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All you rewired folks, Please help me. (kind of urgent)

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The bodily symptoms you are having are not physical in nature.
They indicate that you are struggling against the awareness of feelings
which surpass your normal experience.

Well.. psychological factors can also trigger hormones - ask any psychologist and you`ll get it all explained.

If so, I believe that you worrying about theese symptoms are actually making them worse. If you have concerns then you`re body will put out a constant flow of adrenaline, and this can be very dangerous if you`re at risk for an heart attack. Other than that - like I said, it will mess with your memory and awareness. I would recommend that you go see a doctor asap!

If you compare it to me - I got the increase in heartrate before getting any feelings of O`s, Pwaves or dry O`s. So for me I`m 99% sure this is a physical reaction to prostate beeing stimulated.

On a sidenote: I don`t really put my trust in chakras or any of that stuff. Nor do I believe in ghosts or telekinesis - seems to be the same thing. I don`t believe in things that have never been proven to exist despite a sh*tload of research on the subjects.

I agree with @ineverknew
You might want to get some xanax if it doesn`t stop, better that than dying of a heartattack.

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just go to the doctors for a check-up. Less of the hippy faith healing stuff and leave the Yogis to carry on steeling the picnic baskets.

And if you're gunna do

Kundalini sauce make sure you have plenty of rice with it... and a few lagers. But don't exceed the

recommended intake of 28 units of alcohol in a week.

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Hey guys. I appreciate all of the responses. Including the "New age/spiritual" stuff and the more scientific stuff. I have been reading a lot and I definitely feel like my "kundalini" has awoken.. and that it is not just a panic/anxiety attack. The reason for this is because my head always feels like it is itching so to speak... and my left brain feels like it has been turned on. Also I can feel the energy rising through my spine. Also, these feelings of anxiety/pleasure have now been ongoing 24/7 for the past 4 days…… During these past couple of days it has almost been like the feeling of when your getting over a cold and your sinuses slowly open back up to where you can breathe clearly again. But not only does my head feel more clear, but I can feel a ton of new sensations not only in my whole brain but in my left brain (which usually felt pretty dormant)

From a scientific standpoint, my intuition and logic theorize that I have created more neurological receptors in my brain. I have a theory that when we concentrate on the good feelings and subtle sensations during the aneros sessions (as instructed) that this somehow forces our current neurological receptors to go on overload, or be unable to handle the pleasure. So our brain makes new ones to handle all the energy.. kind of like the pleasurable energy is forcing some part of the brain to reawaken or transform itself to handle all of this stimulus. The reason the brain doesn't do this during a normal orgasm is because a normal orgasm only lasts about 5 seconds... and cant be done over and over due to the refractory period... but with multiple orgasms... or practicing with the aneros to achieve multiple orgasms… its a constant amount of pleasure that our body isn't wired to handle... Hence "rewiring".... a pool of dopamine building up in our brain without receptors to take all of it….It would also explain why from the spiritual aspect some people experience "kundalini" after a traumatic event. For instance if you experience something truly devastating (lets say getting held hostage... or something 10X traumatic) the body would naturally start to release adrenal hormones due to the flight or flight response. If this goes on for a long amount of time, I can see how it would cause adrenaline hormones to pool and cause the brain to resort to evolving to be able to handle all of the stimulus. (evolving by creating new neuron receptors or activating some other primal part of the brain that is normally dormant) I am no brain expert or doctor but this theory seems to explain the aftereffects of all this rewiring and kundalini stuff. Also explains why I feel like I cant stop the pleasure and all of my senses and feelings are heightened.. its because I have a new bank of neurological receptors in my brain that are open to stimulation hormones (adrenaline and dopamine) that weren't there before. This would explain why my reality seems so turbulent (pleasure vs. anxiety) why I am crying, why I feel angry sometimes, why i feel like I can orgasm if i just touch the back of my neck, etc. etc. While all of this is great to someone who wants to feel evolved, I personally was fine to life before all of this happened. This heightened sense of reality is making me feel like I have become a prisoner to my own body and I never know whats gonna happen next. Almost like I'm living on a roller coaster. From a spiritual aspect, this theory would explain why the body feels more energy flowing through our "Chakras" (basically our spine… ) .. its because our brain now has a ton more receptors to feel things that were always there, but we never felt before. Also would explain form a more scientific standpoint why our blood pressure could be rising… its because the slightest things will now set off adrenaline (fight or flight) or dopamine (pleasure/sex) which normally cause the heart to race. All of this is overwhelming and extremely alarming. Both from a spiritual aspect and a scientific/biological aspect. I have no idea what to do with myself. A doctor will have no idea what the hell I'm talking about so traditional medicine is out. Traditional doctors nowadays are mostly like drug dealers.. they just hand out drugs… Well, I definitely don't need any more drugs introduced into my body at the moment or take anything that is going to further offset this imbalance of hormones surging through my veins 24/7. Especially when traditional doctors wont truly understand (or even try to understand) what has happened. I feel going to a doctor may be beneficial to gain some more insight but not too wise to rely on due to their lack of knowledge when it comes to what has basically happened. They will mostly just prescribe some sort of drug and get me out of there.

All I can say is, If you are experiencing any mild symptoms of "kundalini syndrome" (all you scientific folk, take the label with a grain of salt.. the information is parallel to the more scientific route, i just think its a different way to explain it/different outlook) I would definitely stop all aneros usage while your brain is still not as overactive as mine. (or from my theory, created for its self new neurological receptors) Take it from me. the high you get is not worth it AT ALL. Since I've never done drugs, I cant say for certain but Im sure what Im feeling would be similar to a bad drug trip. Fortunately for drug users they have the luxury of stopping all of these sensations by stopping the intake of drugs. I on the other hand, do not.

Right now I am at a crossroads. Mostly because the spiritual aspects tell me I must continue going to feel normal again, but my logic/scientific approach tells me what I have done is really messed up and continuing would only change the landscape of my brain further. I am trying to gather some more information before I move on and relying on my intuition to guide me. I am definitely still feeling awful thats all i know. Im going to be taking a break from the internet for about a week because I feel all of this research is just feeding into the loop of all these heightened sensations and anxiety (adrenaline). I am going to try to get these feelings somewhat under control through exercise and a better outlook about it so I will stop offsetting the adrenaline from worrying so much. I have bought a blood pressure machine and a thermometer to check on my vitals regularly to make sure I wont die from a heart attack or from overheating.

As a side note, one thing I noticed is during these past four days.. it has been EXTREMELY HARD to yawn. According to science, humans yawn for the sole reason of releasing energy/heat from the body to be able to go to sleep. This would explain why I have only gotten about 6 hours of sleep within these past four days. I cant yawn.. the heat/energy in my body is way too overwhelming for the body to go into "sleep mode" Scientifically, the hypothalamus is in charge of these passive duties… So the fact that I cant do these things anymore is a sure sign that what I have done is majorly changed the landscape of my brain. : ( A word of caution to all of you new users, especially the young ones who currently have the outlook towards the aneros like I did when I bought it.

I am fighting to hang on to reality. Maybe by next week I will feel somewhat better. You never know what tomorrow brings. I hope all of you continue this discussion while I'm away. Or if your going through what I'm going through to speak up and introduce yourself. A sense of community/interaction with people seems to make things a little better. I feel this is the only place I can talk to anyone about this. If I start bringing all this up with relatives or friends, they would probably look at me with googly eyes or send me into a further state of panic. If I go to a doctor they will probably misdiagnose me as having anxiety or deem me to be in a state of phsycosis. So that's out for now.

Wishing you all the best. I am determined to get to the bottom of this so I feel balanced/healthy again. BTW, I am a very analytical/scientist type, so sorry if this passage is overflowing with too much information. I've tried to put my words in a conversational manner. Sending good vibes to all of you. (wired or not, spiritual or not).

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If you are correct in your theory then this might be a really bad thing for your sex life. You see, the feeling of pleasure you get from sex and also prostate play releases endorphins. You have a natural peak level of this during the best sex you ever had. If you take exstacy f.ex. it will trigger you to produce unnaturally high amounts of it. Seems like you've done the same from what you're writing. Now that it's done, it can`t be undone.. and coventional sex will never reach the peak level you created. That is why extascy ruins your sexlife forever with only ONE pill.

Yes, dopamine is also involved.. but not so much in the pleasure felt state. It will however make you crave it again by helping you create new neural pathways connecting the pleasure to an event in your memory/brain.

Hope it works out for you. Good luck with the chi/energy thing. I hope you make it without any permanent harm. 🙂

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Sorry to hear you're freaking out but you have absolutely nothing worry about. Everything is fine. The mind is a powerful thing 😉

Get nice and comfortable, close your eyes, clear your mind, relax and listen to the following custom made file, made just for you, with a pair of headphones.

Virtual Hug.mp3

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"Since I've never done drugs, I cant say for certain but Im sure what Im feeling would be similar to a bad drug trip."

I appreciate that you as i am new to this. However i think you will given you chose to pursue it, Drastically change your outlook on the subject.

"Right now I am at a crossroads. Mostly because the spiritual aspects
tell me I must continue going to feel normal again, but my
logic/scientific approach tells me what I have done is really messed up
and continuing would only change the landscape of my brain further. I am
trying to gather some more information before I move on and relying on
my intuition to guide me"

This would explain my mindstate exactly 3-4 weeks ago. I believe this is a wise outlook on what is happening to you. All the best in the next week. Please post back when you return, disregarding your choice, If you are able to return to normal, That would be a great thing and should be posted to reassure other people that go through this, that they are going to be ok.

B Mayfield
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Sorry to be getting into the discussion so late, but I've been laptop challenged this week. I am sorry to hear that you are in such distress. I had a similar situation in my own journey early on, but it only lasted one or two days. In my case I found vigorous exercise, meditation and self-hypnosis very helpful. The exercise seemed to smooth out the neural hyperactivity for the short term. Still, by simply turning my focus to the memory of those sensations, in an instant they were upon me at high intensity once more. It was as if my entire body was an engine revving on a high idle, just waiting for a small amount of fuel (mental focus) to ramp things up again. Eventually it occurred to me that I was perseverating on my condition...inexorably, and by doing so was perpetuating a self-stimulating positive feedback loop of stimulation, sensation and orgasm. In this space, thought was my nemesis as all thoughts seemed to lead to one place. To deal with this I looked to the mental quiet brought about by TM. I found that it worked quite well to ramp things down, but I obviously couldn't continue with it indefinitely. Self-hypnosis proved more helpful as a longer term solution in that I was able to experience the quiet that I needed while programming myself at the same time with post-hypnotic suggestions that I could use for management once I'd emerged from the trance. (It's amazing how powerful the word calm can be! )

From what I can see you are having a hard time thinking of anything else other than what you're going through. And while you have good reason for this, realize that your analytical thinking may be part of your problem. Far be it from me to tell anybody to avoid establishing causation when it comes to something that's bothering them, but in this case it can get you into trouble. While a traditional orgasm (ejaculation) is often a mindless response, the Super-O is not. The CNS (the mind) plays an enormous role in this process.

My suggestion is to put the analysis on hold for now. There will be time for it later. At this point it's more important to make some moves to stabilize yourself. In addition to what I've discussed there have been several good suggestions offered by forum members earlier. Whatever methods you try, remember to invest yourself in their success. It's important to remember that your mind was an essential element in opening this door in the first place. The door can be shut be the same mechanism.

BF Mayfield

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BF Mayfield - " It's important to remember that your mind was an essential element in
opening this door in the first place. The door can be shut be the same
mechanism. "

thank you, this is reassuring
I think you might find this interesting if you have not seen it already

Alex - "If you are correct in your theory then this might be a really bad thing
for your sex life. You see, the feeling of pleasure you get from sex and
also prostate play releases endorphins."

completely the opposite. I hope he doesnt gather that outlook on his situation. All the information on this can be found here.

concernedcitizen - "During these past couple of days it has almost been like the feeling of when your getting over a cold and your sinuses slowly open back up to where you can breathe clearly again"

This could be completely unrelated, But i noticed something in the past 2 weeks. If i dont eat or drink anything for say more than 3 hours, and then i have something with more than a mild flavour of say water, I taste(taste might not be completely accurate) it all the way into my ear canals. Just the first bite or mouthful.

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@wired wow.. I'm lost for words...

I really hope you pick up some scientific books instead of trying to argue against proven physical responses with spiritual and meditative sexuality litterature..

Maybe start by reading up on the subject of endorphins since you clearly know nothing about it.

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@Alex_xxx & @hywel

Negative criticism, intolerance, and judgment of other peoples beliefs does not make a harmonious and welcoming community here in this forum. This is not the place to have heated discussions about what beliefs are right or wrong regardless of what set of beliefs we are talking about. Please show some respect toward your fellow Aneros forum people, refrain from these kind of comments in the future, and bypass discussion topics that do not agree with you. Thank you. 🙂

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I'm out........and I don't have any faith left in this forum or these products. If there are any forum moderators then please remove my account as I do not subscribe to such extreme quackery.After all none of this is based on science fact. Is it? What was meant to be fun and pleasure is now some new religion. Just the kind of poppycock I was trying to avoid.

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For those who are troubled with the Kundalini awakening or rising: Kelly Howell has a brief description of the phenomenon and how it emerges from the chakras and crosses into the physical/neuro elements of one's body. It's on Track-One of "Kundalini" (ISBN-10: 1-881451-53-4 // ISBN-13: 976-1-881451-52-2).
Ms Howell uses "Ocean" breathing with the meditation in Track-One. This is a nose-in, mouth-out technique. If you opt to undertake her meditation, it might be helpful to get adept with a more conventional, nose-in, nose-out technique as in Zazen breathing (Google for it). Then, move on to "Ocean."
This is a Theta-wave session so use a pair of ear buds or phones that present very equal levels to each ear. Tracks two and three challenged my laptop so I ripped the CD and loaded it into my mp3 player. Two of my three pair of buds overloaded in the left channel and the vocalizations were distorted. Tougher material than Hypnaerosession.

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"A load of New Age BS" ? These concepts have been around for thousands of years. You're one rude guy.

Don't let the door hit you on the butt on the way out!

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B Mayfield
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To All,

Respectful discussion is a hallmark of Aneros forum and it's important that we maintain that. While I don't discourage anyone from offering a dissenting opinion it must be done in a way that doesn't attempt to deride or belittle those with opposing views. Expressions of anger and intolerance are disruptive and do nothing to further the group discussions. If you have nothing to add that is on topic and constructive, then please bypass this thread out of respect for the gentleman who created it. He did not ask for nor does he deserve this.

BF Mayfield

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BF Mayfield,

Thank you Mr. Mayfield for injecting civility back into this thread. I usually find dissenting opinions interesting when they are based on well reasoned thoughts or belief systems. However, I find it disheartening when some people trivialize with flippant posts the problems of members who are seeking real solutions to their very troubling concerns and then go on to denigrate the caring responses of other members.

While we've seen this negative behavior before on this Forum, I am hopeful that the site moderators will take the appropriate action to curb any subsequent negativity or troll like behavior.
Good Vibes to You !

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Hi guys,

Last November, I had a very bad experience with Aneros rewiring. It was during a marathon Aneros session which began on a Saturday mid afternoon and ended around 6 p.m. in the early evening. I wanted to try for the first time both the MGX and Helix Classic which had sat new and unused for months. I used these two models with the Helix Syn, Maximus, Progasm Ice and Progasm Classic.

My session stretched out to 4.5 hours, a record. Close to the end of my session, I became very fatigued. When the session finally ended and I cleaned up, all of a sudden my nerves felt set on fire! I suffered that condition until about 2 a.m. Sunday morning when I finally fell asleep.

I was thinking of not going to church in the morning. But I did, and it was the best thing I did. The church service soothed my fiery nerves. Going to church actually put out this fire. I learned a very important lesson never again to overdo an Aneros session!


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Alex, Im sorry you feel this way. Please note that my post were not
intended for you. I was trying to supply information to somebody asking
for this type of information. I respect that its not for you, and i
believe you have good reasons to support your arguements. However you
have not yet supplied or demonstrated an effort to helping the OP. The
OP has already stated that he is thankful for both the spiritual and
scientific information being given. May i suggest that instead of
worrying about the subject you know nothing about, you turn your
attention back to the subjects you do know about (science apparently)
and begin to demonstrate your ability to help the OP with access to your
knowledge. This doesnt mean you tell him that you know about it, This
means you give him the opportunity to learn for himself. This was my
intention and i think should remain the intention of this discussion for
the OP's benefit.

Hywel - Disregarding your uninformative, unhelpful statements made so far. These
"'s the 21st century and science has moved on from what was around 1000myears ago"
"What was meant to be fun and pleasure is now some new religion."

are incredibly embarrasing things to say. Fundamentally wrong and worth the 3 minutes of research to understand its fallacy.

sorry that you feel that this forum and or its products cannot be
utilized by you. If you read my posts, i state many times that You can
get from this what you want. Im not telling you (and im Definetly not
asking for you approval) that you must cult up in robes, and get your
seance on (Infact, Im not telling YOU anything). Furthermore, i believe your
mindset to be detrimental to a forum, but would also suggest that if you
cannot filter content, the internet is a dangerous place for you.
Please reconsider your statement and do not let my (Someone you dont
know and will never meet) opinion stop you from achieving a great and
common goal of this forum, The super-O.

Please can we remain on subject, and keep this statement inmind with our future posts.
- Concernedcitizen "Hey guys. I appreciate all of the responses.
Including the "New age/spiritual" stuff and the more scientific stuff."

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Hello, Concernedcitizen, and welcome.

I understand your initial panic attack-like reaction. That's what happened to me when my first Super-O caught me by surprise -- thought I was tripping. (Haven't had any psychedelic drugs in over 30 years.)

The advice offered above in this thread, both "new-age" and scientific is all worthwhile. Zen meditation is what worked for me and continues to help whenever I need to get a handle on the sexual energy unleashed by Aneros. Of course, Xanax or another prescription drug might work just as well. One way or another, I'm sure you'll learn how to control your reaction.

Best Wishes,


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Wonder if I could revive this thread a bit, since I have similar experiences. I notice that concernedciticizen is no longer posting so I assume he is gone, one way or another, here it is 3-4 years on. I too experienced some very strange physical experiences after using the aneros devices, among others. At first it was very pleasurable with good sexual feelings, but that soon gave way to terrible nausea and even despair. Getting away from the sessions alleviated the condition. Further sessions were less extreme with the feelings but still not comfortable and given to malaise or lack of motivation, or just plain feeling bad for several days. Further removal of using the devices restored my normal feelings. Now I'm not one to give a lot of credit to 'yoga' or that inclination, not that I think it's bogus, but rather there's no solid scientific evidence there, there are no blind studies. What I actually think is that prostate massage actually induces some biological or chemical changes in our bodies that may be hard to explain without some actual studies. But personally at my age, I cannot afford to play with my health that much and have decided to forgo the experimenting with the prostate, not that I haven't enjoyed it, except for the results a day or so later. I too have experienced 'out of body' feelings, not unlike drug overdoses. But mostly it's just a day or 2 of malaise or 'feeling rough'. It's just not worth it to me. I wish it were different. I'm glad for those that can handle it. I may revisit this in a few months, it will remain in the back of my mind.

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