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Aneros and dopamine depletion

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Almost all abusive drugs and addictive substances influence dopamine production. Chronic dopamine surges over a long period of time will eventually cause a loss of dopamine activity in the brain and decrease the receptors in charge of satiety. And so begins the cycle driving us to sustain our feelings of pleasure through the intake. Some people also thinks this applies for food intake.

I have used the aneros with a frequency of once every two days -- two times or more per day, for about 6 months. I have not noticed an initial super-super-O that I can not later reproduce again. Instead it seems to get better every time.

Neither have I noticed that any need to increase Aneros usage for the same effect instead, again, it seems to get better every time.

I am thinking of addiction and how to setup a practice that is healthy in the long run. I like the current frequency but are worried of long term side effects.

Anyone that have noticed such effects?
Anyone that have any ideas of why aneros use differs from other activities as eating in this sense?

If I have missunderstood the whole thing, let me know.

I am groot

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@groot, hi. I have used Aneros for 3 and half years. I have not had a super O. I use an Aneros every night. It has been a blessing. It soothes my BPH and I can now urinate without discomfort. It actually helps me sleep. It reduced stress and tension. It helps me meditate. I am more creative. I have a better, freer relationship with my partner. It saved my life by reducing extreme cardio stress when near climax when having sex with my partner. But do note that I am still on the way.
From what the forum medicos say in my words - it is just a lump of inert plastic in itself it is harmless - just keep it clean. In this regard it is not like food or any drugs. The body reacts to its pressure as it chooses. I suppose similar to clitorial stimulation a natural ability for the body to enjoy itself and release tension and find natural happiness.

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@isvara....great post I have one tiny correction. its like gspot stimulation if you want to draw a comparison. clitoral is more like penile stimulation...well not is different names for the same part. Gspot stimulation tends to bring those happiness feelings you refer to. However everything else I loved, carry on!!!

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@devajones, I stand corrected.

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Pretty good question.

There's no reason to specifically care about dopamine. It and many other neurochemicals are involved in the processes of tolerance, addiction, withdrawal, conditioned behavior and reward-seeking, but those are all easily understood without deep knowledge of the chemistry.

Recreational drugs directly alter neurochemistry. Tolerance and withdrawal arise from the body adjusting its chemistry to offset the effects of the substance. Addiction is largely avoiding the unpleasant effects of withdrawal, not seeking the pleasant effects of a dose.

Food and orgasms influence neurochemistry indirectly through its built-in mechanisms, but don't interfere with it. As you observed, the pleasant effects aren't diminished by tolerance. Addiction is a conditioned desire for those pleasant effects. For food, it can lead to overeating. That can obviously be a bad thing.

For orgasms, in the context of physiology, overindulgence isn't practically achievable, and the worst effect that might have on your body is achy muscles. Kind of a self-limiting condition, really.

In the context of behavior, addictive and obsessive behavior are definite risks of on-demand high-intensity orgasm ability, and can have bad effects. Since you're satisfied with how things are going now, this isn't something you should worry too much about.

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Thanks for your replies!

I was good to hear your thougts on this and I feel reassured.

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