am new to this and ...
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am new to this and optimistic, but... skeptical (if it can work for me)

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Hi all...

Well, this is certainly a "new" thing for me... Small background: married, 49, straight, pretty good health (~6ft, ~185lbs), 2 kids (son ~16, daughter ~21). ~17 years ago i discovered NORM and have restored my foreskin and the benefits i have achieved are remarkable!

How did i arrive at THIS idea? ~2 years ago Mrs and I started introducing "adult toys" and while shopping online i stumbled upon this. I do recall years back that a friend (who is gay) had asked me and other close friends (over too many beers!) if we had ever had a prostate orgasm, so... i had known this was possible... but... never pursued it...

However, having recalled that conversation while shopping for some "toys" to share with the mrs, i decided, what the heck?!? why not!

I ordered one (MGX classic) and tried it on and off (i'll comment further below) but based on the lack of response, i ordered a couple more (thinking the form of MGX was just not right for my body), so now i have 3! (MGX classic, Helix classic and Eupho classic). Indeed, i invested some $... but, reading up on a prostate org, well, figured... i could spring for to cash to enjoy one!

anyway, I got the first one ~1 year ago... tried it on and off for a few months (little happened - i'll explain below), got the other ones... no real difference in my response, so... kind'a gave up...

i mentioned my family situation as it is indeed tough (in a buys house!) to find the TIME and PRIVACY! for such an endeavor...

anyway, my wife has started visiting with her sister one evening during the week and stays there late watching a TV show... so, with this "free time" i have decided i could try and reinvest some time in this effort (in the hopes that i can get a payoff!).

My sessions are ~1hr long... i follow the basic guidelines (given here): one knee to chest, breath in slowly (clinch), hold... breath out slowly (release)... I do this for a little while and yes, indeed, i do start getting some degree of what i think is called the "involuntary" (i comment on this below)... i try and clinch ~50% (as described in the instructions) but that typically does not do much...

after a little while, i might roll over to my back... and continue my efforts, but by this point i am doing some contractions that are, well, i hesitate to call them "involuntary" (*) as mentioned above as, well, i kind'a NEED to do it... my body just prefers to be clinched... and yes, i can release the tension, but, i feel a compulsion to re-clinch!

is this what is referred to as "involuntary" -- they really do not happen by themselves (for the most part) but rather, i am being internally compelled to do it!

anyway, that is pretty much how things go for a little while... and, well, noting really much happens... early on i would have the need to urinate, but i knew it really was not "urine" needing to be expelled... i would let myself a little... and it would be coppers fluid-ish (precum-ish), though prob 50% precum 50% urine... but that has not happened in a while...

so... for the most part, beyond the muscle contractions that feel "weird" (i would not say pleasurable) and an occasional very minor convulsion-like wiggle of my whole body, that's all i get... BUT!!

the otherday, while all the above was unfolding, ALL OF A SUDDEN MY HEART STARTED TO RACE AS IF I HAD JUST RAN 10 MILES! this lasted for ~1-2 mins... and since i was so distracted by it.... thinking HEY SOMETHING IS HAPPENING it just went away just as quickly as it started... nothing else before... nothing else after... finally decided to end my session...

have tried a few other sessions... but, could not repeat this...

was it SOMETHING?!

any suggestions/advice would be appreciated...

i will be digging into this forum... and hopefully will uncover methods/techniques/approaches to allow me to experience this!


edit: I bought the other ones thinking that i really was not getting good "contact" with my prostate.... i have (over the years) accessed it (finger) so, i know what it feels like to get pressure on it... and to even "push out" some fluid... i'm not convinced my body is shaped to fit with the models i have (but am reluctant to buy a 4th!)...

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@Melsenior welcome! First of all congratulations on your foreskin restoral. That is a huge undertaking I've heard. How has it impacted your life?

I'm a relative newbie too so don't take what I say as written in stone. Sounds like you're going about it by the book which is good. The wiki has more info about prostate massage too which is worth your perusal if you haven't already: Good that you have explored your prostate with your finger and felt what that's like. That'll help you in rewiring your body to recognize the new paths to pleasure from your prostate. Some guys take more time than others to rewire and start getting pleasure. It took me several months. Sounds like your heart racing incident is related to prostate massage, it's been frequently reported. Everything else you say sounds to me like your prostate is engaged and "waking up". The most important thing they always say is to relax completely and it's true 🙂

There's a good description of how someone here (@neros) goes about his session: Remember this is only one man's approach although very detailed and with excellent observations IMO. There's a lot of advice here in the forum or in the blog or in chat.

I wouldn't get any more devices for a while as you have a good collection for new users. Most here recommend the helix for new users but pick your favorite And stick with it at first. Good luck and let us know how you're doing 🙂

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Hi... thanks for the links/info...

Glad to know that (on the surface) it looks like i am on the right track, but, indeed, only time will tell. Thanks... will NOT buy anything more! (LOL).

re: do nothing method... i saw that... and tried last eve (not much to speak off, but, i'll keep at it)

re: foreskin restoration. yes, it is an undertaking, but, well worth it. I started ~17 years ago, gained really good coverage (and regained LOTS of sensitivity) in the first few years. I have kept at it (easy enough to do!) and could now pass as "intact"

early on, there was (looking back now) some "re-wiring" that needed to take place, so, i can appreciate that idea in this new endeavor.

thanks again for your guidance...

- mel

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i kind'a NEED to do it... my body just prefers to be clinched... and yes, i can release the tension, but, i feel a compulsion to re-clinch!

is this what is referred to as "involuntary" -- they really do not happen by themselves (for the most part) but rather, i am being internally compelled to do it!

YES! Great!

You are on the right track.

Just lie VERY STILL in a comfortable position and your focus on enjoying the feelings inside your ass and let your ass contract and relax as it wishes.

The keeping still is important. You'll probably feel your body becoming progressively tenser as the session goes on and your keep still - that's a good sign.

Forget about focus on anything else but the good feelings inside you and keeping still.

Check out my post on "Do Nothing - the sensation to look for" and read all the responses because some other people have added some great additions to it as well. I've also added further clarification throughout that thread that should help you.


If my history with this is anything to go by then you are very close to getting it - I had my first orgasm with this on my 6th session. Lots of people having tons of pleasure using the aneros, you will too.

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Wow... (close?) Thanks!

I'll read what you suggest...

Mrs is heading out this eve to "watch her show" 😉

Note: we did have sex last eve... so... I might not be exceptionally horny... (does "proximal previous" intercourse prevent success?)... but will try non-the less...

I just realized... we often have sex sat night... and I often try sun night... might that "schedule" be keeping on one side of the fence?

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Oh.. I did read the do nothing and tried it the other eve... nothing really happened... but I know rome was not built in a day!

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Here is what worked for me:

You mentioned heart rate increase. Here are my experiences with changes in heart rate during a session. It is a key indicator! :

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You don't need to "work out" your muscles any more - I'm going to give you two things to keep in your mind:

1 - Your body is "smarter" than you are when it comes to arousal. The good thing is that it will teach you if you listen carefully.

2 - You're after a sensation, feelings, and...wait for it...pleasure. Relax, let go of your tension EVERYWHERE and listen to your body.

You may have to remind yourself repeatedly to let go, or "disengage" when you feel yourself go tense anywhere. Think of yourself as an observer. The sensations that precede a super orgasm are subtle...VERY subtle, and can easily go unnoticed if you're too busy contracting, etc.

Also, relaxation is NOT a state of stillness - breathe, relax, and let your body do what feels most natural.

I agree, I think you're close. Just enjoy yourself, and make that your only aim.

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@Crimsonwolf, I know I shouldn't be thinking of this while riding but what are the subtle sensations that you feel just before a super orgasm?

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I don't know that it's wrong to be thinking of it, but it's also tough to describe.

For me, I think it begins right after the toy is inserted. After a few seconds of breathing while laying on my side, I feel my body trying to draw the toy in - and that tension in itself becomes sort of "targeted" for relaxation. I breathe, and try to focus on nothing other than letting it go.

As the tension slips away, it is usually followed by a wave of subtle pleasure, but I cannot tell you where I feel that, in a localized sense - it's subtle, but widespread. The act of actively contracting kind of scrambles the sensations that might have been building there, so I rarely, if ever, do any active contraction...until, that is, after the first super o has crashed over me. All "extra" stimulation or contracting after the first one is delightful, but prior to that moment, it's unproductive. For me.

I hope that clarifies things a bit more - it is difficult to try and describe.

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Thanks @Crimsonwolf, that sounds familiar up until the super orgasm. When you say "letting it go " do you mean to that tension? I get the overall waves of pleasure that crescendo and decrescendo. That's what I call calm seas. I've plateaued there for a long time. It's very very sensuous but not what I would call super.

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Yes, the tension...and everything else.

I want to be careful here; to describe it for you is like giving you my signposts, and yours may be different.

To be perfectly honest, when a super orgasm hits me, it begins with a feeling that is similar to what I would call "deep crying." Very slow breathing, very deep expirations. I let it all go...whatever my body wants to do, I allow it.

Edited to add: There are almost always tears when I have a super-o. It IS an emotional release, as well.

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Thx for all this advice/clarification!

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I get the tears too sometimes. It's another kind of letting go. There's a palpable transition to this state that I recognize and expect. However don't have a super orgasm, just tears and sobbing. Guess I have to work something out.

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Yes, the tension...and everything else.

I want to be careful here; to describe it for you is like giving you my signposts, and yours may be different.

To be perfectly honest, when a super orgasm hits me, it begins with a feeling that is similar to what I would call "deep crying." Very slow breathing, very deep expirations. I let it all go...whatever my body wants to do, I allow it.

Edited to add: There are almost always tears when I have a super-o. It IS an emotional release, as well.

Oh boy, you hit it right on the head..."deep crying" is a great way to describe it! It starts slow and deep inside me, an builds, much like a huge pipe organ with the sounds reverberating throughout my body until the crescendo washes over me and fills all my senses and my entire body tingles with wave after wave of pleasure! it!


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