Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

Anal secretions fro...
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Anal secretions from penetration?

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Hi all. I'm not sure where else to post this so I thought I'd post it where I started my anal play journey. I first bought an aeros in about 2011 and have had a lot of fun with it. It introduced me to the idea of the anus as an area for pleasure. This eventually led to me buying a dildo and sometimes just fingering myself. I am a straight male mid 30's.

Something I have noticed once I got used to penetration with a dildo was a white creamy fluid that comes from the anus when using a dildo. I originally thought this was the lube frothing up but one day I fingered myself using only saliva for lubrication and it still happened. Over the years it has gotten more copious so that now sometimes it covers the sheets under me with a significant patch much like a woman leaves during sex.

It smells really strange and interesting, pheromonal even, and I have actually tasted it. It tastes sweet/salty. I try to make sure I have emptied my bowels and irrigiated my rectum with a bulb syringe before any kind of dildo play. If I am hydrated, it can be more copious or runny and is more thick and frothy if my fluids are down. Once or twice it has kind of gushed out with an anal contraction. One time I was overcome with a kind of anal horniness driving home from a friends house after eating a cannabis brownie that I parked my car in a dark place and started fingering myself. I was already wet there and ended up penetrating myself with the end of a steering wheel club lock. The fluid was copious and absolutely no lube was used or required. This tells me it has something to do with sexual arousal. What is this stuff? Am I a freak? Has anyone else experienced this? I have found some videos that seem to show a similar phenomenon but not sure if I'm allowed to link to porn here.

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It is probably mucous from the rectal wall, which is naturally there to help lubricate the rectum. My friend has this regularly with his girlfriend— when he fucks her ass (which she cleans incredibly well) it causes mucosal secretions. I think I’ve noticed it after being penetrated but it is hard to tell between lube and that. Nothing to worry about if it is only during sex, i.e. not leaking all day...

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Well as long as it's not blood! :O

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