per se, rather there are suggested guidelines for practice purposes. The admonition to avoid manual manipulation has two main purposes. First, it is to have you avoid injuring yourself due to too vigorous massage. You want to make sure you don't bruise, irritate or otherwise stress your prostate or the surrounding nerves and membranes. However, if you take care and proceed gently you will probably do no harm with the method you described, just be sure to stop at the first sign of pain, soreness or irritation. Secondly, using only your pelvic floor muscles during your Anerosessions exercises, strengthens, tones and adds stamina to those muscles making all forms of future sexual activity more pleasurable.

Are these manual vibrations healthy? Or the prostate may have "too much"?

There is some debate even amongst urologists about any health benefits to be derived from prostate massage partially due to a lack of long term scientific studies. However, anecdotal evidence attesting to the health benefits of prostate massage for normally healthy men continue to accumulate. Eastern medical practices and holistic medicine practitioners continue to recommend the practice. The issue of adding a level of vibration to the massage is also open to debate. A little vibration at random intervals and varying intensities can aid in the arousal process but continuous or intense vibrations can have a numbing effect by temporarily desensitizing the prostate and surrounding nerves. It is really an individual choice, experiment with it and if it leads to diminishing pleasurable sensations then switch to some other technique. As @brucemarkland noted " can't learn something new if you keep doing the same old thing...". The manual vibration you describe is not likely to lead to any desensitization so go ahead and experiment with it and see where it leads.
Good Vibes to You !

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I had some great success with this method once upon a time but have not be able to repeat it on a regular basis. what I did was to stroke the handle of the aneros very lightly with my finger like you might stroke a clit. sometimes I used something else to stroke or tap on the handle (like the wooden handle of a hairbrush, or another aneros

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A lot of times I pull the toy out completely and reinsert, and that usually ramps up sensations and involuntary contractions. Or I'll very gently pull on the toy until I feel it "slip" inside me, which makes me say to myself "it's pretty slick" and then when I let go it starts to autofuck me and I'm off to the races!

Tapping on it is fun, it's pretty gentle.

Or something else you can do is manually fuck your ass with it and really try to engage your prostate, maybe for a few seconds or like 10-20 pumps, and then let go and let the toy do what it wants to do, and gauge how that worked. It won't hurt you especially if you're 30+ minutes into a session; by then you're quite warmed up. I find that this can jumpstart the Aneros into inducing involuntary contractions and also it makes my anal canal flex differently, which can draw the toy deeper into me or change the length of the stroke.

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Experiment, relax, take your time and have fun. Do what feels good for you at the time, every session is different. I lay on my side for the first time ever this week with the progasm and had new feelings and a completely different kind of ride. my entire body was still but my ass cheeks where thrusting uncontrollably like I was being phantom fucked it felt sooooo nice, I was eventually rolled onto my back and I my hand beated me off so hard until I blew my load. The spirit left the room and I woke

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