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Am I 2 young 2 try

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@Xileh - I second your comments! Well done! We are a unique bunch! We get to be the men we want to be, and show each other that it's ok to care for each other! Getting a little emotional here!

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@Wonderboy95, Quoting: "I am at home basically everyday alone sometimes days at a time and there are only so many times you can masturbate before it gets old."
Right, back to basics. You are on the taller side, but many Aneros users have found great success with the smaller Aneros. You are fortunate to have been able to pick up a genuine Aneros SGX. This is a very good and a good starting point. It may take a bit of time before your prostate will recognize the SGX. This is normal for most of us. If you plan to have long sessions or use overnight then many find an oil based lubricant the best as it does not dry out. A pure oil may weep a bit so can stain the sheets, lie on a towel if necessary. Some mix a clear oil such as sweet almond oil with bees wax, there will be other suggestions in the forum. Some find Vaseline good and can be bought any where - good lube for the bike!
The big step I suggest is that you make a conscious shift from filling in time when you are alone to an adventurous project. It will require learning the ability to relax, lower the expectations, sort of a spiritual meditative journey to find strength in you inner core self. Use the Aneros as an opportunity for personal growth, not as a compensation.
Regarding the suggestions to check out the churches. This might be good for fellowship but not all congregations are the same. Some will dumb you down. Some will get into your head and turn you around. Most churches will freak out at prostate massage or anything sexual that could be fun that is not bound in vows, and some even disapprove of that. The great freedom to live life offered by Jesus is not often apparent in churches. Now I expect many will disagree and that is okay, but I want to point out you have begun a very personal journey. Guard that carefully and privately. "To your own self be true"

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Yo I have to say that you are so right @Xileh I never expected to be bombarded with so much support from people. I guess some things happen for a reason. I have been excited about things for the first time in a while and it's mostly because of the guys here. And @Theme_Gasm I to have felt emotions from the way you all have taken time from your schedules to talk to me and encourage me because I truthfully didn't think anyone would really care. Wow your comments @isvara are so helpful. I went on eBay back to the specific seller that I bought my toy from and read on some of the comments that it was no quite as big or has the exact shape of a real aneros but I figure that it will work or at least get me warmed up until I can get the real thing. Talking to you guys make see that I HAVE TO HAVE IT. It doesn't matter what I do lie, cheat, steal I'll get it lol. I will also be taking your advice tonight on lube I have several of the products you have mentioned and will be mixing a few to see which feels better. I am going to take this as an adventure or better yet a class in life. It's like I get to start college early and I have lots of professors. Now I just have get the text books.

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Wonderboy95,It's funny because when I wrote earlier, I was going say I could relate to your situation in that I had kind of a crummy early childhood because my mom rejected me due to the fact I was a whoops baby and made her postpone her college career. She resented me for that for a long time and I felt it in the way she treated me versus my brother and how mean she was to me at times. We have a great relationship now but growing up it was very hard. On top of this, I wasn't the world's greatest athlete like a lot of other boys and although I tried, I just never did great on sports teams as a kid. I was never really shy but I did have my fair share of rejection. In my sophomore year of high school, we moved from a big city to a very small town and an couple of older kids bullied me. I remember how that felt and it was terrible. I got through it alright (I ended up breaking one of the bullies noses in a fight, even through I'm a non-violent person) and ended up being one of the most popular kids in my junior and senior years. I've probably been more successful in life and career than most of my peers. At high school reunions, I can tell you without any bragging I'm in the best shape out of all them, I have all the hair on my head, I look like I'm 10-15 years younger and like you, God blessed me in ways he hasn't blessed other guys. If your nine-inches...dude, welcome to a very select club. You have the big swinging dick in the room! So, all those guys who pushed you around with the micro-penises can just pound sand. That ought to bring a smile to your face every time you think about what you've gone through. You are a bigger more ways than one...than they will ever be.

So, keep us apprised of your progress and know that there's someone...maybe more than one...out here praying for you. I'm glad you have some close male relatives in your life. Hang with them as much as you can and let all their great manly qualities shape the kind of man you want to be. Men need other men and there's nothing sexual or gay implied by this.

Also know that as a man, if you have one to three very close friends in your life, you're doing great. A lot of men are solitary, go-it-alone creatures. This isn't good. But, you don't need a lot of friends either. A couple is all it takes and once you find each other, which usually happens in your college years and 20's, you'll be friends for life. I have three men who would die for me and me for them. We've shared pretty much everything of each other's lives, prayed for each other, cried together, laughed together, talked about's rare. But, hang in there. There are some great friends out there waiting for you.

If you ever want to Skype sometime because you just need someone to chat with, PM me and I'll send you my Skpye name.

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No, @Wonderboy95, you are NOT too young. If you are old enough to masturbate and/or engage in sex and sexplay, your prostate is old enough to learn and enjoy.

The other comments from the group are sincere and germane, but interpersonal growth is an independent issue every boy and man has to work on. I think erotic enjoyment and skill(s) will ultimately be a great asset in your life.

Keep it "up."

- rip

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I have been reading this section of the forum for a few days now and I wasn't going to say anything because I am fairly new to this community but I feel that I have to reach out to you. When I was a young kid I lived in a really rough area for a while. I had both of my parents but they were young when they had me so times were tough in the beginning. In my elementary school we had metal detectors because of the students frequently bringing weapons to school. My parents believe in strong education skills so I was in a lot of after school programs and at school I was in a lot of GT (gifted and talented) class and in my school being smart was not looked at as positively at all. I remember being bullied and having to fight all the time. It was rough and I felt alone. The contradiction between home and school was amazing, at home my parents (who were still relatively young) were writing thesis for masters programs while I was at school fighting because I talked educated or as the jack asses I went to school with would say I "talked white". I can truly relate to the stuff you are talking about and like you said about moving to college a move to a better area made all the difference for me. Now there were still some people that I didn't get along with and it will always be like that. There were times when I felt isolated at times but for the most part things were good. College was even better. Now you have stated a couple of times that you have low social skills but I don't believe that for a minute. You have thoughtfully and quite skillfully articulated both your situation and your appreciation to every single response you've been given, quite maturely to might I add. I believe you have all the social skills you need you may be just a little afraid to get out there and use them.
Unlike most of the guys here I got my aneros when I was a teen as well. I identify so well with being bored at an early age with basic jerking off. Growing up in this time period means that porn and other sexual articles have been readily available to you since you were young and you have probably seen more of it in your 18 years than most of the guys here. I remember knowing so many free pornsites when I was in my early teens that by the time I was truly ready for it traditional sex was already boring. I understand everything you've said and remember being young and horny and needing an outlet for it. If I had it financially I would send you an aneros. Just to show there are people out here who do care about you. I believe aneros will be just what you need to expand on your sexual exploits as long as you remember it's good to enjoy alone time but time with others is just as important.
You said that even your social networks had been attacked by others which makes me think you just don't have any safe outlets to others. I was hoping some of the guys would here would allow you to talk to them on a more personal note and I see some have. I to want to extend an invitation to talk to me one on one if you would like. I have Skype as well if you want it but if you would prefer to just email each other I can do that as well. I know at 18 I would probably feel funny about Skypeing with older guys lol I'll be 24 in a few months and I still fill a little uneasy about it. Just keep your head up and continue exploring yourself both sexually and socially. I'll be praying for you bruh.

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@domscraigslist - Well stated! Nice offer of help from someone closer to his age!

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@newguy8762 Yo thanks for the comments you made. I see that you took a bad situation and made it a lot better for yourself and I will try and do the same. I don't think it will be easy though but I will try. There are days that I want to curl up and disappear I know that I have to keep going but in honesty I sometimes don't want to. It's good to see that some people get past the bs and go on to greater things. What you said about "the big swinging dick in the room" is hilarious. I've never considered mine to be big the guys I see on porn are huge. I thought 9 was about average. I've measured it a dozen times hoping that I'll keep growing lol. But all of your comments are helpful. This whole forum has been great for me I so badly want to be a part of the same brotherhood of you fellas. The aneros must have a magical power because you fellas are some of the nicest most understanding people I have ever seen. I want to say thanks again and I will inbox you and get your email.

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@RipTheJacker thanx for answering my main question and I hope your right. I hope that when I start exploring with a aneros it opens me up to all new things even beyond sexuality!!!

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Hey buddy,
Look forward to hearing from you and chatting if you want. I prayed for you on the way to work this morning and will continue to do so when you come to mind. You should not despair. Things will get better. Just hang in there and please, get involved with some other people that share your interests. What hobbies do you have? What do you like to do in your leisure time? Do you work out? I know that for me, working out and building my body really had an impact on my confidence and self-esteem. Working out also releases endorphins in your brain...the feel good chemicals. In some studies, it's been proven as effective as anti-depresssants.

I also think it's important to realize that when you live under stress for a prolonged period of time...and if you've been bullied for a while you've been living under stress...that this can take a toll on your mental state and even your physical health. Exercise can help counteract this. Meditation...and Aneros use can be like that...can also help. So does prayer. Have you ever talked to a counselor? Sometimes it really helps just to have another person to talk to.

Ah, dude, a nine-inch dick is way above average. The average erect penis is five to seven inches. You have two inches on the top end of average. See, God blessed you in a way that He didn't bless other guys. You'll make some lady very happy some day (assuming you're into girls).

Porn guys make their penis look bigger by trimming their pubic hair or removing it. The Body Groomer had a very funny "adds an optical inch" ad a while back to encourage guys to trim their pubes. It's an optical illusion. Some of them may be 10 or even 12-inches but that's very rare. You're in a porn star league my friend.

Also, you're already accepted here as part of the Aneros fraternity. I think it's great that other guys can discuss very intimate sexual things with other guys in a non-porn or x-rated site way, if you know what I mean. Men need to share with other men and you've found a very accepting, open minded, kind and intelligent group of guys here from all kinds of different backgrounds and walks of life.

And, at the end of the day Wonderboy95, all you need to do to make it in life is really just keep showing up and never giving up.

Look forward to connecting with you soon.

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@domscraigslist Man hearing your story felt like someone telling mine. Your right in school being well educated is not popular. It's all about the clothes you wear and the people you hang out with. I don't come from family with a lot of money so there were a lot of things I had to go with out the kids around me noticed and that's what started the bullying. The lack of having things has pushed me to do better in school so that one day I will have all that I need. Thank you for your statements about my social skills ha that comment means so much to me. I don't know if I believe it but it means a lot that some would say that about me. It's so true when you said I've seen a lot. I have been watching porn since I was 9. I had an uncle who was only a few years older than me who introduced me to websites that I shouldn't have been seeing. Once the flood gates were open there was no stopping. I now find porn and masturbation boring. I can go months and not even think about watching it. I do jerk off 2 or 3 times a day though. So "being young and horny" describes me to a "T" and it's cool my finances aren't great either but I appreciate the thought. Yea I hope aneros does take me to a whole new place and I believe it will.
You said you got your aneros as a teen how old were you and how long did it take before you had the type of results the guys in this forum? And yes I would enjoy talking on a more personal basis. I'm sort of glad you said the stuff about Skype with older guys I did feel that way but I didn't want to hurt any feelings or seem like a jerk. But email works great for me.

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I was 19 when I got it. I didn't use enough at first because I got it right before I started college. So no I haven't gotten the super O yet but after asking the guys here a lot of questions I've made more process in a week then the last 6 months. So I believe that soon enough I will get there but I'm going to just let it happen when my body is ready! You can hmu anytime bruh.

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I get you... your smart, your highly intelligent, an excellent writer, your incredibly insightful and your in the process of defining where you want to take your life. There has been many words of wisdom shared here. Many stories of overcoming personal challenges. But I think most of all, we can see and feel that you will turn out just fine. But remember the words of caution that were initially expressed so you can catch yourself if Aneros starts conflicting with your goals to be successful. Wishing you all the best... keep looking forward. One of my favorite quotes: "Tough times never last, tough people do" is also the title of a book by Dr. Robert Schuller. See if you can get your hands on one to read before you start college.

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@ReWire, thank you for mentioning Dr. Robert Schuller's book. He is the pastor who built the Crystal Cathedral out near Los Angeles, but now is suffering from terminal esophageal cancer.

Hi @Wounderboy95,

You are poised to make a big adventure in leaving home soon for college. I wish you the best because that was the same adventure I experienced a forty-five years ago. I found going to college so freeing, actually a liberation.


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Hello @Wonderboy95 and welcome to the world of Aneros!

I agree with the keen and insightful thoughts expressed by @Anerico, Theme, Rumel and the balance of contributions to this thread. My only reservation in encouraging you to, {jump into this pool" with urgency is the Aneros practice can become solitary.

I wish you all the best as you move into this journey and share in @rumel 's thoughts that you will expand your social sphere. I believe that your new "inner smile" will shine outwardly to others and may enhance your social skills.

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As I have said before and will continue to say, thank you all for your extremely kind words. I hope it doesn't sound corny but I am printing out this post for the specific purpose of saving these words. I am sure that life will come around and at some point soon and again kick me in the crotch. When that happens when I feel forgotten or left out, picked on or kicked off I will look at these words from men pouring hope back into me. I never expected any real response so I am more than overwhelmed. To be 100 percent honest I just wanted to hear stories about wild super O's. I wanted to get excited enough about the aneros to build up the nerve to do something that I didn't have any business doing to get the money to buy it. I didn't feel like I had anything to lose. You all will truly never know what you've done for a guy nobody pays attention to.
@Domscraigslist Thank you for all the time you've spent talking to me and giving me a view of aneros from someone around my age
@ReWire Wow those are truly ridiculously nice words almost hard to hear. I hope your right I do hope I'll be fine, I think things will work out. You shouldn't be to concerned about the amount of my social life will be impacted, I can tell by the way you all are that aneros will help me to reach out not turn in. It may take some time but it will happen, hopefully. I will be looking into that book at the library. I have it written down in my to do list, thanx.
@BigGlansDC Thankyou I hope college will be liberating. I hope it challenges and changes me for the best.
@rook If for any reason when I obtain a aneros it causes any conflict with my life negatively I will be certain to reach out to this forum. I'm sure I won't get to off track. I'm so looking forward to "smiling" lol.

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At the risk of "piling on" given the number of comments already offered here from guys who like me could be more of a father's age to you, let me also suggest developing those social interaction skills and relationships--that as others have suggested will come even easier as you enter college--because masturbation, as fun and healthy an outlet it is for a young single guy, isn't the answer to boredom. And when you try to add porn to make otherwise boring masturbation more stimulating and exciting, you start down a path over time of needing stronger and stronger stimuli to get your arousal, and even your erections, up and going. Many a young man who went this route came to being married and in late 20's or early 30's couldn't get aroused enough with his wife to provide her the sexual enjoyment she needed also.

And to answer your questions about the fun and "how to" of Aneros use, there's an abundance of information here, but for most of us, the issue we enjoy the most is the dry or "super" orgasms that come from prostate stimulation where the orgasm itself is uncoupled so to speak from the ejaculatory function such that the orgasm lasts for a prolonged period of time (I've had some that were sustained for over 30 minutes) and leaves you with no drained, emptied feeling, so that, for us married guys, you still enjoy regular sex with your wife when she's in the mood just as much, if not more, due to the orgasmic control benefits you derive from Aneros use. But learning this is a long process, at least weeks for some guys and more like months for the rest of us like me. But once learned, it's a huge benefit to your sexual and urinary health and expands your sexual sensitivity and performance.

I hope you have great success in college, but I wouldn't wait until then to begin developing those social interaction skills and confidence. As newguy8762 has suggested, join a gym and develop the confidence that comes with being physically fit and also choose a church to try attending that can help meet your spiritual needs and provide good friends your age you could enjoy getting to know. I wish you the best at beginning this exciting stage of your life.

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Wonderboy, the tricky thing about prostate massage with Aneros is that it doesn't feel like much at first, and you can't see which spot you're bumping. Experiment with positions, lube WELL, find one where you feel *something* during contractions. It won't be pleasant, just strange, but if you keep touching it it will start becoming pleasurable after a few minutes.

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If I needed proof (and I don't) that the members of this forum are special, caring, and knowledgeable when it comes to life and its tough parts, this discussion thread is it. I am glad that I was able to become a part of this community. May we all go from "strength to strength".

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Hi there. I'm not going to address the social side of things, but just so you know I am also an 18 year old trying aneros. I've had some progress but no O's yet, but I'm inclined to say no it's not too young. I would recommend getting a real aneros though because there just seems to be something very precise about this stuff. I'm here for support should you need it, especially if you want someone your age.

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Thank you for your words of caution @slimjim I understand that anything you turn to as a release or an escape from boredom has the potential to become an addiction or at least a possible hindrance. I will try to consider that. I have taken your other suggestions to mind and want to thank you for using the time to write on this post. Thanks

I will certainly be trying your suggestions @airbag I have as of late begun to feel so slight tingles and will try to continue to concentrate on those areas of stimulation. I greatly appreciate your the advice.

Your right @Armon-neat the support here has been phenomenal.

@Ihido I am so glad that there is someone else my age here. I am also glad to know that it will work for me. I would enjoy talking to you about your process, thanks man.

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Hi guys
I'm wondering if I am to young to try prostate massage. I am a high school senior and I am 18 years old. I have been into sex toys for a few years so I've done my research on this product and others like it.
I guess I should give a little history, I've been reading this forum for a while and it seems the more you guys know the more the more you are able to help. Like I said earlier Im a senior in high school but my social life is pretty non existent. I don't have many friends and school has been like a legal form of hell for me. Constant taunting, teasing and bullying and being over all misunderstood has had me wanting to disappear from life completely. Luckily I was able to finish early and now I don't have to be there, just waiting to walk for graduation and then go to college. Never been good with relationships with people outside of the net. Im not saying this for sympathy just so that you guys know a little about me. I am at home basically everyday alone sometimes days at a time and there are only so many times you can masturbate before it gets old. So I started looking into more interesting things to do and I found out about prostate massage. I looked at the aneros toys but they were to pricey for me so I went on eBay and bought a 10 dollar knock off. I've been using it for a while now and it does give me the occasional chill its nothing like I've read you all experience. I have read repeatedly that it is a long process so should I continue or should I do my best to save up my money for a while and purchase an aneros toy? I don't want to buy it if Im to young to experience the mind blowing pleasures you all talk about. Is there an age limit to getting there or is the limp experience Im having due to the knock off toy? I'm open to any thing you all want to say.

Hey mate - sorry to hear that life is difficult. It can be tough when you don't have many friends and deal with negative people all the time. Life gets better, trust me. And you're not alone.

The aneros can be great devices for learning the subtlety of your own body, but don't let it merely be a form of escape from the negativity of everyday life. I'd say that could easily turn into an unhealthy habit of escapism. When life gets you down and you turn to the thing that you use to cope, whether it be alcohol, drugs or even sexual activity - it can lead to addictive behaviour. And you certainly don't want to deal with that.

But if you are interested in pursuing it, there's lots of good information available.
Wishing you all the best in life,

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Thank you for both your kind words and the word of caution. That point has been brought to me a few times and I have become aware that the aneros can't be put in the place of real interactions between people. I am going to keep that in mind during my usage and I thank you for the advice.

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As you can see you are certainly not alone. I too started back in 2007 when I was 18. However, at that time I didn't "get it" and eventually I just put my MGX in a drawer. A couple of years later it seemed I was ready since everything started to fall into place. I bought a Progasm and got even more pleasure. So if you get stuck, just give it a rest and try again later. It'll be worth it, I now regularly have experiences that can't really be described in words.

All the best, fellow traveler...

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Hi Wonderboy95, it seems we share a few similarities. I started practicing almost a year ago, and started college courses online about the same time at the age of 18 going on 19. High school wasn't as troubling for me as for you, it would seem, but I was glad to be done with it. After that I was a lazy bump on a log for almost about a year, and felt really unmotivated. After applying for college, though, I've made many changes in my life for the better.

For the first few months practicing with Aneros, I seemed to not make progress and I was kind of impatient. I keep chugging along though, and I've made very slow but steady progress. So far I can feel pleasure for a second or two sometimes in various areas. Nothing mind blowing, but patience seems to eventually pay off.

Anyway, good luck to you, and I hope your life is turning around for the better as well! 🙂

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That's really great advice @Pareidolia How many months or years did you go before you started using it again? What mad the process different, was it just your age?

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Thank you for the comments I appreciate hearing from those who are close to my age @Jspad How much time did it it take for you to develop the slight pleasures that you mentioned?

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Who knows, maybe I was cleaning my desk... I never really dismissed the idea despite my lack of success with the MGX. At some point I was horny and a Progasm seemed to be a nice 'adventure.' It just turned out that the Progasm hit my spot a lot better, and I could journey on from there.

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@wonderboy95, so how has it been going? Have you been having any sessions with your prostate massager? Any luck so far? Keep us updated, i'm sure i'm not the only one interested.

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I'm twenty and I can empathize some of the problems you described. I'm also one of this humans, who is not fitting in groups as easy as the most other people do. It's a kind of Introversion I think (if you're interested, there are books about that). Important to get along with this, is to accept things you cannot change and not getting isolated. There are problems in life we have just to deal with, somehow. Sad but true.

To the topic: You're not too young. But Don't think of Prostate Massage as a way out of your problems. Notice: You need to have a free mind for success with this toy. The situation you described is giving the impression, that you have problems in life to care about. I think without doing this you won't have much success..

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