Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

A session like neve...
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A session like never before....for me

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Hi guysI'd like to share an experience I had with a session yesterday. I believe it was a turning point in my journey and I'm really excited about it.
I had been at work all day. My day starts at 5am so I got home about 1:30pm. I had been feeling nicely 'prostate horny' all day so needless to say I was looking forward to getting home! I was probably naked 2 minutes after walking in the door!
I stared off with my best aneros buddy, my helix syn. After I slid him in I started having the usual nice feelings. I told my body....'you just do whatever you like. I'm along for the ride and will love whatever you give me'.
It started off with a few mini o's. Now, since everyone is different I will tell you that I define my mini o a very minor version of the anal contractions I feel when having a traditional orgasm. They aren't earth shattering or anything, but they do feel nice, and they don't last long.
After a few minutes I could feel myself starting to clench my helix just a little bit tighter, drawing him in. It was subtle at first. Soon I was starting to do 'involuntary' contractions. I call them involuntary because I didn't feel like I was initiating them, they were just happening. I felt like I could stop them if I wanted to but but for God sake, why would I? It felt great. They slowly built up to a series of quite strong and fast contractions that went on about 10 minutes I would guess. My body was obviously loving my helix he was returning the favour!
Eventually they subsided and things calmed down for a while. I rested for a bit. I had not had anything like an orgasm yet, but I was feeling really good.
After about 5 minutes I felt like it was time to switch to my progasm. I will quite often switch to him during my session. I love the full feeling.
As soon as he was in place I could feel myself pull him in and contract nicely. At this point I rolled over on my stomach, being sure to have my penis pointing down towards me feet so I would over stimulate it. I started slowly doing some grinding motions. Very quickly my whole body stared to feel like it was building towards something. I kept telling it...'do what you like and I will love what you give me'.
What came next was unbelievable. I came to a state of bliss I feel at the moment just before I ejaculate, but I stayed there! Instead of a second or two, it went on and on. I was laying there moaning and my body was in a continuous state of orgasm tension. It would subside for a bit then start again. The sensation was not localized, it was everywhere. I can't say I had great pleasure in my anus or in my abdomen per se, although i was definitely aware of great feelings down there. It's just that my whole body was feeling that way, so it wasn't the centre of my attention like it is during a normal orgasm. This probably went on for 10 minutes or so. It was fabulous!
Eventually, it got to the point where it began to feel like i was going to have a wet o. When that started building, it caught my attention and kinda broke the spell. Last week i had a similar session but not as intense. That ended with a wet o, and i didn't want that to happen again so I started concentrating on that, and that's what brought me out of it.
After my session was over I was left with a sense of well being and boy did I feel good. Even as i write this this morning, I can feel the nice tingling in my abdomen...I may have to have another session today.
I don't want to get caught up in the whole 'was that a super o' discussion because i think once you start down that path, it only leads to expectations and frustration. I do know that my body gave me something wonderful yesterday, and I also know that it will give it to me again when it's ready.
This is a wonderful journey of self discovery. It's not a linear one and there are backwards steps now and then, but overall I'm loving it. I must say also that I learn so much from this forum and some of the posts, that every once in a while something I read clicks and I think..'Yes, that's it!'.
Thanks for reading this...I just wanted to share it!


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That is awesome, congratulations! And I've had this experience multiple times now as well. Even a-less. While body excellence. I believe it is an endorphin rush/release that creates these episodes. Usually once every 10 minutes you can release a bolus of e that in the beginning with one or two is not really as you say earth shattering. But the clinch on this, is if you keep releasing one every 10 minutes then by 6th one you are in a high state of euphoria. And if you keep it up then by 2 hours and twelve releases you feel one with God!
This is what also happens with spanking or flogging. A bolus every 10. And that is what the sub craves and as long as you control adrenal release against endorphins you are left in a sea of bliss. So awesome job. Keep it up

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Great post! If you are experiencing the "involuntaries" you are well on your way! When they start feeding into the P-tab stim, watch out! Just relax, you are headed for a Super-O! Good luck! BTW, you didn't say how long you have been on the journey? Just curious..

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I got my first aneros tool, my helix syn , in October 2014, so it's been almost a year and a half. I've had lots of pleasurable sessions, but nothing approaching this.

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Do you have any other models? I have helix cl, eupho cl and Pro Jr. Each one give a different stim.

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I have the Helix syn, progasm black ice, eupho syn and the maximus. I also have a set of peridise. A pretty good selection. The helix syn is my overall favourite, followed by my progasm.
You're right, they all feel different.
I don't often use the eupho syn in my sessions, but I will quite often have it inserted when I'm with my wife. It's not so big that it feels like i'm overstuffed while i'm moving around, but it's there doing its thing when it counts!

BTW Aneros folks.....still waiting for the Maximus Syn!

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yes yes YES!!! Sounds divine. I love it when I start to have big dry Os that last maybe 10-15 seconds, involuntaries pumping the toy in and out of me, and while it all happens a sense of "panic" kind of rushes through my body, like I have to have a full body shudder, and I'm aware of all the hair on my body and a sort of fine sweat breaks out everywhere, my skin gets hot then not and all this happens within like 2 seconds. What follows are the 10-15 seconds of dry orgasm, but as it subsides, my anus relaxes and the toy starts to come out more and then the sphincter reacts and thrusts it back into me deep automatically, which begins another round of involuntaries for maybe 5 seconds and then BLAMMO I'm feeling that super full body rush again and then another dry O, and this can go on for sometimes a few minutes. Kind of reminds me a little of what you describe, and I LOVE that feeling OMG!

damn I haven't had a prostate orgasm in a couple weeks now. My wife is super frisky and wants sex a lot and I'm out of town and only home on weekends so it's fuck time for us both, but man I'm missing the "me" time with my aneros selection! I need it! The OP's post turns me on 😉

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Thanks for the input guys. It was fabulous!

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