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Aneros and prostate play affects on mental health and trauma, awerness post.

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Hey, 4 month ago I made a post when I talked about the effects of Aneros on my mental health, we touched on Kundalini, and spirituality. I think I can understand now why new users might have crazy awakenings that they are not ready to handle.

I started doing therapy recently and working with plant medicines. And I can tell that during my first real progress with aneros it triggered lots of processes, and undressed traumas which of course caused a fight or flight response, because this was all forced on me.

Unfortunately we live in a society where we have to deal with a lot of negative things and masturbation can become a coping mechanism for stress or trauma (this happened to me). Sometimes you really don't want to address this issues because you just want to feel this escape, ecstasy and beauty which is totally perfect.

I wasn't really ready then for my trauma release and I wasn't even aware of my trauma. That is why I had my panic attack when I felt my first p wave. And if I would have really strong sensations that would last for 3 days which is super common I would think that I'm totally going crazy or lose mind or have a spiritual awakening. Because my ego was trying to protect me from memories and I wasn't able to properly surrender.

Prior to the aneros my approach to prostate and sexuality was brutal. Like having a dildo and ride it out until you are exhausted or your prostate is no longer sensitive not really focusing on your body feelings and pleasure. Looking at super nasty porn like hardcore anal, or sissy hypno stuff. Using dangerous chemicals like poppers to enhance this psychological state. Dame, I wasn't heavy user of poppers but I damaged my vision and it took me 2 years to recover from it. In the retrospect it was almost masochistic like approach.

My theory that when you experience such euphoria that tells you body that you are ready to handle heavy stuff that you are carrying around. It is very similar how psychedelics work for trauma healing. But the problem with it is that you are really not ready because you "force" this state, and if you don't have safety net like therapist, friends, family that support you. You can 100 percent go into paranoia state.

My relationships with my sexuality and aneros has changed for better. And I'm very happy that I discovered it. Writing it triggering lots of emotions. But I hope this post might help somebody with similar problems.

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I will say.. Perspective is everything. 

When I first started my journey with Aneros, I was quite high strung about a lot of things sexually.  While I knew I was gay, I was still coming to terms with telling people.  I was also in this bizarre place of wanting anal pleasure, but never really experiencing it when using toys and such (I'm eternally single, lol).  It really freaked me out.

Of course.. Because of that, I never received any benefits from Aneros.  It wasn't until I let go a bit that I started to see some results.  And while to this day I have not experienced a Super O, the progress my body has made has been great.

Expectations are everything.  The pleasure we are experiencing doesn't feel as we think it should.  I know one thing I'm experiencing is the sensations, but not really knowing what to think of them.  My body is reacting to the sensations, as if I am being delivered some great pleasure, but my mind is almost indifferent about it, not feeling good or bad.  Getting over that hump seems to be a challenge for me (any suggestions?), but it is a perfect example as to how we can shoot ourselves in the foot along the way.

This is definitely a situation in life where we do have all the control.  Well...  About 90% I would say.

Porn is a killer as well.  I used to watch it everyday for almost 15 years.  I wasn't at the level of addiction, but I see where you are coming from.  I used it as a coping mechanism, seeing as though finding people I'm attracted to who are also into me, has been difficult.  And aside from the ED effects of long term porn use, I think it starts messing with your definition of beauty.  So... I cut it out of my life.  I didn't delete all my porn.  I'm not saying I'll never watch again.  But a break was needed.

That break did wonders for my body and Aneros sessions.  I feel like I've been more in tune with myself, rather than trying to force it through a series of images or.. expectations.  This has caused most of my ED to go away.  It has given me more erections during sessions.  It has also given me stronger orgasms.  I am now at 176 days without porn.

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Posted by: @nat

Porn is a killer as well.  I used to watch it everyday for almost 15 years.  I wasn't at the level of addiction, but I see where you are coming from.  I used it as a coping mechanism, seeing as though finding people I'm attracted to who are also into me, has been difficult.  And aside from the ED effects of long term porn use, I think it starts messing with your definition of beauty.  So... I cut it out of my life.  I didn't delete all my porn.  I'm not saying I'll never watch again.  But a break was needed.

That break did wonders for my body and Aneros sessions.  I feel like I've been more in tune with myself, rather than trying to force it through a series of images or.. expectations.  This has caused most of my ED to go away.  It has given me more erections during sessions.  It has also given me stronger orgasms.  I am now at 176 days without porn.

I fully agree with you on the negative effects of porn.  I AM a porn addict suffering from severe ED.  I gave up on porn about 6 months ago and even deleted my hundreds of favorite bookmarks which by itself broke my heart.  It had taken me years to accumulate my collection.

A few weeks ago, I was really missing some of my favorite porn topics and fell off the wagon. After searching and viewing for about half an hour, I found that what I was viewing was more of a turn off than turn on.  It may be psychological but whatever the reason,  I'll take it.

I can never say I'm cured from my addiction but I'm happy it's not ruling my life as it did for so for years; no decades.  Today, I'm feeling much better about myself even if my ED is not restored. 

Thanks for sharing.

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Posted by: @ggringo

After searching and viewing for about half an hour, I found that what I was viewing was more of a turn off than turn on.  It may be psychological but whatever the reason,  I'll take it.

Just a guess..  Maybe it was the shame of falling off the wagon and watching.  Maybe something along the lines of "what am I doing.. this is doing nothing for me" train of thought.  It could be doing something for you, but if you think it isn't, it isn't.  This is kind of like the placebo effect.

You can compare this to the pleasure in sessions.  Based on my experience of feeling this "pleasure" without getting a pleasure response, I wonder how much of these things we trick our minds into thinking as pleasure, actually is.  You have to remember...  Due to trauma and a lot of psychological disorders, there are actually people out there who get the same pleasure responses from physical pain.  Are they actually feeling pleasure..?  I guess that is up for debate. 

What really is pleasure?  Or is it just anything we find joy in? 

This post was modified 2 years ago by Nat

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Posted by: @nat

Just a guess..  Maybe it was the shame of falling off the wagon and watching.  Maybe something along the lines of "what am I doing.. this is doing nothing for me" train of thought.  I could be doing something for you, but if you think it isn't, it isn't.  This is kind of like the placebo effect.

Great theory; makes sense.  Like I said, 'whatever the reason, I'll take it'. 

For me, half of the battle in doing something about my porn addiction is realizing that it's become a problem and accepting what the long term effects are. This is no different than most other addictions.  

I know everyone is different so I can only comment on what long-term porn effects does (did) to me.  It might serve others in a more positive or neutral way.

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When I first used the aneros I thought I broke my body for the first 5 days. I lost all ability to get an erection and had the most insane tingling all thru my body non stop. I was worried.... that went away with time.

Kundalini some believe some don't... but ever since using the aneros I woke something up in my body. It lead me to getting into meditation, and I can basically have an aneros session during meditation now just laying there. 

If you go into the topic of meditation and body tingles you can get so many threads on it. 

So there is def something linked. I'm not sure why the aneros helps trigger this, but it did and there has been plenty of topics on here about it aswell.

Cutting out masturbation helps alot with the aneros sessions and if I am masturbating at all, I lose all ability to Aless or have body tingles till 2 days + of no masturbation. Sex is different I can still maintain the aless and tingles.

So if anyone is having too much body tingles around... just rub a few out....

The topic of porn addiction is an interesting one, if you can get thru the first 3 days + of it. The cravings start to go, please don't ever watch VR porn... its literally regular porn on steroids by 10.

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Posted by: @jiji2000

Cutting out masturbation helps alot with the aneros sessions and if I am masturbating at all, I lose all ability to Aless or have body tingles till 2 days + of no masturbation. Sex is different I can still maintain the aless and tingles.

To a degree, I wanted to try the no masturbation thing.  I've though always been taught the rule "use it or lose it".  As we get older, we have less frequent erections and sex drive.  I'd hate to almost shoot myself in the foot by not upkeeping a routine of sorts, keeping my body in order.

My best experience...  When I went to visit my brother in Europe, I stayed at his place, afraid to do anything like that.  I went 2 weeks without masturbating.  When I got home, at night I had a session.  I really got nothing more out of it than any other session.  This though was 7 years ago.

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Thank you for commenting on this.  Definitely, falling of of the wagon helped you.  Maybe now you can start to focus (without the porn) on arousal feelings mentally and physically to help the ED. 

My wife has observed me and some occassional incidences of ED, and she has gone silently into action with different moves and touching.  When we talk about it, she thinks it is a result of the use of prostate massage with my Aneros Helix Syn V.  She has discovered new tricks, like perineum touching and deeper massage.  That is a trigger point for me.  (BTW, she does not massage my prostate digitally, as she does not want to go there, but she is becoming aware of the power of the prostate and my treatment of it with Kegels and breathing).  Next is continued and occassional use of my device in me while having foreplay & further sex together.

Wishing Y'all the Best!

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