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An Aneros praise on the web …

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Just wanna drop in a share from jackinworld‘s latest questioning:

Prior to using Aneros prostate massage products 3 years ago, I NEVER realized what an amazing experience anal stimulation could be. I have come to realize our male bodies are truly wonderfully and amazingly created --- they are NOT an accident by any sense of the word!. Our network of connecting nerves and muscles play great music when sexually stimulated! I rejoice to God himself every time I slide one of my aneros tools slowly through my anal rings into place against my prostate AND I repeat my praises each time I slide my fingers in to directly tickle my prostate. Whether masturbating OR massaging my prostate, anal stimulation adds a whole new dimension of joy and satisfaction. A supreme joy comes when my Beloved slips her finger into my anus for a tender massage of my prostate!
Age: 62         Location: Maine         Gender: Male         Sexuality: Straight    

A praise I can totally agree with. Enjoy!

This topic was modified 2 years ago by SOwithoutAneros

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