In the last four days since my last Aneros session I have been having Aless Os of various kinds and intensities. I had a remarkable experience this afternoon. I used my day off to run errands and get caught up on mundane household chores. After lunch I had time to relax and take a nap but I never got to sleep. As I relaxed I felt a nice buzz in my prostate. It was a gentle, warm feeling that began to spread all over my body. Every few minutes I had very mild p-waves and mini-Os without any of the muscle contractions I usually get. It was pure bliss to ride the gentle waves and feel as if I were floating above the bed. I was able to enjoy this series of gentle orgasms for almost 90 minutes! Intense orgasms are exciting but I really enjoy these small ones even more.
It's a pretty awesome journey for sure. ! Congratulations by the way, the Aless ability is a great way to spend a lazy afternoon! 🙂
@OntheJourney, what you described I name hovering in a sea of bliss. Avoiding the muscle contractions can even better your focus on your orgasmic vibes and for me not only once in the end even led to SuperOs. Especially visualizing my sexual energy climbing up my spine and streaming out of my head can start orgasmic fireworks. But this only happens by itself. Your savouring of this state for itself is the best you can do. Stick to The Simple Things!
@ onthejourney : Congratulations on your progress so far.! Keep learning to relax and like @SOwithoutAneros mentioned try to learn to FULLY relax into the orgasm waves when they come. Seriously, being able to truly relax into this experience is the key to success, and yet so hard to explain! Pm for more info and I will try to help! 🙂