Ambiance Lights
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Ambiance Lights

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If you have all your sessions in a dark room or with your eyes closed, maybe this can help.  From time to time, you will want to switch devices, re-lube, grab a pillow or washcloth or something. Or maybe you like having a little light all the time.  The worst thing is having some 100 Watts equivalent bulb blast pure white light right in your retina in the middle of a relaxed session. 

This would have been a pretty expensive tip only 5 years ago, but today multicolored LED lights are available for under 5 dollars, either battery powered of USB plug-in, and that is with a remote control you can keep beside you ! I even have one that is waterproof for bathtub sessions. Some have changing patterns, dimmer options, timers... While it won't turn a dud session into a Super-O session, every little bit can help. For me, the blue light is particularly soothing. 

The light in the picture is the waterproof one, I feel it's a great little piece of kit for the toybox. 

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I‘ve used red light and blue light with a girl friend.  Blue light made the mood mellower, red light was all about passion and action.

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I work with fire a lot (welding, blacksmithing and other hijinks) and yet, I'm super worried about unattended flames. I don't think I could relax with a candle burning while I'm not watching it. The little LEDs are a great replacement for me. I had a space heater with a scrolling flame effect, and it was super nice for sessions, but the motor is a bit noisy. Another option I'm looking at is fire-effect lightbulbs, that with a plug-in scent diffuser would probably be pretty close to a real candle. 

I'm with you, there is a bit about setting the stage and creating the right ambiance that is mostly foreign to lots of guys, it's worth looking into as it's a pretty effortless step and the ritual can put you in the mood, too. 

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Yep, it does have an effect on some people, so it's well worth a shot to see if your sessions are enhanced by it. Also, red light won't startle you or mess with your night vision, so it's the closest you can get to pitch black while still seeing what you're doing. 

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Posted by: @zentai

While it won't turn a dud session into a Super-O session, every little bit can help. For me, the blue light is particularly soothing. I feel it's a great little piece of kit for the toybox.

Thanks @Zentai, I agree that this is another tool to enhance one's Anerosessions, as such I've added a link to this thread in the thread Identifying Facilitators to Progress

Good Vibes to You!

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this may sound funny, but I get yellow glow , just on the fringes of my eyesight, like a halo, during most all of my sessions. I have read of others, on this forum. It use to creep me out a bit. When it first started happening I would look around to try and find the source,as soon as I turn my eyes, or lose focus on my session, it dims.  I think lighting could be a good cue for your body, help put it in mode, as it were. The downside would be if you say went into a public place, with the same colored lighting. lol Had a bad mango once, when ever I see that exact color, I get a pukey feeling. Next thing ya know christmas tree lights give you a hard on.  

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Haha, I don't think the association would get that strong. Look, fireworks ! *Sproing*  

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I always use an electric essential oil diffuser which greatly enhances my sessions. You can purchase the electric oil diffusers with or without soft color changes lights. The best essential oils to use with the diffuser is either Yang Lang or Clary Sage which enhances the male senses for sexual arousal. You can also use lavender oil for which is used mostly for relaxation and distressing. Just make sure you purchase pure essential oils and avoid the synthetic ones. 

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Thanks a lot, I'll look into it ! 

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Update on the waterproof light. I've been using it almost every night when I end the day with a hot bath, yesterday it started to flash and went out. There was a tiny bit of water / condensation in the housing, so I thought this was the issue. Well, it was just dead batteries. I dried it out, put some fresh batteries in it, and it's back in action. The seal design is not that great so longevity might suffer after several battery changes... Still great for how inexpensive it is, and I really enjoy the calming effects. 

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I ain’t to bothered about lights,just lesser light. I always enjoyed sessions at night with just a lamp. But I can work in the day too.
