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Aless Session Better Than Aneros Session.

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I apologize if this subject has been beat to death but as of 5 weeks in to my journey, my Aless sessions are more intense than my aneros sessions. Is this fairly common? I've had good results with my aneros, and sometimes not so good results and that's ok, but I can't really understand why going aless has more intensity. Would this be a Newbie thing by chance? Inspite of this I'll remain patient with my aneros, why......... cause sometimes it feels so so good.

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Posts: 4081 of 5 weeks in to my journey, my Aless sessions are more intense than my aneros sessions. Is this fairly common?

Congratulations on developing this skill so early on. It is not uncommon but definitely not typical either.

...I can't really understand why going aless has more intensity. Would this be a Newbie thing by chance?

I would say this is even less common for newbies, most of the reports I have read about Anerosless sessions being more intense than Anerosessions have been by more advanced/experienced users.

As to why A-less might be more intense is difficult to say. I've long maintained that the Aneros journey is more than 90% a mental exercise so once you've developed the physical skills to effectively control and maneuver your muscles with the Aneros in situ, you've also got the tools to recreate similar conditions Anerosless. Obviously attitude, arousal and opportunity play into this scenario as well.
Good Vibes to You !

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Same here and i feel its frustrating, as my aless i have no choice in -they happen when the want which is daily and often all day.

I beleive its because we cannot fully relax in session so when were out of one and doing our daily things it happens because we are relaxed and focused on other aspects of our lives. 'Watching and not watching at the same time'

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Yeah, a lot of times with daily activities, or if I sit and exhale, or squeezing to get that last drop of pee out, I'll get a rush of pleasurable feelings down there and some pulsing from my prostate. Some days it's more active than others. In the right environment it's nice.

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For myself, I find that device-free practice exceeds everything else. My MMO carreer started with KSMO, incorporated a couple of years of Aneros and Peridise use and then moved on to just mind focus. I sometimes plug in one of them, mainly for curiosity and to see if they have anything further to now offer me, but they do not. So I'm now a committed aless devotee. And the mind-numbing orgasms continue to become more extreme!

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Why not try popping in a toy next time the aless session is really exciting, just to see where that goes? When my body calls to me like that, that is when I have the best toy in sessions...

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Spikester, I am only two weeks into my journey and your post resonates with me too. Probably a bit early for me to comment and my sessions have followed a normal distribution of pleasure and success, but when it runs across your mind that "I might have more fun without it than with it, after a certain point in time" ... then it does make you wonder.

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>Why not try popping in a toy next time the aless session is really exciting, just to see where that goes? <

Yes, I've often done that but I find that any one of my aneros kit dulls the sensations, takes away the peak delicacy of the highest and most powerful explosions. Likewise a peridise, but to a lesser extent.

Maybe I'm not yet getting the full possibilities of aneros prostate stim, although I've given all of them a good go. For now, I'm having a scary time dealing with all that aless hurls at me!

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"Yes, I've often done that but I find that any one of my aneros kit dulls the sensations, takes away the peak delicacy of the highest and most powerful explosions. "Likewise a peridise, but to a lesser extent.

"Maybe I'm not yet getting the full possibilities of aneros prostate stim, although I've given all of them a good go. For now, I'm having a scary time dealing with all that aless hurls at me! "
Yes, this what kept me from popping in my aneros. If I'm getting really good results without the aneros for now, I don't want the waves and pleasure to fizzle out if I install it. Never hurts to try it out this way later though.

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@Mog rarely am I jealous of others sexuality, but if I could get more pleasure without a toy than with, I would leave the rectal douches, occasional anal discomfort, synthetic lubes and/or oily sheets behind. for me aless and toy-in are different bags of potatoes, but when solo, I have never reached the multi-minute plateaus riddled with orgasms through aless. With a partner i get there with aless. But then, with a partner AND a toy, holy moly. My eyes fall out.

I should look in to KSMO. I have avoided it because of the exorbitant price for pdf and some mp3s, but it's probably a small price to pay for the pleasure gained...

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@Mog I should look in to KSMO. I have avoided it because of the exorbitant price for pdf and some mp3s, but it's probably a small price to pay for the pleasure gained...

Right there with you. I've been reading the older forum posts, and I guess maybe a decade ago it cost $30? Wish I'd have known then! Too bad there aren't tiers available, like the basic package for $50-60 for just the literature and sound files, more for access to the forum, one-on-one sessions, etc.

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Yeah, a lot of times with daily activities, or if I sit and exhale, or squeezing to get that last drop of pee out, I'll get a rush of pleasurable feelings down there and some pulsing from my prostate. Some days it's more active than others. In the right environment it's nice.

You have reached the ultimate level of the scale! I envy you; three years exactly in my journey and I plan to reach your level sooner or later. Until then, I will continue to enjoy every minute of my journey.

Life wonderful!

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For myself, I find that device-free practice exceeds everything else. My MMO carreer started with KSMO, incorporated a couple of years of Aneros and Peridise use and then moved on to just mind focus. I sometimes plug in one of them, mainly for curiosity and to see if they have anything further to now offer me, but they do not. So I'm now a committed aless devotee. And the mind-numbing orgasms continue to become more extreme!

You have reached the ultimate level of the scale! I envy you; three years exactly in my journey and I plan to reach your level sooner or later. Until then, I will continue to enjoy every minute of my journey.

Life wonderful!

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I think it is merely different.

Someone said it best when they said aless suits them fine until they have an aneros session and skyrocket/blast into orbit. What I’ve found is that aless doesn’t wear me down where eventually aneros sessions will. Also I’ve only had out of body/spiritual experiences with aneros, aless is more of a very intense non ejaculatory orgasm that can be full body or whatever I wish once I’ve mastered mind over body.

Having said this my advice would be don’t rush anything, enjoy aless as much as you can, learn to harness it on a day-by-day basis as it can become very intrusive otherwise, almost maddening. Eventually work into an aneros routine that is comfortable for you. The aless will become more powerful as you go.

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