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A test! Thom. aka BigGlansDC

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Test works big guy. Hows things? Long time no talk.

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Yes, it has been nearly three months, @somebody!


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Things been well with you? This might put a smile on your face, I've been able to reach orgasm state probably 5 times from nipple stim only. Almost as good as when using a pleasure tool.

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@somebody, that's wonderful! When do you do your nipple stim or diddle? At night or in the daytime or anytime around that clock? The most effective time for me to diddle my nipples is in bed at night. There it is dark and the world is hushed, but it is also great to diddle your nipples for a break in the daytime. But then, the Aneros hits the spot where it counts!

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Somebody and BigGlans.  Can you guys describe the feeling you are looking for initially that opens the door (I assume with relaxation and focus) to an orgasm.   Is that feeling one and the same for both Aneros orgasms and Aless orgasms or are you experiencing different feels that segue way into an orgasm.

What I am trying to pin down is if there is a certain feeling you are after both ALess and Aneros wise that propels you on to an orgasm---- and what that feeling feels like if you can describe it.

The best times I have had are when I can relax and focus on the good feelings in my dick and perineum.  If I can hit that feeling relaxing and focusing on the preliminary orgasmic feelings that are much like we boys had as teenagers when we jacked to a point where our dicks lit up pleasurably from the tip of our glans to our prostates and we knew that orgasm was on the way.   What sayest my brothers to my questions.  





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@turnrow, it is so good to see you once again after an "absence" of nearly 2.5 months although we have exchanged e-mails.

You write so beautifully and erotically. My prostate has been purring, actually boiling with delight when through the help of @GGringo and Andrew I was able to login this morning.

@goldenboy whom I and many guys miss here spoke often in his Aneros blog about the PONR (The Point of No Return) when guys have sex or masturbate. Many guys develop the ability to ride, surf, or edge the PONR for as long as possible before passing over the edge to a very sweet and powerful ejaculatory orgasm. My Aneros sessions over the years have given me to do this important work of male realization that is the PONR.

I do most of this "work" in bed at night through my diddling sessions. A jockstrap or a jock and cup combo revs up this pleasure a great deal. Often at night, I will experience a SO or even a MMO while wearing a jock and cup while surfing the PONR. @goldeboy has spoken in his later blog entries about NoFab which is essentially to resist an ejaculatory orgasm. Hence for me, I seldom jack off in bed at night.

Oh the absolute sweetness and power this tension which I feel often from my cockroot all the way through my cockshaft to my Glans. That for me is the quintessential power and sweetness of PONR surfing!

You said it so well, @turnow, and I am experiencing it as I do some Kegels and nipple diddling right now!







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I do it at any time. While watching tv, on the computer, sometimes in bed. I need to be really in the zone to experience an orgasm as my body still hasn't set the pathways for this pleasure consistently. If doing it joined with a pleasure tool it just happens and makes things feel real good.


How are things. To answer your question, for me the sensation is the same as when joined with a pleasure tool and experiencing an orgasm in the end. When I start I stim the nipple bud ever so lightly and just let this swell. the tingling will expand down to my rib cage like I'm rubbing there at the same time. I keep doing this and the tingling will start to happen on my left testicle, almost like someone rubbing a feather against me. Now is the time I start to try and zone out on the sensations. If I'm lucky that tingle in my testicle creeps up into my perennial area and I will feel ever so slight involuntary pulses of my pc muscles. I have to be careful at this point to gently amplify those pulses to stimulate my prostate. If done right my head starts to get light and swirly like having a bit to drink. Keeping on, my stomach will start to flutter than BANG that feeling of orgasm envelops my body.

If you remember our discussion about the coronal ridge stimulation, the feelings are the exact same thing, there is just no direct penis stimulation. It is a nerve anomaly in that the nerve pathways of the nipples are the same as the genitals so sometimes if you listen closely to your body you will feel the signal cross talk. Kind of like the old party lines on the phones, some times you could hear part of a different conversation going on. Hope this helps you.

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Thank you @somebody and @bigglansdc.

Your comments are the thing that I find these boards are so lacking in.  We tell men to buy an aneros and relax, but not many men are articulate enough or open/transparent enough to write or pin down the feelings we are looking for that segue way to dry orgasms and the super O.

I am going to try out your methodology and see where that takes me.  I understand that this MMO buisiness is individually experiential and personal to each man who MUST put in the time and energy to become rewired.  For aging men like myself, I am convinced that this stuff is the fountain of youth sexually.

Your comments are helpful to someone who has been on these boards for about 10 years.  I have had some wonderful dry orgasms and ruined orgasms along with body rocking prostate orgasms.  But I am going to have to retire and develop a man cave in my home where I can have privacy away from my wife (who is not so understanding of this) to devote to aneros use and my own personal pursuit of MMOs/Super Os/Super ALESS development.  

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I encourage personal discovery as best as I can. Describing the feeling of something is tough as no two people feel the same way. I am however not shy in that if I know the answer I'll tell you.

I figure if I make it through 5 minutes of discussion and the person is showing piqued interest I will delve deeper into how it makes me feel and the sensations that I experience. I do agree that sometimes a bland "just relax" reply does nothing. You need to try to give some type of explanation as a comparison to the other person based on their experience of something similar so they get an idea of what may happen. I'm not good at typing things out but great at face to face as I can see if the other person is understanding where I'm going with the conversation and change strategies as needed.

As for open/transparent, If we as a society didn't have such a hang up on sex of all kinds, it would be so much easier, but alas we are relegated to sites like this (not that this is a bad thing, just not optimal) where like minded individuals are willing to put themselves out there to share their discoveries and hopefully encourage further exploration.

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Thanks @somebody

You are so right about all our hang ups on sex.  Thanks for being so transparent.

Again, I will make notes on your excellent sharings/steps in your above post and try them out. 

Also, it's good to have this website up and running at last. I will keep in touch.  We have lost all our past correspondence (which I did not save even when advised to do so) but starting over ain't all that bad.

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@BigGlansDC & @Turnrow

See my post on where did the pm go
