Aneros around the w...
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Aneros around the world

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From my research the the High Island Health company only sells in two markets, American (english speaking) and Japan. Are there any plans to sell to other parts of the world in the future? At the very least have a "international gateway" at the entrance of the web site to mirror aneros sites with some of the different major languages. It would be a shame that the rest of the world miss out on this amazing device because of a language barrier.

B Mayfield
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From my research the the High Island Health company only sells in two markets, American (english speaking) and Japan. Are there any plans to sell to other parts of the world in the future? At the very least have a "international gateway" at the entrance of the web site to mirror aneros sites with some of the different major languages. It would be a shame that the rest of the world miss out on this amazing device because of a language barrier.

The _Bishop,

I think you'll be happy to know that the Aneros is indeed sold in many countries world-wide. In some instances if there isn't an actual resident distributor there are ones in neighboring locations that sell there.

HIH/Aneros has exhibited for three years now at the Venus show in Berlin. This is perhaps the largest show for erotic goods in the world. I was there with them back in 2006 when they first exhibited at the consumer area of the show. At that time they were approached by many European retailers. Since then they have continued to exhibit there, but in the business to business area of the event for the purposes of creating a wider distribution network.

At this point the device is being sold throughout Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and the United States. There have even been some inroads made into Mexico and South America if memory serves. I'll try to get an update for you on where the product is currently being sold and get back to you.

BF Mayfield

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Come on Guys!

...and CANADA eh!


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