Am I on right track...
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Am I on right track??

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I have been using Aneros since May last year and  So far no dry or traditional orgasm while using the device or Aless. But every session has been enjoyable . Lately the enjoyment has really increased with legs shaking and upper body slightly shaking.  I am just wondering that if I am on the right track. Honestly, even if orgasm is not there , this journey has been so beautiful. Also thanks to all the experienced users who offer their advise on this forum as it really helps. I have been reading general discussion forum a lot. Anyway thanks in advance for reading this topic. 

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Yes, you're doing great! And you have a good attitude, which will help a lot.  Can I ask you what your session frequency is? 

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Also may I ask how long @ghusa runs a typical session?

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@zentai thanks for writing on this. I have been doing it two times a week and when I am traveling then every night in the hotel for four nights. I travel around  once a month  so when i travel I try to take advantage of my privacy to the fullest extent.

Pablito1963 reacted
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@helical thanks for writing. I run it around 45 minutes when I am at home but when I travel it is around 4 hours every night for four days or so.

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You wrote, "Honestly, even if orgasm is not there , this journey has been so beautiful."

This is where our focus needs to be! For myself, the initial foray into the world of Aneros was approached with expectations of pleasure from videos of guys writhing in ecstasy, as well as descriptions by users themselves. I jumped in with both proverbial feet and a somewhat "competitive" attitude that if I tried, I could achieve the same. Though it eventually "clicked", it was more about letting go than trying. 

There are many things that can spoil a session, e.g., difficulties getting properly prepped i.e., cleaned out, time constraints, etc but ultimately every session is a journey - sometimes you ride the Alps, and sometimes you get stuck in proverbial traffic trying to get there. The best advice is to remove the expectations and treat every pleasure as an unexpected and very welcome surprise. When something is feeling great, focus on it - inevitably it "blossoms" exponentially. 

Congrats on joining us on parallel journeys  - wishing you many orgasmic delights!

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@pablito1963 thanks for reply. Appreciate it.

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Posted by: @ghusa

@zentai thanks for writing on this. I have been doing it two times a week and when I am traveling then every night in the hotel for four nights. I travel around  once a month  so when i travel I try to take advantage of my privacy to the fullest extent.

Posted by: @ghusa

@helical thanks for writing. I run it around 45 minutes when I am at home but when I travel it is around 4 hours every night for four days or so.

Sorry, I forgot about this thread and did not answer earlier, my bad... 

In my opinion, 2-3 times a week, 30 to 60 minutes each, is pretty optimal as you train for this, then you get to adjust frequency depending on where your sessions take you.

Do you experience different feelings during your back-to-back 4-hour sessions. What I mean here, do they feel like extended "normal" session or does something happen at the 2 hours or 3 hours mark?

I used to have fairly long sessions, but I was chaining different hypnosis or relaxation tracks or looping the same program several times, it was mostly a way to squeeze more training into a certain amount of time... Like if I was supposed to listen to the same file 10 times, I would listen back-to-back 5 times on day one, do the same on day two, and presto! Done in 2 days instead of ten, hehe. I got pretty good results doing this, even if it does not look like "my brain would have time to adjust" or other such logical sounding considerations. 

I actually have no idea if 16 hours of sessions during the same week could accelerate at least some parts of the process, that's why I'm curious. 

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Not sure I missed this post.

First of all,yea you’re on the right track.

Posted by: @ghusa

Honestly, even if orgasm is not there , this journey has been so beautiful.

This is a good positive attitude.

Posted by: @ghusa

Lately the enjoyment has really increased with legs shaking and upper body slightly shaking.

The machinery is firing up,add in some relaxation and focus here. Apart from any involuntary shaking or movements,let the entire body go limp at this point,dead legs and body,let them just sink dead weight into the bed. Focus on movement being in the pelvic floor and nowhere else. If you like,the PF and your mind make up the whole of your body,legs and torso don’t exist. What are you doing for arousal? 

45 mins is a good general session,not sure about 4 hr sessions,are you getting anything out of them or is some siege mentality at work?  

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@helghast thanks for your advise. For arousal, I read erotic stories and also if I have privacy, then I like to chat on Chaturbate for 30 minutes or so before the session. It really sparks things up.

During my 4 hour session, I use different Aneros models and most of the time is spent on Peridise small model so it does not aggravate my prostate. Now after four hours of back to back , I am basically done for atleast few days as my age of 59 years kick it. 


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@zentai I do experience different feelings in longer sessions . It could also be due to more privacy in those sessions at night and my mind is not worried about any emails coming in.  My shorter sessions are during the daytime when I am taking break from work. I do not listen to any relaxing music and may be it can help.

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@zentai thanks for taking the time to write on this.

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Posted by: @ghusa

Now after four hours of back to back , I am basically done for atleast few days as my age of 59 years kick it. 

Ima just jump straight on this. It’s too much,it isn’t the same as a super o lasting 4 hrs which I doubt might not even be possible without the aid of drugs. I’d suggest dropping down to 45 mins with a day in between. I believe those massive sessions just drain your gland of fluids and sex drive where you need days to recharge.
If you want daily sessions,30-45 mins in plenty and just accept what the session gives you. 

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@helghast thanks for the advise. I do see your point. Appreciate it.
