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Achieving Super-O with a very active sex life

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Hi folks. I’ve been dabbling with prostate stimulation over the past decade on and off (mostly off) and recently got back into it with a Revo Stealth and a Helix Syn Trident on the way! I’ve achieved some pleasurable sensations with the Revo but am still learning. Here’s my question. I have a very active sex life with my wife. We have sex pretty much every day. I know many say to achieve a Super-O that one should abstain from ejaculating for a few days. Is it possible to achieve the elusive super-o with an active sex life? Regardless, sensations on my penis during traditional sense have been amplified since getting back into massage the prostate. That’s a pretty awesome benefit in and of itself!

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Semen retention (SR) isn’t necessary for re-wiring but it sure helped me. SR isn’t contra-indicative to having an active sex-life. Just don’t ejaculate, and explain to your wife that it is worth it because once you figure this prostate thing out, she’s gonna have a multi-orgasmic superstud of a husband, who will likely be way more sensitive in bed. Even 2-3 days of SR in the beginning was enough to get me regularly aroused, and thus ready for wild aneros sessions. And if you are having sex without ejaculation, that is a way to speed up the SR process, I think (though I might be wrong).

Also try sex with the toy inserted. Put it in. Pleasure her without touching yourself for 30+ minutes. Ask her to touch/caress you everywhere but your penis. See where that takes you. It might not do much, but I remember that the first time I did that while rewiring was pretty darn fun.

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I am also in the same boat as you I’ve had to tell my girlfriend about my AneRos use. She’s actually very accepting of it. Ive embarked on a ten day SR exercise. This is to increase higher arousal. I will only use the aneros every 3-4 days so that I wont desensitize the prostate and I believe that this is the best route to get back into super O territory. I one time achieved a super o under the influence of lsd. My god was that amazing. An 8 hour ride of what felt like never ending orgasms. My fear was that I would need lsd everytime To have a super O. I found out from the sensations I have had after wards that that is not always true. To achieve a super p you need to refrain from masturbating and train your mind for more discipline. Also kegels help strengthen the PC muscles which allow you to have more intense orgasms. So while on the ten day embark I will choose to also do kegels. With this plan, it may not work the first time but i refuse to give up. The pleasure i have experienced is to great to just have traditional orgasms anymore. I guess this is the path we choose to take.

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Definitely something to try. We tried having sex a few years back with a toy in place but I usually never get a full erection when playing with my prostate. I was able to get a full erection only a handful of times over the years when playing with my prostate solo without touching my penis. So it seems like it’d be an easy task to have sex while avoiding touching my penis with an Aneros toy in place. Great suggestion!

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It’s funny, I’ve had some pleasurable experiences with prostrate play that were VERY similar to LSD experiences I’ve had in the past. I wonder if prostate play stimulated the same part of the brain.

My my wife is cool with prostate play and would be fine if I didn’t ejaculate when having sex but it’s just so hard to refrain from when you’re in the moment (for me)!

That said, massaging the prostrate definitely gives me more sensations in my penis. That’s certainly a bonus!

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@Janeros I believe I was in the same boat you are in while on my 10-year climb to achieving a prostate orgasm from Aneros. Sex all the time, literally every day possible with my wife for years and years. When we didn't do it I did a massive prostate/masturbation session on off days. I never got anywhere except try try try and just have a super T at the end (which was and still is absolutely fucking unreal amazing!). But now that I think about it, I finally had a prostate O hands free on day 8 of a 15-day abstain I was pulling 5 years ago. I had a prostate session on day 5 and it was nice and I never touched my penis, but it was different from before, like the 10 years before. After I had that first one I've never stopped having them. But even now, over the last few years, I can masturbate alone and cum my brains out, the next night have sex with my wife, and the night after have a prostate session and I still have lots of big Os from my Pspot. I think once it happened my wiring said "ah HA!!" and never went back to normal 🙂

Maybe try some abstaining? Would your wife be cool with it? Try to abstain for 7 days and then give yourself a solo prostate session. I bet you'll have some Os from that! If not on day 7, try a day or two later.

Or you can get your wife to caress you head to toe but not touch your cock, man that's how I sometimes have more Os than I really can handle! When I'm done with prostate Os she gives me a handjob or a blowjob or mix of both and continues to tease me all over. The toy goes completely bananas inside me and she brings me way way high and far! I so highly suggest Aneros play with your loved one. Especially if they are not just into you doing anal/prostate play, but if they really are into your orgasms and love to help you have them. My wife loves to get me off, a lot, and with anal play, she's definitely into it and participates if I want or need, or if she's wanting or needing.

I think you can do it! A sex break may help!

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Thanks for the encouragement! My wife loves making me happy and getting me off, so definitely no problem there. That ‘time of the month’ is rolling around and would be the perfect time to take a sex break. Although that never stopped us before! Ha..

It’s a small price to pay for the potential payoff.

The more I’m able to relax and meditate with a toy, the more pleasurable it is. I’m trying to concentrate more on that aspect of the journey as my mind is always going in a million different directions.

I really appreciate all of the encouragement! Thank you!!

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Lately I've found I can have a TO and go right into an Aneros session and still hit the SO.

I think it lowers the urgency to get off and helps me relax therefore making SO easier.


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