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Aless Starts Like Clockwork

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My aless starts like clockwork every night, shortly after I get into my bedroom. It seems this is part sexual and part my body doing its own thing, as I don't have to be aroused in any way. Anybody else exp. this?


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Seems to be the perfect time for my body, and just starts doing its own thing. Sometimes quite awkward as wife in bed next to me and I haven't filled her in on Aless yet and just how far things have got for me.

(She knows I have an Aneros and is open to it, and we have used together. She doesn't know how much I practice alone)

Have gone quite far into pleasure just lying there trying to be still, and it forces me to focus on being completely relaxed with no body tension. And there's no pressure to chase as I'm not really wanting to go all the way, which itself may be helping or encouraging my body, which seems to want to go past previous levels or barriers some nights.

Mini O's I guess if I had to label them, with potential to grow but I've chickened out.

I struggle to find the same 'zone' outside of bedtime.


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My Aless seems to start early morning when I’m totally relaxed - a great feeling to wake up to! Like an appetizer before the main meal! At first it was just subtle twitches but now it’s progressed to focused pleasure in the prostate! Keeps getting better and better!

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