Anyone tried it? To what end?
I have not tried both at the same time. However, I was sounded by an urologist as part of having my bladder scoped - things were a bit narrow and he felt it best to take a bit of time to open me up first. Afterwards in follow-up I asked him a few questions - he used van buren sounds, which in his view are the only legitimate medical sound now used for a male. I told him I saw such devices online and so he glanced at his watch and said he had better have a "talk with me". The "kink industry" as he put it markets ones that are in sets either two small or too big, both dangerous. Also dangerous, some may be chrome plated and the chrome might flake off - only legitimate is high quality polish stainless steel. Cheap stainless steel may form a light rust - bad. Too small can puncture, too big can cause ripping. A typical adult male in good health averages roughly 24F, so a "safe set" might start at 20FR and end at 26FR or maybe 28FR. No more. Nothing smaller or larger than the "20s". The procedure is only truly safe if every step in the process is sterile, which is impossible in the home setting. It can be done somewhat safely at home using extreme caution - alcohol wipes, medical gloves, "cooking" the sounds in a pressure cooker, a glass of cranberry juice before and after, sterile lube packets etc. The procedure can result in sexual pleasure, but to be safe an erection must be prevented, particular during insertion and during withdrawal, but best of all the whole time. Medical benefits today are pretty limited, but include opening up to allow for passage of a scope [maybe once every few years] and opening up a narrow urethra for better flow [more regular]. Can also provide relief for those with BPH without drugs.