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Aneros MGX

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I just got started on the MGX. .. I'm feeling that it doesn't fit me well. The thing is squishing into my perenium and crack (uncomfortably). I'm pretty tall, and have a very long torso. And honestly i don't feel too much prostate stimulation with it.

I'm wondering if that's a sign it doesn't fit right, or is this normal, or is there anything I can do. What's the best option?


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Hello Seattle,

And welcome the Aneros forum! 🙂

I just got started on the MGX. .. I'm feeling that it doesn't fit me well. The thing is squishing into my perenium and crack (uncomfortably). I'm pretty tall, and have a very long torso. And honestly i don't feel too much prostate stimulation with it.

I'm wondering if that's a sign it doesn't fit right, or is this normal, or is there anything I can do. What's the best option?

There are all very common new user observations and/or complaints. First of all I recommend that you read as much as possible in the Aneros Forum, Blogs, and particularly the WIKI. You'll find links for each one of them in the red line across the top of this web page below the word ANEROS. Also posting in the Forums and Blogs is a great way to both learn and track your progress as you continue to use your MGX.

Here's some links to answer parts of your questions:
Click on the "FAQ" link on the left hand side.
Then click on the link titled: 1.4 I've tried my model a few times but I don't feel much of anything, what's wrong?
Click on the "view results" link beneath the "Submit Vote" button.

The uncomfortable squishing of the P-tab into your perineum can either be dealt with by softening the P-tab as the link above talks about. But sometimes it can just be a matter of either relaxing your anal muscles enough so it doesn't dig into you so much. Or it is a sensation that will go away as you continue to use your MGX. See the "Milestones" link above.

I think your best option is to continue using your MGX on a regular basis. Very few men experience orgasmic sensations within the first few times of trying an Aneros prostrate massager. This is a process that takes time for your body and mind to learn to feel pleasurable sensations from your anus and prostrate, and orgasm without the ejaculatory response. We call this process "rewiring".

I wish you the best of luck on your Aneros journey. And feel free to ask questions as you need to. But keep in mind that you can always use the "search" feature of the forums to find topics you might have questions about.

Love is Peace

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