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SO its been 2 years since i first started with my MGX, and i loved ever minute of it, including the handle cut off mod, and eventually needed a Helix.

The helix did more wonders and finally pushed me over the top. So maybe i am greedy in the fact that i need a new toy and that i am searching for something even greater although i have already found it.

So i am considering purchasing the Eupho. I didnt mean to mislead people thinking this post was about the Eupho, although thats what i want to start a discussion about.

Most users think that Eupho is an advanced model, and may very well be for more experienced, but if they dont have a breakthrough with the Mgx, or even the helix, they may be turned off by this whole prostate orgasm thing.

So maybe they need a Eupho???

So enough of my ramblings, any real good experiences with the Eupho?

From my research, most say the Eupho is quite mobile in comparison to the other models. What is this mobility they speak of?? Inches in and out, or just a couple of centimeters?

Does the height restrict the usage by shorter people, or even normal height since it is quite a tall model?

All comments are appreciated!!!

-prospective Eupho guy...

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