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Ability to Super O on Demand

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Can anyone raise their hand up and say so the rest of us can see what major steps would you say brought you there regarding mentality? Reading the Wiki Milestones that seems to be the last milestone and seems so surreal!

This topic was modified 4 years ago by flexxor

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Posted by: @flexxor

... what major steps would you say brought you there regarding mentality?

Please remember this line in the introductory paragraph to the Milestones in the Aneros WIKI ->

All of these milestones may not apply to everyone.

It is an important caveat!

Developing ones abilities is part of the ongoing rewiring process.

Super-O's can certainly be quite surreal events, I don't have Super-O's on demand, perhaps I'll develop that ability in the future, but then again perhaps not. Either way I'll still have pleasurable Anerosessions.

As far as major mental steps, the two biggest ones for me were learning to mentally relax and to "Just Let Go !"

Good Vibes to You!

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Can you define what super o on demand means? 

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I believe that no one is capable of enjoying every aspect that the infinite realm of pleasure has to offer. Some people are able to have orgasms on demand, some aren’t.  Some figure out non genital orgasms easily, some don’t. It is surely a mix of nature and nurture, that is, of how we are hard-wired (more or less in tune to physical sensation, more or less imagination) and how we perceive the world based on our cumulative experience.


@rumel responded really well. 


It doesn’t matter what other people experience or what you could be experiencing. It is interesting to know what one can possibly attain over time, but what ultimately matters is what you are feeling right now. And that path, being in the now, is what will take you the farthest. So instead of focusing on how to attain a lofty and perhaps unattainable goal, one that could be frustrating, I suggest starting with the smaller goal of getting the most out of every session, and out of every sensual moment of every day. Cherish the beauty of the natural world and of the arts across your five senses.


I am capable of “super o’s on demand,” that is, going from a non orgasmic state into an orgasmic state with no prior stimulation or arousal. No one specific thing brought me there, because each thing we learn is not just added to, but multiplied with that which we already know. So the day I was able to fall into these orgasmic states easily was the result of a cumulation of my unique life experience up until then, as well as my unique physical envelope. And I stress that each of us are unique.


If I could make a list of things that seem pertinent to pleasure in general for me, not just to “super o’s on demand,” it would surely contain the following, in no particular order:


-Alexander technique or other body awareness exercises

-lack of guilt or embarrassment surrounding sexuality

-imagination (fantasizing through writing, through meditative thought, with a boost from psychedelic drugs)

-sexual submission (the willingness to submit to pleasure, to not be in control, both with respect to others and yourself)

-submission to one’s own emotions (willingness to cry, to laugh, to express feelings without fear of judgement)

-regular exploration of one’s own body through self-touching, not just the genitals, but every square centimeter of one’s skin (also with a partner if possible)

-willingness to get lost in the arts (to me music, books, poetry, and visual arts are the most inspiring)


-meditation (to practice being in the moment, forgetting the stress of daily life)


All of these things are things I practiced in life, some for 15+ years before learning about the magical world of non-genital orgasms, and some since I was a baby (my mother caressed me my entire childhood; I never ended my vivid childhood daydreams, and still space out a lot today; my earliest memories of sexual/sensual exploration are from 5 years old, and I never stopped; I have always cried when I was happy or sad...). I think without these things, I would not have gotten so far.  These things are what allowed for my mindset, my heightened sensitivity, my quick imagination necessary to sink into another state of mind on a dime.


Otherwise this forum is teeming with ideas, both for the physical and mental. The specific physical techniques I learned that helped are almost all listed in the Wiki g spot page, that I recommend reading thoroughly, once every couple months as you progress. The tug of war method helped me as well. And one other technique was especially useful for aless:




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@divine_o Wrote down some incredible insight and truth, and I thank you for being open with all of us about your orgasm.


@flexxor There was a doodle I saw somewhere on the internet, I don't remember where though: a naked blonde woman just feeling comfortable letting everything be exposed sits on top of a piano, where she holds a microphone. A text bubble is right above her head that says something like "I look forward to being heard, but for now my song is for me." I think this is an amazing mindset to have.

The ability to share these rare, intense erotic experiences is thrilling, and it gets even stronger if another guy is able to resonate. While conversations on deeper exploration and sensation (if not the Super-O or journey there itself) are fun, I think it's important to remember that your orgasm is for you no matter what just like how your voice it yours -- you can train it, you can share it, and not every performance may be great at any time. But you're the first to hear your [voice and] prostate's sweet melody, the first to hear it quiver and roar, and you're the one who will always have front row seats for witnessing it in full glory. Keeping that in perspective may help you accept that your personal journey will be gratifying, and be content at every step you are at. @rumel incorporated a few threads of this thought in his post above too.

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