Am I super o-ing?
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Am I super o-ing?

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Hey everyone!

I've had a few sessions quite recently where I'd focused on internal pleasure. My ass has started doing these rapid fire convulsions drawing the aneros in and out mega quick during sessions and they feel REALLY good! I was only getting nice trembles before this. I get this like fuzzy wonderful feeling all around my ass when it happens and it goes down my leg a bit all while having these mini convulsions & sometimes it feels like it's building up to something. Other times I'll have this sensation and my penis will leak clear fluid and the same warm fuzzy feeling will be there but it's really satisfying and wholesome. Its a really nice feeling and hard to describe and is centred much deeper.

Am I having super o's? I don't know what to make of these. I've read they come in all shapes and sizes. Am I sometimes super o-ing (during rapid convulsions that feel wholesome) and other times not (during rapid convulsions that feel like build up)? I've definitely not had any experiences like some videos I've seen on the internet of people flailing around and convulsing like mad, but these sensations really make me moan & they feel mega good.

Another thing to note is I always end up finishing with normal ejaculation or I don't feel completely satisfied. Are you supposed to feel totally satiated after a few super os?

Would love to read your thoughts!

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I look foward to reading the replies from others about this, however i would like to say this;

You are, in over a decade of me being on these forums, are the ONLY person that has mentioend this 'convulsiosn of drawing the aneros in and out mega quick' aside from myself. When i posted about this people here didnt seem to acknowledge it much, but i felt it was important, seems i was right.

The thing is, these mega convulsions, and its repaid movements, for years didnt produce any nice feelings at all, they did in fact become a huge distraction. Lately thought they have been pleasureable if i concentrate on them, perhaps use a slight holding contraction and force them to stop being so rapid. I assumed this was autofucking, but i just dont know. The feelings were very nice, and i would get what i think are orgasms, but its so hard to know, isnt it?

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... they feel REALLY good! ... I get this like fuzzy wonderful feeling all around my ass... having these mini convulsions... warm fuzzy feeling will be there but it's really satisfying and wholesome. Its a really nice feeling and hard to describe and is centred much deeper. Am I having super o's?

IMHO, YES, ask yourself this 'Is this typical of my ejaculatory orgasms?', i.e. Does this expereience step outside the bounds of your traditional orgasm? If so, then it fits the first listed criteria for a Super-O orgasm that steps out of the normal frame of reference.

I encourage you to re-read the definition, you will see that your descriptions easily fit within the Super-O parameters. You might also find the thread What's an Orgasm? helpful here.

I've definitely not had any experiences like some videos I've seen on the internet of people flailing around and convulsing like mad, but these sensations really make me moan & they feel mega good.

The Super-O is very personal and different for each individual.

Please do not make the mistake of comparing your experience to those of others. We are all going to have unique physical and psychological reactions to this special type of orgasm. While there are many common reactions, not all men will experience all reported reactions, your experience will be unique to you. Expecting your experience to match another man's experience is a wild goose chase which will only leave you frustrated for its lack of success. That is one of the reasons I do not encourage men to view the posted videos as they can implant the idea that Super-O's are supposed to invoke a certain physical reaction when in fact Super-O's are so varied it is truly impossible to visually capture every nuanced experience.

Another thing to note is I always end up finishing with normal ejaculation or I don't feel completely satisfied. Are you supposed to feel totally satiated after a few super os? energized feeling immediately following orgasm and being ready for more (as opposed to post-ejaculation lethargy).

Ejaculations trigger a hormonal cascade, primarily the release of oxytocin and prolactin (which neutralizes the feel good hormone dopamine). It is this hormonal effect which gives rise to the satiaton feelings. Since Super-O's are non-ejaculatory the hormonal cascade does not get initiated and one can remain in this highly pleasurable, energetic, aroused state (dopamine intoxication) for a prolonged period. Eventually you will expereience dopamine depletion and the subsequent drop-off of pleasurable feelings. This drop-off is not as dramatic as the ejaculation induced hormonal cascade but it too can induce a satiating effect, it's just not as immediate. Depending upon your individual body chemistry, you may or may not feel totally satiated following a Super-O session. I also encourage you to read @Buster 's thread What exactly is a Super-O? to get a wider perspective of what a Super-O is in reality. Good Vibes to You !

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Wow that's probably the best response I could have ever hoped for! Really insightful post there Rumel, thankyou! I especially enjoyed reading about the 'circular orgasmic state' thing. I think I've been getting to a certain point and associating it very much with traditional orgasms. When it builds up I expect there to be a huge rush of pleasure and to be convulsing all over the place as if I was ejaculating but x999999. I'm definitely mixing up and merging the two in my head. I imagine that kind of experience would be so intense that it wouldn't actually be enjoyable anyway on thinking about it more.

I'm going to try another session where I just focus purely on the pleasure of these "super o's" and let them rise and go to a meditative and spiritual place and see where it leads. I've taken a very curious route with low expectations but only really recently I've started experiencing more of this kind of response. Before this it was much more of a supplement but now it's emerging as more of a new thing completely in and of itself! Really looking forward to experimenting more. I'll update soon :)!

The_Fury that is surprising! I would have thought it was more common but apparently not? I remember initially they didn't feel amazing but they were just a new sensation so I went with it and sure enough the more I focused on it the more I realised how much pleasure it was creating. Sometimes I also go a bit more flaccid and have these trembles that are very similar to the pre ejaculation quivers during a traditional orgasm (but based around my prostate and not my penis) and they build up really good too and feel amazing and I leak a lot, so maybe that's a super o too?

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