I've used a helix syn for about a year and have made steady progress, but am nowhere near a super-o. However, recently I discovered that I could achieve the same sensations without the helix by simply focusing on the area as I would if I was meditating, noticing sensations and then imaging those feelings getting stronger.
Using this technique I'm now able to produce strong, pleasurable feelings. I can feel a real tension, in what I assume is my prostate, and can slowly intensify that feeling, by imagining my prostate filling with energy. It feels like I'm heading towards an orgasm, but the feeling seems to dissipate after a minute or two. I also end up leaking a lot of clear fluid.
I wanted to confirm if:
1. Is it possible to achieve a super-o without an aneros? Or am I taking the wrong path?
2. Do my experiences indicate I'm on the path to a super-o?
Thanks for any help!
@GettingThere you are on the right path! It took me some two years to reach super o. But forget about definitions. Each person is different. Best is to drop any expectations and just observe what you feel. Register any small sensation. And keep breathing deep and slowly. Relax all muscles and let happen whatever your body wants to happen instead of your mind.
And yes it is possible to have aless orgasms. I see it as a great gift from my prostate. But again do not look for it too desperately. Just enjoy the journey.
I agree with gdunn 100%
@GettingThere, Aless is a fine method to deepen your Aneros experiences. Perhaps the visualization of your Kundalini can help you to prolong and intensify your pleasurable feelings towards a SuperO.
In short: It's a visualization of a snake (called Kundalini) that is sleeping rolled up in your base chakra (perineum hot spot) and is awakend by meditation or special yoga drills. By awaken the Kundalini, it unrolls and starts to wiggle up the 7 chakras in your body. © @Unfug
Now, when you "can slowly intensify that feeling, by imagining your prostate filling with energy, and when it feels like you're heading towards an orgasm", please visualize that snake how it unrolls and starts to wiggle up your spine along your 7 chakras, but don't do it in a hurry, wait until your pleasurable feelings follow your focus, stay for a while at every chakra, and before the bliss becomes unbearable close your microcosmic circuit by touching your palate with your tongue and lead your orgasmic vibes down your front channel back to your ground chakra. Perhaps it isn't as easy for you as I described it, keep in mind your chakras must be open for your Kundalini to pass them. If you feel obstacles, perhaps some Tantra/Yoga drills might help you to open your chakras. My QiGong morning routine seems to help me with this issue.
Good luck for your further journey, as @gdunn and @brine I see you on the right path, too. 🙂
@SOwithoutAneros @gdunn @brine Thanks very much for the guidance and encouragement. After my first aneros session many moons ago I was slightly discouraged, but it's posts like yours that helped motivate me to keep on exploring.
And with that exploring I think (but am not sure) I experienced my first prostate orgasm a couple of days ago and it was an amazing experience. After an hour of meditating/focusing on my prostate I got to the point where a good amount of tension (perhaps p-waves) had built up. All the while I kept in mind that I needed to keep on relaxing and not chase after anything. From there I let my mind sink into the feeling and suddenly incredibly pleasurable sensations built up in my entire anus, prostate and perineum. I hadn't felt anything this good from a traditional orgasm and and it was like a ball of energy had manifested in my prostate. Things got stranger (and better) from that point. It felt like my mind literally detached from my brain and entered this ball of energy. The pleasure increased and the sexual energy spread into my thighs, up my spine and into my belly. I felt extremely aroused and blissful. This endured for another 1-2 minutes. It was unlike anything I'd experienced.
@SOwithoutAneros I've read a bit about Kundalini but my understanding of the 7 chakras in poor. I'll dig into it further and take a look at the points you've mentioned.
For anyone else reading this I feel like my years of meditation practice helped me to get to this point. As mentioned in so many other posts, I finally realize that the ability to not chase after the experience and focus on the feelings that are present is key.
Thanks for sharing your journey and progress! After using various Aneros tools for over a year, started experiencing Aless activity similar to your mentioned expertise through focusing on the area between the anus and scrotum. After some time my prostate responds as does my anus with growing p waves and anal quivering! Through breathing and muscle activity leads to intense pleasure and eventually lots of precum and multiple dry Os. Haven't had what I would consider the big O yet but the journey has provided lots of pleasure with progress in the pursuit of the big one!
I'll dig into it further and take a look at the points you've mentioned.
@GettingThere, I'm not a Tantra expert either, what I believe helped me a lot was reading about the microcosmic circle. Btw, searching for "microcosmic orbit mantak chia pdf" I found the text in full length online. Cheers!
I’m only a beginner but have had much greater success a-less than with the toy inserted. Ive had four a-less sessions. Two happened by accident when I started browsing arousing pictures shortly after a traditional penile orgasm. These both led to very pleasant dry orgasms. The other two times were deliberate attempts to recreate the above (but without masturbating beforehand and following periods of abstinence) and both failed to produce anything more than pleasant tingles. I’ve no doubt this was due to the wrong mindset.
have had much greater success a-less than with the toy inserted
I'm a great Aless fan too, but my experiences show me that I can push things even further by having a ride with one of my Aneros tools from time to time. I see using them like striking a match, and although sometimes it seems the match won't catch, in later Aless sessions the benefit finally occurs and again the best is yet to come. 🙂
@SOwithoutAneros I'm glad you mentioned this because I was wondering if there was any point going back to using my helix. Hopefully now I've experienced some awakening my next helix session should be more interesting.
Also do you find your prostate sensitivity dips after you've ejaculated? After achieving my first prostate orgasm, I masterbated a couple of days later. Since then I can achieve p-waves, but am finding things fizzle out before I can get close to an orgasm. This could also be down to wanting something to happen, rather than letting things develop naturally, but it seems like the longer I abstain from ejaculation the more sensitive my prostate is.
@GettingThere, of course every ejaculation is followed by a refractory period and lower arousal for two to three days. With your horniness your prostate will enlarge, what is the reason for the recommendation to get aroused before prostate play. It becomes bigger and easier to find and to stimulate. I often take normal body workout as an example. You won't build up muscles, if you do any exercises for a certain muscle every day. I'm full of anticipation about your next experiences, keep us posted! Cheers!