A simple A-Less con...
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A simple A-Less contraction sequence.

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Hey gents. 

I thought I’d jot down a very simple A-Less sequence that I use to generate a prostate orgasm.
This can bring orgasm with or without involuntary contractions. When I Visualise my pelvic floor,I see it like I’m looking at a picture of it. Muscle contractions are given simple commands such as up,down,left,right,in,out.

For those that don’t have a grasp on other muscles in the PF,try using the transverse or side muscles as I call them. You might need some practice to isolate them. A good position to practice zeroing in on them is to sit on a chair with your knees apart a bit and rest your elbows on your thighs. Although you can try anyway you want,but it’s how i isolated them. You should be sitting like a ‘guy’. Try to keep the floor relaxed. Now focus on your inner hip creases on each side of your perineum. Without going too hard,(or you’ll contract your pc and sphincter), flex them inward toward each other. It’s a deft touch that’s required,if your at the top end of the side muscles,you might feel a pushing out over the top sensation. If your at the bottom,a lifting from the back sensation. If you do isolate them,flex them on a off a second or two at a time,and they’ll generate some p-waves. Remember to aim from the perineum sides,not penis base or anus. Between the two. I DONT MEAN FOR YOU TO HAVE A SESSION IN THS POSITION,just to get the feel for the side muscles,employ them in your usual place and position for sessions.

The muscle sequence i use is as follows :

Pc contract 30% with anchored tension.

Anal contract 30% with anchored tension.

Don’t let tension on these to areas drop below 30%

Pc 20%
Sides 20%
Anal 20%

I slowish  contract the three in this order on top of the anchored tension. Small,light contractions,don’t go crazy,but do work to be able to do them in the background  so the mind is free to fantasise,or watch,or listen,or whatever it is you do. When you build some rhythm,your gland will be powerless to defend itself from your three pronged attack.Just repeat,rhythm,and allow it to build by itself,no force or guidance is necessary,just enjoy the sensations and let them build arousal step by step.

This sequence I used many times to manually prostate orgasm whether I was feeling a session or not. MMO when I was feeling it was simple,just repeat constantly after orgasm until the next one arrives. Add 10% - 20% anchored tension to induce invols.

If you can get anything from this to add to your repertoire,happy days 🙂



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Thank you, @Helghast, for this. Very useful. I tried your sequence A-less, sitting on a chair with my legs apart, and (I think) I located the side muscles by lightly squeezing my knees together while holding them apart with my hands. It seemed to make the involuntary contractions stronger when I followed your pattern as best I could.

I transferred to the bed to try the same sequence. With my knees bent and feet flat on the bed, I couldn't reproduce the same intensity of involuntaries I had while sitting on the chair. But then I thought to put the soles of my feet together and let my knees fall out to the sides, thus causing a constant tension in my groin from the sides. Now that helped a lot. Best set of A-less involuntaries ever. I think it'll be a path to further progress.

Kudos, man. You made my day.

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This is why I’m no writer or author. I’ve edited my post,I didn’t mean to have a session sat like that,I meant it’s a good position to be able to feel them move lololol. What am I like eh??? In the end though,did you feel your side muscles begin to dance? 🙂


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Posted by: @helghast

Hey gents. 


For those that don’t have a grasp on other muscles in the PF,try using the transverse or side muscles as I call them. You might need some practice to isolate them.


Another simple way to locate your transverse muscle is to clench down hard on all PV muscles. Then, slowly release the sphincter muscle and then slowly relax the PC muscle.   What's left tensed up is your transverse muscle.   That's how I discovered mine a while back.

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Genius idea! Never thought to do it like that,I just targeted an area and practiced it until I had some control over it. 


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@helghast, it really  works! 

After releasing the sphincter and the PC muscles,  you get to release the transverse muscle (creemaster) and that's when you feel the movement is transversal.  From that moment on, you can't mistake it for one of the other muscles in your sessions.


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Did you make your discovery on your tractor whilst mowing your yard? 😉

