advice on 2nd purch...
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advice on 2nd purchase...

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have a helix syn, was my first, thinking about getting a second. based on what I have picked up from some of you guys it might not be necessarily the SIZE that does it. Just wanted to get some current opinions on what direction to go...seems like sometimes the aneros needs to be inserted as far as it can or even further to pick up sensation with the helix.

was thinking about maybe the ice (but it is a larger one but has more girth) and that may help. Not for sure what else would be a good option at this point and time....suggestions????

willing to listen to anyone...

btw, I don't think I have yet to experience the O...usually have times when I can get in rhythm and get a real good build up and then it feels like I am getting off but no ejaculation....

thanks for responding and providing advise...

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@mulligan52, yes the ice is much bigger, as long as size isnt an issue. They all have their own personalities if you will, so its hard to recommend one over the other. Each one will have a different feel and may or may not end up one of your favorites. I am a firm believer that all of the devices will eventually give super O's once one is rewired. Also you might want to read up on the wiki area, prostate orgasms do not involve ejaculation.

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thanks for the advise....yes I understand about the prostrate orgasm....just trying to describe the feelings i get and wondering where I am at..

maybe I am looking for something that isn' t there...guess I am still searching and learning, lol

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You should also keep in mind there are several types of orgasms you can experience and they are all wonderful in their own way! This mornings "O" was one my most calm, yet explosive, because the build was steady and not hurried, so when it hit, it hit strongly! I was a picture of über relaxation and it paid big time! Have fun!

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My first was a Helix also, and my second was a Progasm; it is huge, and if you're not used to it, it will be too much. If you feel that bigger might be better, try the Progasm Jr, or the Maximus, both are smaller and should give you a different sensation.

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I started with a helix and tried a progasm ice as my second. It was initially a new feeling but it has many similarities to the helix. My next purchase was a Eupho and it brought a whole new dimension to the aneros experience. That little guy bounces around mich more than my others.

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@Mulligan52 well i started with a helix classic, then eupho the pro ice and then heaps more.BUT seeing how you have said "seems like sometimes the aneros needs to be inserted as far as it can or even further to pick up sensation with the helix"

Maximus is the one you want I would say although i have not tried the pro jr.
The Maximus will reach up further, it pivots up deeper! It is not as big as a progasm ice and is sorta "just right" in size. Everyone is different but you will certainly not waste your money on this guy.
When you start using a bigger model you will never stop loving them, you just get a itch for the bigger one, you will still love your helix but after a few hours you find yourself saying ok thats enough lets go up a size!

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well....based on what was said here and checking things out, I went ahead and ordered a maximus. I am hoping it will do the "reaching up thing". thanks to all who help!!

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You wont be sorry. It is one of those models which is a main stayer. Original oldies but goodies.Some days helix is great but on other days maximus is the MAX.
If i really really want to relax Max te one I turn to, and I can even sleep with it and not get sore most times.
I think it was a better choice than pro jr as pro jr has a more aggressive massage action if it is anything like Pro Ice.
Now the crappy bit, waiting for the Max to arrive!

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well....based on what was said here and checking things out, I went ahead and ordered a maximus. I am hoping it will do the "reaching up thing". thanks to all who help!!

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Well, I tried to put this with the quote above, but this forum apparently won't let me add comments to a quote, so....

"Glad to hear it; the Maximus is the next step up on your way to the Progasm, with the Progasm Jr. in between."

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Well? @Mulligan51 did it arrive? did it love you right?I rode mine last night with plans for a short 1 hour session. 1 hour session was fine but then fell asleep with it in and woke 4.5 hours latter with it still creating soothing pwaves. I took it out so my anal track could breath so to speak and I could try and get more sleep. 4 hours later my prostate wants it again but its time to get up!

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I recommend Peridise as they can help to train your anal regions peristaltic response. They're on sale for 21$ at, I'm thinking of getting one. 🙂

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I second @Trei's recommendation on the Peridise. The four Peridise models in the Advanced Peridise Set are excellent for exercising and toning (firming up) the anal sphincters and auxiliary musculature in guys (and gals too, since the Peridise is a unisex device). You'll develop the Peridise rhythm or "beat" which helps use the Aneros prostate massage models more effectively and confidently.

@Trei, go for it in purchasing the Peridise. You'll love it! 😉 😀 😀

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I'm becoming confused about the use of terms being used to describe the Peridise models.
HIH has produced four models of "Peristal" tools, marketed by Aneros as "Peridise". According to HIH, the largest model is the 22mm version intended for beginners use. Progress from this one is to the next smaller one at 20mm. Further progress would logically be to the second smallest one at 18mm. The smallest and most advanced one is the 16mm version. In previous posts, I have labelled these P1 to P4 (from largest to smallest, beginner to most advanced).

Aneros has confused the issue by selling P1 and P3 as what they call the "Beginners" set and P2 with P4 as the "Advanced" set.

A couple of years ago, someone on this forum authored a thread in an attempt to clear up the confusion but I see that this didn't work and the confusion continues!

@BigGlansDC, Sorry chum! But I have no idea which ones you are using! I don't recall four models in an Advanced Peridise Set!

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I'm becoming confused about the use of terms being used to describe the Peridise models.
HIH has produced four models of "Peristal" tools, marketed by Aneros as "Peridise". According to HIH, the largest model is the 22mm version intended for beginners use. Progress from this one is to the next smaller one at 20mm. Further progress would logically be to the second smallest one at 18mm. The smallest and most advanced one is the 16mm version. In previous posts, I have labelled these P1 to P4 (from largest to smallest, beginner to most advanced).

Aneros has confused the issue by selling P1 and P3 as what they call the "Beginners" set and P2 with P4 as the "Advanced" set.

A couple of years ago, someone on this forum authored a thread in an attempt to clear up the confusion but I see that this didn't work and the confusion continues!

@BigGlansDC, Sorry chum! But I have no idea which ones you are using! I don't recall four models in an Advanced Peridise Set!

Hi @Pommie,

Right here: Peridise Complete Set at

Or at where I purchased mine a week before Thanksgiving:
[h=1]Aneros Peridise Advanced Set[/h]

When you look at the photos of both sets quoted above, you will see the arrangement of the four Peridise models enumerated from left to right as P1, P2, P3, & P4. I believe it was you or someone else in this Forum told me some weeks ago that P1 is ideal for beginners because it has the largest head. I have been using P1 & P2 in most of my sessions recently.

Or is it the other way around in enumeration from left to right: P4, P3, P2, & P1???

If I have caused confusion, I apologize. But I have tried to be crystal clear.


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@Pommie Is that right? I had not noticed,all the more reason to get the full set. 🙂 Your on the ball!

@ Everyone I dont know why the peridise has been suggested as the starter of this thread has made his choice and bought it. Seems a bit pointless after the fact? Oh well What ever!:)

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Hi @braveneworld,

Yes, the full (advanced) set may be more expense, but I think it is a good investment because the four Peridise models are arranged incrementally as to size of head, the largest to the smallest. I am going to lots of fun with this set. 😉


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@BigGlansDC If feel I need to correct you as you will confuse any newbie that reads this thread.I know you bought the full set off Amazon and they have the word Advanced full set as a title but they have it wrong! Therefore you are naming it wrong and will confuse others.

The sets are:

The "full peridise set" set of 4
Set of only 2 "Beginners set" (contains 2, one being the largest one)
Set of only 2 "Advanced set" (contains 2, one being the smallest one)

Or if you buy from HIH they are named Peristal and are sold:

The "Full set"
Or individually!

There is no such set as "the full advanced set" as this makes one think there is a full beginners set too which there is not. Its just the "Full set"
Ok? you got it!

Just setting the record straight dude no harm no foul! 😀

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Oh, OK, @braveneworld, I cry uncle. I am sorry. But it appears that I am becoming a persona non grata on this forum. 🙁

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Seriously - why would you think that?

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I finally get it! @braveneworld and @Pommie. 🙂 I got a "Full" Peridise set from

Despite my obtuseness, thank you both for setting me straight. Problem solved.


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@BigGlansDC,Probably the best Aneros investment you ever made!


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HAHA! You da man @BigGlansDC AND the penny drops! You FULLy onderstand? LOLI always look forward to your posts. Yes Peridise is like paridise in a good session.
I would of let it go normally without even thinking about it but the other thread " alot of BS on the forum recently" see

makes a valid point, that we need to be correct in what we say so future newbies readers dont get misinformation.
Hope we are still buds man.

P.S. Wow I actually made a gay man straight. LMAO.

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ive seen a few people get offended on here over the past few years, I dont think anyone intends to offend others on purpose or dislikes anyone, its just a difference in opinion or other minor discrepencies. I remember arguing with my wife over her seeing attitude from a coworker in an email. I would read it and not see it, so its kinda in the eye of the beholder. So basically I wouldn't look to deeply into messages on here and take everything with a grain of salt, unless someone specifically calls you out then its fists to cuffs! lol Just kidding! 😀

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sry guys...didn't really expect the thread to stay alive...

have had a few sessions with this bad boy...first couple of times it took a little bit to get use to...not bad now, but definitely different feeling (initially) than the helix syn. Once you get it lube up and get your mind straight all bets are off!!

I gotta say though, the more I go through experiences, the more I "know" or experiment with my body and the muscles and breathing. That in itself has a direct impact on the outcome. I must say though, the maximus really touches a sweet spot when it is "lined up right" and reaches deep....

don't regret the step forward...thanks to all who helped in the process 🙂

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@BigGlansDC,Probably the best Aneros investment you ever made!


@Pommie, the Peridise Full Set has become a great teacher to me in Anerosing and the set has joined a prominent spot on my Aneros Team 😀 😀 😉
HAHA! You da man @BigGlansDC AND the penny drops! You FULLy onderstand? LOLI always look forward to your posts. Yes Peridise is like paridise in a good session.
I would of let it go normally without even thinking about it but the other thread " alot of BS on the forum recently" see

makes a valid point, that we need to be correct in what we say so future newbies readers dont get misinformation.
Hope we are still buds man.

P.S. Wow I actually made a gay man straight. LMAO.

@braveneworld, yes we are still buds! 😀 😉 I am glad you look forward to and enjoy reading my posts.

I do not know about your making a gay man straight though 😉

sry guys...didn't really expect the thread to stay alive...

have had a few sessions with this bad boy...first couple of times it took a little bit to get use to...not bad now, but definitely different feeling (initially) than the helix syn. Once you get it lube up and get your mind straight all bets are off!!

I gotta say though, the more I go through experiences, the more I "know" or experiment with my body and the muscles and breathing. That in itself has a direct impact on the outcome. I must say though, the maximus really touches a sweet spot when it is "lined up right" and reaches deep....

don't regret the step forward...thanks to all who helped in the process 🙂

Hi @Mulligan52,

I am glad that you have taken to the Peridise nicely. I am sure that as you work along with Peridise, he will complement your other Aneros tools. And yes, as you experiment with your body, with its muscles and breathing, you will be propelled along in your Aneros journey.

BTW, the Maximus occupies a central role in my sessions, and I just love its rugged action!


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No! @BigGlansDC Mulligan52 has not got the peridise set. He bought the Maximus for his next step.Everyone else has hijacked his thread! with peridise talk.

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I'm sorry, @braveneworld. 🙁 Well, all the same, the Maximus is awesome! 😀 😀 😉 I hope Maximus will become a good buddy to @Mulligan52. 😉

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